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Mutation ideas, marking ideas, base idea or even any game change ideas- Open to all

Posted 2022-10-25 14:41:02 (edited)
Double Tail

I absolutely love piebald combos

† ʀɪᴘ †

Posted 2022-10-25 14:46:17 (edited)
howling pose for alphas and betas

poses for a certain gender

magpie base
grouse base
maned wolf base
tiger base
skunk base

lethal mutations such as

front legs formed into each other
mermaid like backlegs
six front legs
three heads (cerberus)
runt is smaller than other pups and has deformation in the head (recessive gene)

°•Łady Rızzwart•° 💝 [NC]

Posted 2022-10-26 03:43:47 (edited)
tiger markings please i beg

fur greying with age
deformed claws
feline eye mutation
tabby marks
tiger marks
curled tail mutation

Posted 2022-10-26 03:51:34
maybe the possessed can be exorcised/cured and the possessed could need its own cave otherwise it passes it on? Like an illness. Maybe it can have some downsides like the ones who have it cant lead, breed or scout but are good hunters/ higher stats?
dachshund/ corgi like wolves/ short legs?
Dwarf wolves?
Maned wolves, bearded, curly fur
Long legged like irl maned wolves

Aly (Edward Cullen Owner)

Posted 2022-10-26 04:00:09
Stand alone idea:

possessed puppies; have their own base, markings etc. Specific eyes to demonstrate they are possessed.

could be contagious so they may need to be placed in a separate cave

those who have it can't lead, breed or scout

can be hunters/ have good stats
⋆ ☾Shetan 🐌1#NevaneelFan

Posted 2022-10-26 05:34:50
Ideas for poses~~~~~~~~

Pregnant females that are nested should have a laying down pose similar to the relaxed pose~
The alpha should have a howling pose~
The stud should have a pose of their own but I haven't thought of what XD~
The females and males should have different starter poses~
Pups born of the lead wolf should have a symbol symbolizing that they are of alpha blood (You get what I'm saying?)

Posted 2022-10-26 05:46:34
Random mutations where their size/appearance look like different species of wolves
- Manned wolf (gangly, long legs)
- Arctic wolf (very fluffy)
- Hudson bay wolf (mane like fur around neck? fluffy neck)
- Indian & arabian wolf (less fluffy, more skinny?)
- long furred wolves
- curly furred wolves
- short furred wolves
etc, like maybe a pup has a slight chance of having a slightly different face/body shape


Posted 2022-10-26 05:49:05 (edited)
new marking colour ideas:
cinnamon (made of combined markings)

fawn (made of combined markings)


Posted 2022-10-26 05:52:14

⋆ ☾Shetan 🐌1#NevaneelFan

Posted 2022-11-02 11:13:55
somatic mutations, its stinking cute and not deadly


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