Tempest starts to shake, she'd only ever been trained to scout. Not hunting. Not fighting. Not searching for herbs. Just scouting. She let out a terrified whimper. She really wish that Ziron had come, that way Alaska at least had a good partner to help fight off the bear. She inhaled sharply, trying to calm herself. Maybe I could distract the bear, and then Alaska could escape... She shook her head, No I'd never last long enough for that.. She kept thinking. I guess it's never too late to learn how to fight... She stilled her shaking body and stepped forward, trying to seem brave and defiant. She gulped. Maybe the others might hear and come to help... She thought. She looked at Alaska, who was being her teeth at the giant bear. Following her lead, Tempest snarled at the bear.
alaska fluffed her fur and opened her wings making her seem huge and growled her head lowered threateningly.the bear stopped for a second possibly deciding if it was worth it.a few second later the bear stood on its hind legs and roared.alaska lunged at the bear clawing its stomach and biting its neck refusing to let go.the bear tried to get her off but when it couldn't the bear roared at tempest scratching her side.no one hurts my friends! she thought biting the bear so hard it started coughing.
Tempest snarled in pain and rage. She lunged and leaped at the bear, unsure about what she was doing. She found herself on the bear's back and started clawing at it. Suddenly, a memory struck her. Alaska had poisonous venom that went along with her fangs. "Alaska! Use your poison fangs!" She shouted at her friend and continued to claw the bear's back to shreds. The bear swung a massive paw toward Alaska. "Watch out!!" She shouted a warning at the she-wolf.
alaska didnt need a warning she jumped up without loosing her hold dodging the paw and she had started using her venom while she bit down the bear shrieked and roared the bear scratched her wings and it bled alot but she refused to let go she snapped and bit holding on as best she could
Tempest watched Alaska hold onto the bear. Tempest's eyes widened as she realized it might be up to her to land the killing blow if the venom didn't work fast enough. She climbed higher on the bear's back, digging her claws into its pelt. She bit the bear's ear, almost tearing it clean off. The bear roared shaking its pelt, trying to dislodge both of them. Tempest barely clung to its back and moved to swipe at its throat. She missed. She instead aimed for the bear's eyes. Her aim struck true and the bear snarled and roared as Tempest clawed out one of its eyes.
storm bit the bear all over and in return the bear managed to grab her and throw her at a tree well at least the bear will die she thought as she slammed into the tree and got nocked out.as she had thought the bear fell over roaring in pain and it fell all the way over were it died after a few seconds
(lol wrong oc, Ghost XD. Also, weren't we in the cave? )
Tempest managed to jump free of the bear as it fell dead. She ran over to Alaska's limp body. She checked the she-wolf for signs of life, and finding them, she sighed in relief. Tempest nosed her way under her friend's body, lifting her. She carried Alaska's body back towards the others. "Beast!! Alaska needs your skills!!" She called out to the herbalist in training. She set Alaska down gently.