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Making Yellowstone Wolves in the Wardrobe

Posted 2023-07-26 03:29:25
Love these designs. Will use 832's next time around.


Posted 2023-07-26 12:58:59
Hi can u make a wolf not from Yellowstone but from another conversation center? Hes important for me and I want him here but I have the littlest ever possible knowledge in marks n such so I need help


Posted 2023-07-29 17:00:42
Wow what a cool idea.ย  I love the story of 832F but I'm sad it ended in her death.ย  I'm going to Yellowstone next month and we're doing a wildlife tour, so I hope to see some wolves!

Posted 2023-07-29 22:05:11
Ghostmoon, my sister and I were there for two weeks in May and June. We did see wolves in both Hayden and Lamar valleys but they were far off and could see them only with scopes. My pack is based on Yellowstone and the wolves. My leader is 06.


Posted 2023-08-02 19:53:49
these are gorgeous! 856M was my favorite coat in wolfquest for a while!


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