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Home is wherever you are

Posted 2022-11-30 22:10:16 (edited)
Reindeer can not believe what he hearing so he asks blizzard to take him to his father but blizzard wants to refuse because she think it to munch process at a time and that his father is get sick like his mother and reindeer would never love her but because her orders were to bring reindeer no matter what she had to. Blizzard signs and starts walking to see if reindeer is follow and he is so they keep going in till they get to the passage to get in the pack home and the guards that are guarding say " hi blizzard and the missing heir. " Blizzard says "hi back" but reindeer is to stunt to say anything because he never seen the place be for. Reindeer starts to wag his tail and has to stop him self because the guards said " if he keeps wagging he might want his brother to be the alpha not him" reindeer is stunt to hear he has a brother. Blizzard could see is his face that he was wondering if he had anyone else so blizzard said" you have two brothers and one sister who never here because she gets into trouble and get sent to jail for a while. " reindeer looks back at blizzard and says " how do you know so much about my family" so blizzard said "I know this becauseĀ  I was a going to have to marry you or one of your brothers". Reindeer then turns to you can ask "if you will marry him" blizzard is in shock but then says "YES I have been waiting for you to ask".

Posted 2022-12-10 11:53:46
Blizzard said " my quest was to find you and get marry to the new alpha but it really for me because I love and if you aren't the alpha I have to marry one of your brothers " Blizzard as tears in her eyes now. Reindeer then turns around and starts licking away her tears and says "I love you to blizzard and I will become the alpha and we will have pups. They were about 6 ft away from the king where his brother were. They went up the steeps to see the king they got in and bowed to him. Then reindeer got up and walk to his father and said "hi dad " the king got up and walk to his son and said " thank you blizzard for being him " and turn to him again and said " welcome home son " and ask him if you like to become the alpha and in no time reindeer said "yes" then the king said " so it settle your going to school to become the alpha and you will marry blizzard but I will teach blizzard you son have to go to school tomorrow so get some sleep" and he left blizzard and Reindeer alone. Reindeer turns to blizzard and says you ready for this " Blizzard responds to say "yes but are you".

Posted 2022-12-16 13:44:13
Then one of reindeer brothers came in and said " are you lost little boy, blizzard are you coming" blizzard said "no I'm not going with you Stone" "why not honey bun" stone said "because I'm not your honey bun the only one I love is reindeer" said blizzard. "wait don't tell me you love him over me while we know each other for years" stone said.

Posted 2023-01-01 23:30:00
Blizzard says " well I do and nothing going to change that and why aren't you with duke your other brother right now". Stone says " he at the prison talk to your sister about this little runt, " pointing to reindeer. Stone finally leaves laughing at reindeer for no reason. Blizzard leads reindeer to his room awhile her room is across the hall of his so if he has question she can answer them.

Posted 2023-01-31 20:25:25
The king walks down the hall to get reindeer ready for school. Reindeer is so excited by the time he ready to go he knot off a painting of the wall that was his brother stone painting. When reindeer got to school other wolves started gossiping about him. While he was at school blizzard was getting teach about how to raise pups and how to support the king when he have troubles. At the end of day they found each other and they talked about there day and they watch the sunset together and later that night the news came out about reindeer being the missing heir and he plans to marry blizzard in the next week so we can take the Thorne from is father who health is getting worse there talking about how he might not make it to next week.

Posted 2023-05-14 22:50:24
Reindeer goes back the next day with blizzard because they both need to in school on how to respect others and learning other things to. They walk in and reindeer says "hi everyone good morning" blizzard was glad she got reindeer not stone. After school that day reindeer wanted to see his sister so they want to the prison to see herr and stone was already there. They walk in they look up at them and the stone said " why did you get the throne I should have not you and blizzard was all my until you came along." Then blizzard said "I was never yours stone and in one week I'm wedding is with reindeer." Then reindeer spoke " reindeer you are my little brother, I have a little brother, I'm not the runt of the litter yeah." "What is going on in leaving" said reindeer. Then reindeer and blizzard walk back to the place and they go see the king getting worst. Then the king said " sorry guys I want to move up the wedding for tomorrow if that's ok" they look at each and they both says 'yes that is fine the longer we get to be together."

Posted 2023-05-15 20:56:08
Blizzard grins as she leans in Reindeer's shoulder. "My king," she says, "can Stone note come to this wedding?" the king thinks for a min then nods, "allright," he says "off you guys go then. so they walk off to their rooms, blizzard fell asleep on reindeer so he lays down with her on his bed and falls asleep.


Posted 2023-05-16 04:54:40
Then next they wake by each other and they didn't want to get up but they had to so they could get ready for the wedding. After they ate they went there ways to get ready for the wedding.

Posted 2024-08-04 21:18:38
I have started a book about these wolves!!!!!!!!!

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