(OPEN)Design my stud and win 1000sc + Refunded Breedings! TWO DAYS ONLY
(OPEN)Design my stud and win 1000sc + Refunded Breedings! TWO DAYS ONLY
Posted 2022-11-23 12:35:35
Rules: -Must keep all merle and the opossum markings. -NO RMA or breed only markings. Only markings that can be given via grove or event applicators. You can change the base, add markings in the empty slots, change any opacity, change eyes, etc. Winner gets 1000sc and 5 fully refunded breedings. Winner to be announced by end of day tomorrow, November 24th. The only reason I am ending early is because I need to be able to get the marking apps in the event Lunar marks are used. The boi: https://www.wolvden.com/wolf/6052068 |
QuitUrPitchin #14745 |
Posted 2022-11-23 13:10:30
https://www.wolvden.com/wardrobe/6052068?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. |
BloodNightWolf #19807 |
Posted 2022-11-23 13:46:05
QuitUrPitchin #14745 |
Posted 2022-11-23 13:55:49
BloodNightWolf #19807 |
Posted 2022-11-23 19:24:19
Lots of fun working with an opossum mark and so much merle |
Posted 2022-11-23 20:35:58
QuitUrPitchin #14745 |
Posted 2023-01-13 10:36:53
Closed Account #94399 |
Posted 2023-01-16 23:00:45
Churro #113040 |
Posted 2023-01-30 10:35:00
AKUMA龍 #82481 |