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Wings of fire rp

Posted 2023-02-19 13:14:20

"Only the foolish attack head-on" He said "And besides, the best course of action is to let nature takes its own course, we have no choices to make, nothing to answer for." He gave a small grin after saying this.


Posted 2023-02-19 13:17:27
clover "okay wise old dragon" she stated biterly
spider in the garden

Posted 2023-02-19 13:18:52
"He's wiser than you." He said with a small snort. "I mean, fighting is bad. So why not share some food with me, and we'll call it even?"


Posted 2023-02-19 13:19:32

"Besides, why did you put on a ring and say 'now I wont miss?' Did you really need something to help you aim?" He asked calmly


Posted 2023-02-19 13:21:46
clover "HA! you dont know nothing " she snapped she looked up and saw a mango an she kickd the tree sending the mango down on toucans head "theres your food"
spider in the garden

Posted 2023-02-19 13:24:03

"Perhaps you need to wash away the anger, into a more peaceful life" He said

He watched the mango fall onto Toucans head

"Was that really necessary? You couldn't just give him food?" He shook his head in dissapointment


Posted 2023-02-19 13:26:27
clover "yes it was for a bully like him it was" she said with a grin
spider in the garden

Posted 2023-02-19 13:27:56

"But that simply makes you no better than he is? Resorting to his own ways?" He replied with a smug look.

"But what would I know? simply an old wise dragon like you said" He replied jokingly.


Posted 2023-02-19 13:31:14
clover she hid herself with camo scales but her red arm was sticking out she tugged on blindeys "lets go" her mind told blindeyes

blind-eyes "clover wants to go now" she said
spider in the garden

Posted 2023-02-19 13:34:36

"aww so soon? and when she gets proven wrong so fast? What a shame, I thought we were starting to bond" He said with a smug look


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