Custom decor's price is very dependent on the contents. More work means a higher price.
The price you pay will pay for EVERYTHING.
What to expect:
i. Once your quote forum is sent, I will reply to it with the price I would be willing to do it for.
ii. If you accept the price, payment will be upfront and in full, then I will begin on a sketch.
iii. Once I get the sketch approved by you I will finish it.
vi. Finished product will once again be approved by you, then will be submitted to Wolvden.
v. This part will likely take the longest. If it gets rejected, I will message you about it and update it accordingly.
vi. Once it is accepted, I will give you two copies.
Quote Forum:
Name and ID:
Payment: GC, SC, Mix, + Items
CD idea: Explanation of what the CD will entail, placement, etc. Please provide a thorough description. The more detail the better.
Public: Will this decor be a public Decor or a Private? (PUBLIC decors will get a 25% price reduction)
Other Payment Methods
Prices are determined by lowest current Trading Center prices
Any base, eye, nose, marking, skin, claw applicators
Note: These are the ONLY wolves I will accept!
- Tier 3 NBW's
- NBW Carriers
- G2 Mutations
- Lethal Mutations <-- G2s are auto accept for ANY decor
Decor/Custom Decor
All uncommon decor and custom decor full/near full uses.
["Uncommon" meaning no Bone Decor, Herb Crowns, or other very easily accessible decors. Does not matter for Custom Decor!]
Trophies, Grove Items, and Breeding Items Items/wolves can be used for all/portions of the price in most situations.
Wait time is usually a few days/weeks on finished art but I cannot control CD accepting time! I do NOT offer refunds. Payment is up front and in full. Work will not start and your spot in line will not be saved until you've paid.
I am NOT strict about rules, but I do need to lay down some just in case <3
✧ Payment is due upfront in full.
✦ I don't offer refunds in full, and I don't offer refunds at all for near finished-finished work.
✧ Art can be changed in any way at any time, unless I feel you are being unfair or rude. I want to work with you to make your ideas come to life, if it's not working, its not working! I'll redo mostly anything if it doesn't feel right!
✦ All public decors must be uploaded by me.
✧ All private decors can be uploaded by either me or the commissioner. I will expect 1/3 of the original copies given for decors uploaded by me and 2/3 of the original copies given if uploaded by the commissioner. If I upload the decor, you can send me 5 for a copy at any time.
✦ I usually finish commissions within a few days, but I give absolutely no guarantee on time as it's different with every project! You can message me at any time asking for an update.
✧ I will not work with anyone who is unkind to me.
✦ Private decors uploaded by the commissioner may never go public. However, I fully support giving friends copies and/or raffling copies.
✧ Requests can be anything. Examples being a new color or pose variant for an existing decor. Could even be a completely new decor! Color requests and simple variant additions will likely be priority.
✦ All request decors will be public (and therefore uploaded by me).
✧ Requests will always come after any commissions. I will try to do most, but there is a possibility I wont do some.
✦ I will not accept ANY begging or rude behavior.
✧ To request something, just fill out the Quote Forum, omitting the "payment" and "public" sections. Be sure your description of the decor is VERY thorough! I likely wont message you for revisions!
✦ For requests, "tips" are appreciated (though not expected at all)! Tips help me afford the 10 Custom Decor Creator cost, which will allow me to make more in the future!
Posted 2 hours ago (edited) / Edit Post
Name and ID: Orion #6210
Payment: GC/SC, applicators can be discussed also!
CD idea:
#1 I am looking for a decor of a pair of golden/silver wings for a default pose. These wings would be made of metal rather than realistic feathers. Posing is not an issue, but I would prefer for them to be on the bigger side of things (like the Cryptid wings). This would be angel-themed. As for the color, I'm undecided between gold/silver or a mixture of the two (since the wolf is both colors), so I'd be open to getting a recolor for both also.
#2 (edited in) or white wings with golden tips lol
Public: Public
Posted 21 minutes ago
That is a wonderful idea! I would absolutely love to work on that omg. Pricing wise it would be about 275 GC! Fair warning I am moving my shop so we can continue further discussion over there (announcement will come shortly after this is posted)
Just going to repost this here for safe keeping.
Do you do payment plans or half/half up front? I am definitely interested! Just need to work towards it.
Name and ID: Manda'lor Akumu #28568
Payment: GC
CD idea: I was curious if you could a unique pattern of black piebald (not melanistic color but black fur) (there is a specific placement and I have an example/art to show where!) plus the one eye to be like moon color (pupil and the iris!) with dark sclera. It would be in the relaxed pose since the CD would be best shown that way!
Public: It would be private since it is for my personal OC!