Posted 2020-10-26 19:25:01 (edited)
[Please do not post here! This thread contains a collection of writings involving the Sunhollow pack] Welcome to the Sunhollow Anthology. ☀☀☀ LAW OF SUNHOLLOW I. Sunhollow is a collective - everything is for the good of the pack. ☀☀☀ Inner-workings Potential Heirs
Offspring; Pups remain in the nursery cave until they are 6 months of age. Their mothers will often return to their original caves not long after weaning their litter, so they can resume their normal duties while their children are supervised by the pupsitters. From the time pups are weaned, the mothers understand that their children do not have personal agency until they reach adolescence; they may be moved to other packs to help facilitate relations or for their own wellbeing. Kreig is quite clear about this, and though he takes the feelings of both mother and child into consideration (to an extent) and tries to ensure the pups’ safety during such transactions, it still sometimes serves as a hot point of tension between him and his female members. Male offspring are encouraged regardless to depart the pack at around a year of age and either join a different one or establish their own territories. Females often remain in Sunhollow themselves, though there are always exceptions to each. Pupsitters; Kreig knows not every wolf is suited for pup-sitting, but a good majority of members will spend at least some time in the role to ensure the pups bond with their other packmates. The pupsitters maintain the nursery cave as well as supervise the young while their mothers return to their pack roles. Usually, there is an unofficial 'head' pupsitter - the most experienced whom the rest will answer to. Scouts; The position that experiences the most rotation between pack members in Sunhollow, scouts either volunteer to take up the role or are specifically chosen by the leadership. They usually serve 6 months to a year, familiarizing themselves with surrounding territories before they join a hunting party, establish one of their own, or occasionally become pupsitters. All scouts - both current and retired - are greatly respected by the rest of the members for their well-rounded skill sets, and they often have more of a say when it comes to pack-wide decisions. Herbalist & Apprentice; The herbalist has a unique position within Sunhollow in that they often double as an advisor for the leader and the second, under the assumption that the healer has the pack's best interest in mind. Barnabus especially is held in high regard by both Kreig and Masha. This treatment also extends to his apprentice, Primrose, in a similar capacity. Herbalists |
![]() Cootie #3992 |
Posted 2020-10-26 19:29:12
This post is reserved. Maybe for dynasty info?? artwork showcase??? not sure yet. |
![]() Cootie #3992 |
Posted 2020-10-26 19:42:10 (edited)
Kreig confronts Masha about her second pregnancy. “You’re pregnant.” Masha raises her head from the riverbank, icy water dripping from her chin as she looks over her shoulder, yellow eyes set on Kreig. The red wolf stands stark against the snow-laden treeline, unmoving save for the twitch of his ears and the faint breeze ruffling his fur. He’s not tense, yet she can’t squash the flutter of dread in her heart. Unwarranted as it is - she doesn’t owe him a thing. “What of it?” She tries not to sound defensive, but can see the way his brows arch as he approaches, and she rises to her feet when he halts at her side. There is a second or two of heavy silence. “Who’s the father?” She doesn’t like the accusation in his tone - perceived or otherwise - and laces her words with a scoff as she turns to follow the current, “That’s my business.” “Mas-“ “Your rules, remember?” “Well I know it’s not me.” “Nor anyone else in the pack!” She snaps back, bristling as she reels to face him again. Kreig is following her, muzzle wrinkled in aggravation and head slung low. He’s jealous. She expects this, and yet it’s strange to confront it so directly. Masha regards her leader for a moment, remembering how young and inexperienced they both were nearly a year ago. He’s filled out since then. The head of a pack over twenty-fold. And it started here, with the two of them by the river. “... You never questioned Cinder or Anita,” She points out evenly, canting her head as Kreig shifts his weight where he stands, his ears lying flat. “That’s different. They aren’t you.” His sincerity catches her by surprise and for a moment, she’s flattered - then she remembers the root of it all, and a smirk tugs at her lips. “Is it? So every wolf in Sunhollow can mate as they please, except me?” She steps toward him until they are nearly nose to nose, “Is my legacy not important?” Kreig blinks in confusion but holds his ground, “What do you mean? We have two daughters,” And Masha huffs, exasperated. “What about Vanna?” “What about her?” “Is she not your daughter? With her mother from a different pack,” As if she hadn’t smelled a stranger on him several months before; as if he couldn’t have simply denied any relation to a blue-eyed pup with golden brown fur. He falters, then sweeps past her, and she catches the white of his teeth in a grimace from the corner of her eye. “Don’t drag her into this.” “I’m not,” She picks up her pace to catch up to him, “I helped you find this place, get established. You can’t deny me what everyone else has,” Her voice softens as she continues, almost pleading for Kreig to understand. They are nearly shoulder-to-shoulder, and he’s looking straight ahead with an intensity that suggests he has somewhere to be. But he’s listening, has an ear angled towards her as they walk through snow past their ankles. The sun starts to set, bathing everything around them in pinkish light, and just as the quiet approaches unbearable, he speaks up again. “I’m sorry. You’re right.” Masha isn’t sure what she wanted him to say, but this feels incomplete somehow. She frowns, and he glances over at her before continuing, “I trust you. I know you’ll do what’s good for the pack.” She allows herself to let out the small breath she didn’t know she was holding, and leans her swollen side against his in solidarity. “That’s all I want, Kreig. Thank you.” Which isn’t entirely true, she knows. Kreig is passionate and daring, it’s what drew her to him in the first place. But he’s also reckless, opportunistic; willing to do anything to ensure his family’s survival. His loyalty lies with Sunhollow above all else. So they move through the encroaching darkness, lost somewhere between friends and lovers - yet as equals, all the same. |
![]() Cootie #3992 |
Posted 2020-11-02 21:19:15 (edited)
II. Signs
Sunlight just barely begins to wink through the trees, laying stripes across the backs of Kreig and Barnabus as the two wolves move through the forest at a leisurely pace. Barnabus always does things leisurely, it seems - something Kreig finds, on occasion, irritating. “Ah, feverfew. We can never have too much of that during this heat,” the leader slows to stop at the brown wolf’s flank as he’s trying to re-secure a bundle of herbs in his mouth. He’s added a sprig of white-petaled flowers to the mix, and his words are muffled a little by the greenery. “Anyway. What about your ancestors? You’ve never asked them for guidance when it comes to leadership?” Kreig glances at the herbalist, bemused, “What? No. I was never that close to my family. Even if I could, I doubt they’d help me,” As if he would give them the satisfaction of knowing he was going into this whole thing blind. “Never hurts to try. They work mysteriously, you know. Mine led me down the path of a healer, then to this forest, to Sunhollow.” “Hmm. You really think that?” “Of course. The signs are there if you pay attention,” To that the young leader huffs, eliciting a chuckle from Barnabus as he guides them towards a small clearing in the forest, offering an unobstructed view of the early morning sky. Kreig scans their surroundings, seeing nothing else of note - not even any strange plant life for Barnabus to collect. “I don’t see anything,” He takes a few steps forward, prepared to carry on, but Barnabus has seated himself in the center, looking up through the branches. “I like this clearing - it’s peaceful. A good place to speak to those before you.” Kreig wavers in place, waiting for the herbalist to get to the point. Instead, expectation hangs in the air and he tenses his shoulders, uncertain. “Come, sit with me.” “Let’s just go.” But Barnabus is unmoved by his leader’s insistence, wise brown eyes settled upon Kreig with subtle intensity. Kreig finds himself disarmed - the healer has an air about him that prevents even his superior from further protest. So they sit in silence, save for the occasional bird. Kreig festers with impatience at the older wolf’s side, looking around for something - anything - to change. The signs are everywhere, after all. Supposedly. “... You must be open to it.” “I am.” “You’re not.” “Well what do I have to do then!?” “Quit yelling, for one.” “Fine. You talk to them.” Kreig is quick to his paws after that, stalking away towards the trees. Barnabus watches him go, waiting until he vanishes into the shadows before shaking his head, unable to contain the grin on his face. A breeze tangles gently through his fur, carrying with it a voice meant only for the ears of the herbalist. It is light, feminine, and oh so familiar.
![]() Cootie #3992 |
Posted 2020-11-12 16:27:52 (edited)
II. Catching Lizards
Oh, he was going out late today. Not that it matters, or anything. Her golden eyes catch the light filtering into the cave as she peers around from its opening, watching the herbalist depart and vanish swiftly into the overgrowth. She shifts her weight, restless with indecision until a sunny voice interrupts her thoughts. “Rose! Wanna see who can catch the most lizards? Paloma’s coming too,” The tiny youngster jumps a little, startled, and the older pup immediately tacks on an apology, stifling a giggle. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to scare ya.” “It’s okay. Um, Avis, you both go on and I’ll catch up later. I have something to do first.” “Wha? If you say so. Don’t know what could be more important than catching lizards…” Avis trails off with a shrug but bounds out of the cave without protest, and in that moment Primrose realizes that she’s already made her choice. For real this time. So she leaves Sunhollow’s interior, alone - but she can’t think about that, or the would-be consequences. As conscious as she is of her white mottled pelt, it proves useful in breaking up her shape amidst the trees and gives her the confidence to continue, praying that a hunting party won’t catch her on their return trip. She isn’t sure what she’d tell them if they did. Barnabus. She needs to find him for this to be worthwhile. His trail is erratic, but he rarely leaves the forest so he can’t be far. He’s said so. How long has she been out here now? Primrose can feel the flutters of anxiety in her chest multiply every second; This is stupid. It’s dangerous. Just go back! But then his scent grows stronger, distinctly laced with herbs, and her heart lifts with relief right before it plummets. Now what? She isn’t supposed to be out here. Would he tell Anita if he sees her? She presses herself against the curve of a tree trunk, straining her ears as she tries to control her breathing. Where is he? She sinks to her belly, crawling beneath shrubs, freezing in place at every rustle or snap of a twig. She wants to watch him work, not sneak up on him - but he has to be nearby now, so the more hidden she is, the better. Soon his cheerful humming precedes him. As she looks through the branches she can make out the shape of a brown wolf, breaking off sprigs of yellow flowers and putting them in a small bundle at his side. Primrose can’t tell exactly what they are from here. Mullein? Or maybe tansy? No, not the right shape. Fixated as she is, the wind changes without her noticing, until Barnabus suddenly stops what he’s doing, ears perked. Primrose sucks in a gasp and sits still as a stone, watching as he rises to his paws and tilts back his head, sniffing the air. Oh no. He stands there for a moment in contemplation, glancing around, and Primrose doesn’t realize how tense she is until he turns his back to her again and she feels her shoulders sag. That was close. But then he clears his throat, and her stomach drops. “You may as well come out, I know you’re here.” His voice is airy and casual, unperturbed. It takes everything in her to relinquish her hiding place but when she does, the herbalist is looking over his shoulder with a smile on his muzzle. Her ears are burning hot. “Primrose. Just what are you doing out of the den site by yourself?” “U-uh well, I…” She sputters, shrinking into herself, “You always talk about collecting herbs in the forest and I just… I wanted to see.” “That’s not safe, you know that. Anita and the rest of the sitters are probably out looking for you.” “They probably think I’m with Avis and Paloma.” “Doing what?” “Catching lizards.” “Ah. And you’d rather be looking at plants?” Primrose nods, and he studies her expectantly for a moment before she elaborates, “I’ve always been interested in herbs, my mother…” The burst of enthusiasm ebbs and she seems to wilt a little, “My mother is the healer of the pack I was born in. She used to show me all the plants she collected and tell me about them, what they’re called and what they’re used for, things like that.” Barnabus’s gaze softens. After Masha found her - unconscious and soaked to the bone - he had been the one to nurse her back to health. But they never could find where she came from, unable to reunite her with her mother and the rest of her family. “She would be proud of you.” Primrose blinks back the tears in her eyes and offers the herbalist a weak smile before changing the subject, her gaze flickering down to the flowers he had gathered. “So… what are these?” He brushes a paw across the bundle, “This is St. John’s Wort, for infection balms and wound salves. Gotta keep a good stock of it with the way some of our hunters go about things,” Barnabus rolls his eyes in playful exasperation, and a bubble of laughter escapes from the small wolf next to him. “Do you need help collecting anything else?” She looks up at him, willing him to let her tag along for a while. Barnabus makes a show or being thoughtful, and it seems like a lifetime to Primrose before he speaks again. “I have a better idea. How would you like to be my apprentice?” The offer is unexpected, even as she realizes she’s never wanted anything more. “A-Apprentice? Me? You’ll teach me?” “Everything. I’m not getting any younger, and who better to impart all my vast herbal knowledge to than you?” Her eyes shine like stars as he speaks, in awe of her good fortune. Finally, the chance she’s always wanted. It’s impossible for her excitement not to color her reply. “Yes! I mean, thank you, I would love to. W-when do I start?” “Why, you already have. Help me carry these herbs back, and we’ll test what you know,” She eagerly scoops up some flowers into her mouth, following his lead as they make their return to Sunhollow. “Hmm… How about yarrow. What’s it for?” “... Mange?” “Good, that’s right. It’s also an ingredient for curing pox and open wounds. And ginger?” “Oh, ringworm?” “Close! That’s turmeric. Ginger is for heatstroke, which we’ll see a lot of in the summer...” It’s nearly sundown by the time they get back, and Primrose knows she will have some explaining to do once she reunites with her friends later in the evening. Oh well - Avis would have caught all the lizards anyway. |
![]() Cootie #3992 |