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QOL: Hunting Party Removed From List If All Members Have 0 Hunts Remaining

QOL: Hunting Party Removed From List If All Members Have 0 Hunts Remaining
Posted 2022-12-02 11:58:02
Hi! I didn't see this suggestion in the masterpost or in the last few pages, so I figured it was safe to post it.

My suggestion is to remove a hunting party from the "Choose Party" dropdown if ALL of the party members are at 0 hunts remaining. The fact that this is not a thing already baffles me a little, but it has been a constant source of annoyance for me. I have a very shitty memory, so I'll often just select the first party available. And then I'll get annoyed when it says I can't send this hunt because I receive 5 "-- has no hunts remaining!" popups. For me, it would be a very big quality of life improvement to just take that party out so I can once again brainlessly select the first party in the list.

I don't believe this would be a difficult implementation, so I apologize if it's actually already in the works, but if not, I'd greatly appreciate it!


Posted 2023-05-02 15:23:05
Support. Usually wolves that are unavailable for a task don't show up as an option for that task, such as puppies that have already done training that day. I'm also kind of baffled that the UI for hunting doesn't have this feature.


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