Wolfgon Safari Text Adventure (adopt thread Customers Only)
Wolfgon Safari Text Adventure (adopt thread Customers Only)
Posted 2020-10-27 03:34:13 (edited)
Wolfgon Safari TrailsWant to go back to the main thread or look at your stables? Here some links! {Main Wolfgon Thread} {Wolfgon Stables} THIS POST IS ONLY FOR CUSTOMERS COMING FROM THE WOLFGON MEADOW SAFARI THREAD TO DO THEIR TEXT ADVENTURE RPG TEXT CHOICES TO OBATAIN THEIR WOLFGON ADOPTABLE ___| Information |____Hello and welcome, this is where all the Safari Text Adventures will happen. Only thing is please respect and not interfear with text adventure thats are not yours and to not alter your choices or ignore choices given to you. Rules and WD TOS are very much applied here and to all things There will only be choices to choose from so no real rping going on Here! # of Choices will range between 3-4 Once your adventure is done, it is done and please refrain from posting further unless for another safari you have purchase. Example Text adventure of what you will see || V @User Name (ID Number) You wander through the woods for about an hour before stopping and deciding to take a rest for a bit on a nearby rock. Suddenly you hear the bushes shake that causes you to jump in freight, with little time to act you quickly reacted by.... A) Yelping and running away B) Freezing and pretending your a tree (that works right? or is that only in movies you thought in fear) C) You charged the bushed with bait in hand yelling "Love Me!!!" D) you do nothing but sit back on the log and chill out waiting for it to come to you >----------------------------------------------> This is a example text and this is what you may come across, usually texts are longer and more in depth. You may now continue on your safari, if you have any questions feel free to ask them in my private messages I dont mind. ~<===============================>~ |
![]() ⛧🖤 ꫝꪖᦔꪊక𓆏 Hiatus Hat🕷 #1428 |
Posted 2024-08-09 02:08:06 (edited)
-Your Journey Begins-@Meri #45171 You have entered the cavernous caves with your bait at the ready! You and the safari team will have to travel carefully for the caverns is home to some pretty territorial Draconis Kits! You and your team start traveling into the caves. As you continue you are met with 3 paths that seem safe to cross! The left you hear some sort of soft rustling , the path in front is quiet, the path on the right echos soft drops of water? Interesting….everything currently around you seems safe but empty… A) You and the team take the Left Path (You hear soft rustling) B) You and the team take the Path Ahead (It's Quiet) C) You and the team take the Right Path (You hear Soft Water Drops) D) You and the team Wait it out until something Happens |
![]() ⛧🖤 ꫝꪖᦔꪊక𓆏 Hiatus Hat🕷 #1428 |
Posted 2024-08-09 02:12:18
![]() Meri #45171 |
Posted 2024-08-09 02:27:25
A) You and the team go further into the narrow cave B) You and the team inspects the scratches further C) You and the team turn back to try another previous path D) You and the team Wait and try to lure it to you with the smell of your baits! |
![]() ⛧🖤 ꫝꪖᦔꪊక𓆏 Hiatus Hat🕷 #1428 |
Posted 2024-08-09 02:44:36
![]() Meri #45171 |
Posted 2024-08-09 03:19:17
A) You and the team stay put and hope only one Draconis kit comes back B) You and the team turns back to try another path C) You and the team inspects the cave and nest for any more clues, perhaps try to lure the Draconis with bait? D) You and the team brace yourselves and start tip toeing further into the caves towards the sounds of two grumpy Draconis kits |
![]() ⛧🖤 ꫝꪖᦔꪊక𓆏 Hiatus Hat🕷 #1428 |
Posted 2024-08-09 03:26:12
D. Please, lets sneak towards the sound of a pair of grumpy Draconis kits |
![]() Meri #45171 |
Posted 2024-08-09 03:48:05 (edited)
A) You and the team turn back to wait in the nest B) You take a few of those shiny gems you see nearby and start tossing them in different directions! You hope it distracts one of Draconis Kits from fighting any further! C) You and the team wait it out! Hopefully one scares the other away so you can try and tame the winner! D) You take one of those gems along with your bait! It's now or never! You start gently calling out to one of the Draconis Kits! Surly if one leaves to take your bait and shiny rock then perhaps the other will take the quartz and leave and you'll finally be able to leave with a Wolfgon! |
![]() ⛧🖤 ꫝꪖᦔꪊక𓆏 Hiatus Hat🕷 #1428 |
Posted 2024-08-09 03:59:09
![]() Meri #45171 |
Posted 2024-08-09 12:47:25
A) You and your team wait to see what the Draconis Does B) You take a few more of those shiny gems and gently hold them up while calling out to the Draconis to try and cheer it up! C) You and Your team start gathering your bait! Let's hope this Draconis is more curious than not! Perhaps some of this bait will get its interest! Maybe even cheer up the grumpy Draconis Kit! |
![]() ⛧🖤 ꫝꪖᦔꪊక𓆏 Hiatus Hat🕷 #1428 |