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Newbie looking to mingle our packs!

Newbie looking to mingle our packs!
Posted 2022-12-05 21:41:35
Hey! You can call me Vern. I cannot stress enough that I have never role played before, but I thought it could be fun because of what I want to accomplish on this site. Here are some things that I want:
  1. Patience and help! If you know html alright, please share with me because I took one class in highschool and here we are.

  2. Must be over 18, preferably over 20. I am 23 myself and I don't really feel 100% comfortable rping with people much older than 30 just because I feel like they will consider me immature or whatever.

  3. Flexible. If you have other rps going that's awesome! Because I'm not sure if we'll mesh or if I'll be comfy in my rping abilities to continue.

  4. Related to previous point, I try to log on here every day multiple times a day, but I have missed that a few times because of work and school. I'm about to be out for the semester, so that's why I'm dipping my toe in now to see how I like it!

  5. While I'm not wholly opposed to the idea of roleplaying something other than our wolvden packs, that's why I'm excited to do it as I have put work into the lore for my pack and I want to share that with someone who also has great lore!

  6. I feel like I would be more comfortable with 1x1 but that may just be my anxiety talking so if the vibe is right I may join a small group!

If you're still reading, great! Here are some things you can expect from me as an rper:
  1. I can write a good story! I'm open to semi-literate and possibly literate but I'm still new keep in mind

  2. I was definitely a Warriors kid growing up, also read Guardians of Ga'hoole and Wolves of the Beyond as well as Eragon, so my style will likely reflect :) I've tried to make lore sort of separate from those worlds but I'm definitely still inspired by them.
  3. I am queer. If you do not respect my existence, do not interact.That said, gay rp is totally cool by me :)

  4. As previously mentioned, I expect to be a healthy amount of interactive on the daily unless I let you know the rp isn't working for me

  5. I have lead games of DND and Vampire the Masquerade and have been a player in both, so I'm no stranger to real life rp, just the online kind

If you are STILL interested, pm me or respond to this post telling me a bit about yourself and if it goes well we can rp our packs meeting and go from there!


Posted 2023-02-16 21:28:17
Hi there! Idk what you want to know so imma rapid fire and can elaborate on topics if you want. I never read warrior cats BIT I read Survivors (aka the dog version) I also read Guardians of G'hoole but don't remember much…
I have relatively short replies 1-3 sentences but I'm working towards getting longer! Lmk if your interested!!

Dragon Queen🐉

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