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Wolvden currency rant...

Wolvden currency rant...
Posted 2020-10-27 10:54:01

i know this game is very new and it will take some time for prices to even out... im just annoyed is all 

why is the exchange rate so wonky??? all i want is an aging crystal which is 500SC is that really worth 20GC? i just dont want to be ripped off especially with GC which is real money... i am struggling to find people offering SC worth as much as they are selling GC. i guess at the moment SC are more desirable since it can be quite a grind to get them. i understand why its happening i just dont like it :P ok rant over


Posted 2020-10-27 19:54:54

Wolvden is relatively new so I think the economy just has to stabilize. A lot of people decided to start out with GC, so because so many people already have GC it's not going to be as high in demand.


Posted 2020-10-28 03:02:01

If you want to buy GC the rate is about 1:70 - 1:73

If you want to sell them the rate is about 1:60

Changes a bit depending during the day but it's not such a big deal

Unika 🦇

Posted 2020-10-28 05:33:57

I am just as annoyed, but Unika is right, you can get some decent deals in Trading Center most of the time. Hopefully, the Silver:Gold rate will stabilize in a month or two!

hydde 🥀 on hiatus

Posted 2020-10-28 06:45:29 (edited)

The exchange so wonky because when EA launched there were 0 silver cones in the game but many of started with GC deals from our packages. So all the sc that was in the game was produced by us and was for that far more valuable than the gc everyone had in their hoard and that is only slowly starting to change now.

Sienna Snow

Posted 2020-10-28 06:56:46 (edited)

It used to be exactly like this on LioDen too. When I first joined LD in 2013, GB was like 200 SB, which was around the rate the game had for an official exchange in the Oasis (they got rid of it eventually, but I feel WD could have possibly used it in these early days), now it's about x6 as much (roughly 1200SB = 1 GB), and it only took it a few months to go up to around 800-1000 SB per GB way back when. The game is new, SC is semi-hard to come by (less so now that we're out of EA) since there is not a massive amount of it in game. In EA, everything was bought and sold in GC it felt, but now I'm getting (and using) stud requests with SC, offers on trades, and so on. I think part of the issue is also the lack of being able to fight to gain territory slots like on LD. It kind of forces a lot of the SC out of the system. But, overall, the SC in game seems to be improving now that there are more players, and this pattern should continue as people gain more SC, start trading more, and generally as players join. 


Posted 2020-10-28 07:01:45

I've actually been thinking about this too, hopefully the market is stable in the future though as I don't want GC to become incredibly rare.


Posted 2020-10-28 07:17:52

I recall in the first 6 months - a year in FR, gem : treasure was constantly trading at 1:80. It took many months for it to get to even 1:100. Now it's fairly stable at 1:1000. I agree that the SC : GC market will eventually stabilize, but I don't think it will happen quite as quickly as one would hope.


Posted 2020-10-28 07:50:16

I think it would take a ton of people agreeing equally that SC:GC or GC:SC is worth a certain amount and basically making sure their prices are up to that standard


Posted 2020-10-28 08:15:46

Another issue is that there's no price sort, so I think a lot of people just see the mess on the first page and post their currency for whatever in the hope that someone will buy. Honestly items are the same kind of mess - people posting healing salves for 30 SC or 300 SC.

But Unika is right about what the decent rates roughly are. If you want to find the best deals, use the Currency tab in the Trade Search page.


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