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Community Update #72

Community Update #72
Posted 2022-12-23 19:46:50

Community Update Day!

Just as a reminder, these updates are smaller and are more focused on the community.  Whereas Development updates are centralised on adding in new features, expanding upon or adjusting existing features, and implementing new artwork and coding, Community updates are meant to introduce weekly raffles, new weekly raffle studs, new polls, and showcase some minor changes and bug fixes that have been made in the past week.

Happy Holidays, Wolvden!!

As we prepare to say farewell to 2022, we'd like to extend heartfelt appreciation and gratitude to each and every one of you that have chosen to spend your time with us on Wolvden.  Whether you were a beta tester, you joined during early access, or you've just registered today, we're grateful to all of you for your support, and we hope you continue to relax with us and your wolves for many more years to come!  From Wolvden's team to your homes, we wish all of you a safe, warm, and relaxing holiday while we get ready to welcome the new year.

Official Wolvden Raffles!

To celebrate the end of 2022, we are releasing four official raffles for you all to participate in!  These raffles all have the standard fee of 5 SC per ticket, with a limit of 1 ticket per account.  You can enter all four raffles if you'd like!

Enter Official Raffle #1 for a chance to win some GC!

Enter Official Raffle #2 for a chance to win some Grove items!

Enter Official Raffle #3 for a chance to win some event items!

Enter Official Raffle #4 for a chance to win some Mutie on Demand applicators!

All four raffles will automatically end on 2022-12-30 at 00:30.

Customiser Contest!

In addition to the above raffles, we're also giving away 5 fully customised wolves!  You can design your dream wolf and submit it for a chance to have that wolf join your pack!

Entries are free!  You can submit one entry, but you're welcome to change your entry as you wish.  You must have a territory slot free at the time of the contest draw to be eligible to win a custom wolf.

Enter the Customiser Contest here!

Winners will be pulled on 30th December 2022.  Winners are chosen by a random script, but the action is done manually.  We will get as close to 12:30am (00:30 Wolvden time) on that date as we can for closing time.

Raffle Stud Winners and New Raffle Stud!

Congratulations to the players that won a breeding with last week's raffle stud!  You'll know if you won, as you'll have received a Game Notification in your inbox informing you of such! As a reminder, the previous raffle stud's exclusive attributes were Dust eyes and the Brown Cougar and Black Wings markings!

Our newest weekly raffle stud has been released!  His special attributes are Holly eyes (new!) and the Red Cougar and Red Inverted Panda markings!  Enter for a chance to win a breeding with him by clicking here!

Poll Results!

Thank you all for voting on last week's poll!  The answers seem relatively balanced, and who wouldn't go for large prey?

For our new poll: Just a holiday filler this week!  What is your favourite holiday food?  Let us know by clicking here!

Minor Addition

* Updated the enclave quest information to clarify that quests do not require puppies to be bred by your pack.

Bug Fix

* Bug fix confirmed for Random member for gifting event button takes me to my own page instead of a random member.
* Bug fix confirmed for Random member link is broken.
* Bug fix confirmed for "Battle 4x opponents" mission has unclear wording.
* Bug fix confirmed for User log for "take x number of steps in explore" mission says "[VARIABLE]" in place of that number.
* Bug fix confirmed for Code error on a new background.
* Bug fix confirmed for Can't nest wolf because wolf is 'hunting' when not.
* Bug fix confirmed for Refreshing page causes you to lose opening move.
* Bug fix confirmed for Darkmode makes fishing impossible.
* Bug fix confirmed for Equipper will not show default background.

Posted 2022-12-23 19:47:44 (edited)


°•Łady Rızzwart•° 💝 [NC]

Posted 2022-12-23 19:48:07
Gonna have to remember to actually do the customizer contest this time... >_>;; Hope the Wolvden staff have a safe/happy/fun holiday! Thank you for all your hard work! ^^


Posted 2022-12-23 19:48:09
Looks dope!


Posted 2022-12-23 19:48:35
news! wooo

+| Kirrxynx (Kira) |+

Posted 2022-12-23 19:48:45
Thank you wolvden

⛧🖤 ꫝꪖᦔꪊక𓆏 Hiatus Hat🕷

Posted 2022-12-23 19:48:46
Woot! Merry Christmas & happy holidays Wolvden peeps!


Posted 2022-12-23 19:50:23
Merry christmas!


Posted 2022-12-23 19:50:54
Thanks for the years of hard work! Happy Holidays ♥️


Posted 2022-12-23 19:51:35
Ooof, Holly eyes are still bugged upon total release ): Otherwise, cool!
