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Trophy shop and Conif items(Also able to provide services for crafting fox eyes and sentinel pose)

Trophy shop and Conif items(Also able to provide services for crafting fox eyes and sentinel pose)
Posted 2022-12-25 17:57:26 (edited)
Hello all! Void here! I find myself aquiring a decent amount of lunar recipes and trophies every event and I've recently moved to Conif, so I figured I'd offer my services! I also have a ton of trophies/trophy remnants that I know others could use, so I figured I'd offer them here!

-feel free to dm me at any point if interested in anything and we can sort out a price!-

As for raccoon wares, all I request is payment of the item + 10sc for my time! If you are unable to pay full price, I will accept any that is possible and the addition of canine claws/fangs, wolf skulls/tails (remnants accepted), or glowing spores! Gc is also welcome with my rates being 300sc per 1gc!

Crafting both fox eyes or sentinel pose, with all items provided, will only be 1gc or 300sc. If not all recourses are available, I can definitely discuss a price due to the time it will take to grind the items.
I am able to offer crafting of the fox base, but all items must be provided as grinding for those items takes too long

Posted 2023-01-08 15:38:52
Can i get the Heavy Snow decor from the glacier?


Posted 2023-01-08 16:30:23
Absolutely! Were you more interested in paying in SC or in some other way? :]

Posted 2023-01-08 22:47:42
Sorry for the late reply yes i'm interested in paying in Sc


Posted 2023-01-08 23:06:22
Alright! And no worries! I'll set up a private trade then :]

Posted 2023-05-17 07:05:12
How much would it be if I buy all the trophies in bulk? Just wanna know because my hoarder brain won't let me not do it
Styx [SemiHaitus]

Posted 2023-05-25 15:16:15
So so sorry for responding so late! I'd say maybe 75gc? I'd have to go through and calculate exactly to get a more settled price, but I don't mind being slightly under. But 75 makes it at about 2gc per item, which I feel isn't too bad. Feel free to pm me if you're interested in discussing more properly!

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