"Yeah more than likely. I guess I can allow you into my room, so long as you don't snoop around in my belongings." He had gotten over his unfriendliness and was trying make himself seem more friendly for the sake of the meeting. Mrs. Tantibus was confused by her sons sudden change of mood. "Okay. Come on." She began to lead Ms. Corvette off. Lune waited till they were out of sight then turned to Troy and his smile vanished. "Alright come on. Let's get this over with." He started walking towards the east side of the manor. "My room is this way. Don't touch anything. You can sit on my bed or couch and I will put my TV on. We can watch a movie or something."
He had no reason to snoop, knowing it'd be rude to do so in a stranger's house. With Lune's shift in moods he tried not to be take aback by it, not everyone was expected to be kind and friendly. Faking it sometimes wasn't better. He followed after the other, his senses now past the initial overwhelming. "This won't take long, the meeting will start soon." Troy felt the need to try and reassure him since he didn't seem exactly thrilled to be spending some time with a werewolf from his family's rival.
Lune didn't do anything but nod and continue to walk. He started to slow down when you two had reached the less lightened part of the manor. He stopped at a door with a large red x in the middle of it. he reached forward ad opened the door slowly, once it was open all the way he stepped to the side and gestured for you to go in. The room was dark for a moment till his flick the light on. There were posters of all sorts of heavy metal and rock bands on his walls along with some horror and sci-fi movie posters. The rest of the room was mostly black, including the bed and all its contents, the thick curtains that covered the windows, even some of his furniture like his dressers were black. "And listen. It's not that I dislike werewolves because I could honestly care less about that stupid grudge. So don't feel bad or uncomfortable if I act like a douche. I just don't get along with people." He glanced at you then brought his attention back to his room. "Now let me find that dang remote. I haven't been in my room in a while so I have no idea where I left it last time." He rubbed the back of his neck and searched the room with his eyes.
The lack of lighting wasn't an issue thanks to the perk of having night vision. "Thanks." He murmured to the other for holding the door for him, walking into the room. Whatever he was expecting to be inside probably wasn't what he saw. Believing or feeding into stereotypes had never been his mindset, something he got more so from his father surprisingly. The lone wolf personality wasn't passed onto him though. Lune left little room for Troy to comment about the feud between their families. His brothers lived in different places because of the world that they'd been born into, one of risk being together. "I understand, my pa is the same. People think he's standoffish." The brown haired male said, taking a closer look around the room.
"Um, yeah I'm not like that either. I am just...I guess I'm introverted." Lune paused, seemingly thinking to himself. After a moment he snapped back and went to a dresser in the corner of the room. "Found it." He raised his hand which held a grayish-blue TV remote. "What kind of movies do you like?" He turned on the TV in hopes of making they both feel more comfortable.
In the dining room the younglings of the Tantibus family were sneaking towards the cabinet which held the spices and herbs. Once there they opened it and started rummaging through everything. They took out pepper, nutmeg, turmeric, garlic, cumin, coriander, and crushed red pepper.
He recognised some of the rock posters, but not the heavy metal, sci-fi and horror movie posters. His younger twin brother shared a similar style with Lune, personality wise as well. Prince was a bit of a stick in the mud, throwing the authority he had around in a way that annoyed others. Someone was going to bite him in the ass one day. Troy on the other hand wasn't big on sci-fi or horror, probably because he watched a lot of movies appropriate for children when he was babysitting a lot. "I'm not too fussed, as long as it has some comedy in it." He struggled casually, turning his attention towards the other instead of the decorated walls.
Lune nodded and stared flipping through channels. "I prefer action but when it's mixed with comedy it's pretty good too." He felt a little calmer now that they were talking, though at the same time he felt awkward. "You ever watch Men In Black? It's an action comedy movies." He walked over to the bed, slipped his shoes off, and plopped onto it. "Sit down. But take your shoes off first." He moved to one side of the bed so that there was space for the both of them. "Oh, and one more thing that I think you need to know." His voice and facial expression both turned serious. "I saw my younger cousins acting suspicious earlier. I have no idea what their up to and they will likely get caught before anything happens." He paused, making sure you were listening. "But if they don't, and something does go wrong. I want you to know that I had no part in it. As I said before I don't have a problem with werewolves or you family."
The three poured some of everything into a little toy, seemingly looking like a small bomb of some sort, then quickly put everything back and rushed back out. "Hey! Wait a minute you three. What do you think your doing?" They stopped and looked at each other frozen in fear that they'd been caught. "You lot haven't even had dinner yet and you're already running off to who knows where. Put your toy up and go tidy yourselves up will ya!" They let out a breath of relief as their mother started leading them off to their rooms. They put hid their "toy" and went on like nothing had happened.