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Coy Wolves - The Hybrid Mutation

Coy Wolves - The Hybrid Mutation
Posted 2023-01-19 14:58:50 (edited)
So here in Canada, especially in Eastern Canada we get wolf/coyote hybrids.  They can look like wolves in color and stature, but the ears and legs are all coyote.

They are often confused with the rare Eastern Wolf, but anyone who deals with these hybrids knows what to look for.

Coyotes, by nature, are loners and dont usually run in groups of more than two, and usually when that happens, its usually a mother and pups or young siblings.  When they howl, their call is high pitched and yapping, not usually drawn out or low. 

However, here in Nova Scotia, we have packs of coy wolves that have been seen to run with as many as ten individuals.  Their color variations vary wildly from looking like huskies, to silver toned, some are sandy pale to being red as a fox.  The skulls are nothing like a normal coyote as the brow ridge and cranium are much closer in appearance to a wolf.  As for the howl, its a deep throaty long drawn out call that will curdle your blood.  These coy wolves can even weigh as much as 50lbs-80lbs.

There is a legend here that in the 80s or 90s one of the wildlife parks lost some of their wolves due to a clever escape.  As a result, the wolves managed to get into the coyote population and breed.  Even though officials stated that the wolves were all recaptured, the resulting generations of coyotes have never been the same.  In places like Toronto, these coywolves are more prevalent and are starting to be recognized as a new emerging species.  Strong and powerful like a wolf, but wily and clever as a coyote.  They are the terror of urban pets.

So I propose we introduce the Coywolf into Wolvden.  A Leopon type mutation, which is rare. 


Introduce it through the raffle studs, making one of them every so often a Coywolf with a chance of passing his appearance on to his offspring.

Coywolves are breedable in the wild, as nature has shown, so no sterilization of either gender would be required.  It would pass much like piebald or alb/mel.  A random chance to pass a coywolf pup.

The ears and legs of the coywolf are the most distinct feature.  Sometimes the tails can be super bushy.  If any art needs to be done, the toes would need to be smaller and the ears larger, as well as larger eyes.  90% of the coywolves I handle have a distinct black line down the front of the foreleg between the elbow and the wrist.  Sometimes its long, sometimes its only above the wrist.  This could be a standard mark on the base line art.  The overall artwork would not need to be altered very much when dealing with markings. 

Coyote eyes are brilliant gold.  The ratio of eye size to skull size shows that coyotes have marginally larger eyes than wolves in appearance.  This is caused by the coyote having a somewhat daintier and narrower skull, but being a hybrid, the artists can decide how big or small the coywolf head should be.

I think this would make for a fantastic addition to Wolvden as they are in fact, real.

Coywolves are taking over Eastern Canada!

Meet the Coywolf: A New Hybrid

Mustang 🐎

Posted 2023-01-19 16:54:07

Per the Game Development Guidelines, the developers are not currently accepting suggestions for mutations, hybrids, or variants, so we will lock this thread. You are welcome to re-post your idea when the developers open to these sorts of suggestions.

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