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Pinekin - On-site Wolf Pack Rp (Roleplay Thread)

Posted 2023-03-11 19:23:54
the fox was fast at opening the cages but stopped at the largest one which held a full grown mountain lion it was black and grey and it had a constant look of fury on its face but when it looked at the fox something flickered in its eyes for a moment

Ghost of the lost

Posted 2023-03-11 19:33:11
Grimble heard the soft click of the cages opening stop. He had finished, so he turned around to see why the silver fox stopped. He saw a large, angry looking mountain lion trapped in a cage and understood why the fox had stopped. Grimble approached the large cage. He lowered his head and made an odd noise. He had heard mountain lions talk before, so he knew what they sounded like. The creature seemed to understand because the fury left it's face. He stepped back to let the fox release the cat.

Posted 2023-03-11 19:40:43
suddenly the mountain lion snarled and slammed against the cage and the fox jumped back  confused the mountain lion roared and pounded on the cage the fox turned around to see a group of people with large guns they yelled ''hey get out of here!'' the biggest one yelled stomping forward the mountain lion lunged forward again roaring its tail lashed as it narrowed its eyes at the humans

(this mountain lion is like important to storms story so please dont control it! ^^ )

Ghost of the lost

Posted 2023-03-11 19:50:12
Grimble acted fast. He grabbed the little fox in his enormous paw, and, careful not to hurt it, he threw it away from the danger. Grimble took a flying leap at the people and slammed into one. He fought them but, the magic was starting to where off. Grimble was beggining to feel very tired and weak. No! Not now! He thought desperately. Stay. Awake! He screamed at himself.

Posted 2023-03-11 19:56:07
the fox seemed un afraid and leaped into the fight biting legs before getting to the cage the fox chatterd something to the mountain lion and its eyes lit up the fox opened the cage and the mountain lion lunged out with a new found determination the people stopped one held grimble by the neck choking him the fox stood next to the mountain lion and the people watched silently though the one holding grimble never loosened his grip the mountain lion licked its muzzle its tail swishing eyes narrowed

(ooooooooooooooooo she is maddddd)

Ghost of the lost

Posted 2023-03-11 21:32:45
Grimble fought, but he was unable to stay conious. Everything went dark.

Posted 2023-03-13 07:40:51
one of the humans were about to grab grimble when the fox bit there wrist ''OW! how can such a small animal hurt so much'' she yelled trying to throw the fox off the mountain lion lunged at one of the humans biting into his skull

Ghost of the lost

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