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Updates: The Matchmaker

Posted 2023-02-22 14:11:47
Yes! Yes, I could get an Omen decor!!
🐾 Murra Dire Wolpard🍀🐾

Posted 2023-02-22 14:14:36
This all sounds great!

Posted 2023-02-22 14:15:00
Appreciate the communication, and well said


Posted 2023-02-22 14:17:31
Oh I really love the ideas!


Posted 2023-02-22 14:21:25
Didn't expect to see Kyoshiro on wolvden!


Posted 2023-02-22 14:22:57
link wisp rollover

Posted 2023-02-22 14:25:37
Perfectly understandable !! I can't wait to see this event next year and meet all the options, and I think the decor idea is a perfect compromise !! Thank you all for your hard work !
☽Owl☾ || He/She ||

Posted 2023-02-22 14:28:46 (edited)
Hold-up everyone needs to see this again ^^


Posted 2023-02-22 14:31:13
This is the first time the event is on, and it's to be expected that things aren't fully done and that there will be more additions or changes later. I personally would rather have recieved a puppy that my lover left with me (whether it was ours or not is up to debate), and I wouldn't care if all puppies are forced to be t1 mutationless (maybe just give them at least 5 markings and some resemblance to their parent?), it would still be a fun conclusion imo. I will probably not use my decor but sell it, even though I love chariot my best girl and wife forever I've always felt uneasy with decors that completely cover up a wolf. But I don't really mind it, sometimes things are decided a way that I don't prefer and that's fine lol


Posted 2023-02-22 14:32:13
I quite enjoyed Willa's odd notes on my lead wolf being the father of her future pups, it's charming in a funny way 🤣 but I'd love decors or my two loves willa and halcyon. Can't wait to get more of the dateable wolves