Posted 2020-11-21 20:43:25
Rules and Order Form These rules are subject to change at any time for any reason felt as necessary. - You may post your art on your den, profile, or sites other than Wolvden as long as credit is linked back to me here on Wolvden, or on my Carrd.Co
- The art I create for you should never be used for commercial purposes. ( Don't make profit from using my work )
- Do not trace, steal, or heavily reference and post without credit. Respect my work as an artist and respect peoples characters. No one likes their property taken or distributed freely.
- Payment should not be sent until I accept your commission slot. Trades through Wolvden will be set up via private trading. Paypal transactions will be sent via invoicing. PM for any details or discussion involving your commission.
- It is HIGHLY ENCOURAGED to add me via Discord to make communication about your artwork faster. (MagpieHyena#8734)
- Before ordering, please consider the following: My turnaround time is varied due to IRL circumstances. It may take a few hours, and it may take a few weeks. I will be sure to contact you about any issues involving time, but please be aware of my inconsistency with commission times right now due to schooling and other IRL issues. Thanksgiving week should be fine at this time, however.
- Do not ever remove the signature.
Order Form
Commission Type: State which commission type you're ordering from me. Edits Preferred: Not all commission types will allow for edits, but if you want something small like a bitten-off ear, eye liddedness, etc, this can be asked for. Payment Form: State whether you are using SC, GC, USD, or attempting to trade via items and for how much. Reference: Include a link to your wolvden wolf or your special character. Do not link a reference unless it is 100% accurate. If ordering a "wonk" and you want to base the expression off of a meme, include a link to that meme here. Are you funding a new base?: Yes or no. If Yes, please go into detail on how you'd like this new base to look. Provide expression/posing reference pictures if able.