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-Carrions- lore shop! (Open 0/3 slots taken)

-Carrions- lore shop! (Open 0/3 slots taken)
Posted 2023-03-04 21:30:18 (edited)
Hi! I'm an aspiring to write children's books and other books and would like some practice. I will do wolf lore, scenes of events that have happened, and wolf info (say like what their exact personality is.)
I have a rate of 1to1 for words to sc and gc is 400 words. Other payment can be discussed as I do take about anything. Right now since the shop just started and I need examples my rates are 50% off!
You can respond to this form or dm me using this form

What do you want me to do?:
Word count estimate:
Wolves involved:

Example one She was in her old very beat up pickup truck and another woman was in the seat next to her, the other woman was tapping the steering wheel, deep in thought as the two drove. It was really hardly a vehicle, or at least a trustworthy one, if it was an animal the carrion craving scavengers circling it as it died. The truck was crudely spray painted; its green paint was chipping revealing the deep orange rust matching that of the dry dirt that surrounded the environment that surrounded the two. The first woman, the one who owned the truck, was gently fidgeting with her short pink hair, her legs were up on the dashboard as her blue eyes were staring past the cracked windshield of the truck to the blurry road ahead.
"How much longer do we need to go?" She finally asked, a little bit annoyed, looking at the second woman. Her skin was a rich warm brown and covered in freckles, her hair was in dreads, short ones close to head, but dreads nonetheless. Her eyes were a soft caring brown, the kind of brown that was pretty. She gave a pissy glance over at the first girl with a look of spite. The tapping that she was doing on the steering wheel stopped almost immediately, she focused her glare onto the road in front of them, and shuffled in her seat.
"girl I ain't got a damn clue." She spoke pissy her voice scratchy from crying "we at least gotta get outta Arizona"
She slammed on the brakes causing both her and the pink haired girl to slightly fly forward. Her eyes darted to the pink haired girl, who had a ticked off look, and her lip trembled a little. Her eyes were equivalent to that of a sad puppy, and the pink haired girl noticed that. She also noticed the other had tightened her hands on the steering wheel and her eyes and gaze softened to pity.
"Jamie, we killed someone." She quivered with a sigh at the end. At this point she was crying. Her tears ran softly down her face drifting down all the little curves on her face till they reached the bottom and dripped onto the floor.
Jamie saw what the other woman was going through and reached out and put a hand on her shoulder "Maria he was abusing you. The courts wouldn't believe you and he was dangerous." She said her eyebrows scrunching against each other as she gave Maria reassurance. Then she quickly grabbed Maria by the chin and pulled her into a kiss "we'll get through this." Jamie said with a smile before she clamped Maria's hand in between her own "together." She said before looking back at the road.
There was a small shape in the distance, it was far away and by the looks of it, it was a person. Another living human being, Maria must have seen it too because she started driving to the shape. Who is that? Jayme thought to herself as the two got closer to the shape. It was a man with incredibly long wavy hair, messily shoved into a ponytail. He was wearing oversized cargo shorts and a black tee. He was carrying a cargo bag over his shoulder and his feet were only barely contained by sandals.

Example two Lavenderbloom entered the camp from the medicine den and looked at Foxpaw. He was alright but he was staring at something, he was also trembling. Her eyes trailed to see what her son was staring at. A couple sad looking warriors where gathered around two bodies…. *what?* she thought to herself. Focusing further to see what was there… the first body was gray… not warrior sized but also not apprentice sized…. *Flakepaw* her heart sank to her stomach. That was the cat that got her out of her depression… that was the cat that helped her get her sons into camp. The cat that acted like a older brother and a role model to them. *just yesterday I saw him… laughing with other apprentices… his blue eyes sparkling.* she thought shaking her head, *what happened to him?* she was sobbing her breath was shaking. The other body was smaller… a apprentice…. a apprentice. Her eyes widened scanning the body. It was covered with dirt… but it was a white and brown pelt *Nettlepaw.. oh no no no no no* she thought all of a she couldn't breathe. All the air she had sucked down into her lungs stayed put but desperately trying to escape. She ran up to the body of her dead son her foot steps felt heavier every since step she took *this isn't real.* she thought *how many sons an I going to lose?* she mewed. When she got up to the body she stared at it before flipping him over so she could see his face. It was without a doubt Nettlepaw. She scooped her son in her airs and pulled him close "oh Nettlepaw come back to me. Come back to momma" she quivered her voice frantic and painful. Her tears wet her sons pelt. She looked up and looked at Foxpaw he was crying but staying distant from his brothers. She knew then and there she was never going to recover from this grief… it might even kill her

(It's very basic atm but hope I can help!)

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