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The Hitman’s new blood (Been moved to different site)

Posted 2023-03-18 15:58:41 (edited)
Mr. Gibbs would cross his arms. " Come along, Greg. Don't think hiding it will fix the issues of you not paying attention. School sucks, and half the things we're told to teach you are useless, but getting the good grade is still important. So pay attention. This is your only warning, kid. " He says. Pierre kept quiet at his desk, watching the scene.
Night Crow the Bird Brain

Posted 2023-03-18 16:18:26


Anything is better then dealing with my parents…, Greg gulped in his head then shook his head, he was terrified of his parents and refused to take a Thor row of beatings and isolation. He kept his head lowered and shook a little in place from sheer fear of what might happen, his grades were looking up and he was caught up everything with the notes taken and everything.


Posted 2023-03-18 17:01:24
Mr. Gibbs continues with the class, keeping a very close eye on Greg as he taught about china's history. Pierre would pay attention and take notes on the notebook, though gave Greg an empathetic look. He had had teachers that didn't like how he sometimes spaced out staring out the window, and some of those teachers got intense with it. He kept focused ever since one beat him and locked him in a room til the end of the day a while back.
Night Crow the Bird Brain

Posted 2023-03-18 18:25:26


Greg took a sigh of relief, he was thrilled to the point some tears rolled down his cheek, then he remembered what his father always said, "A man never cries" and was quick to wipe his face as he used his other to take more notes. It also reminded him how his mother would say women find men who cry to be pathetic and weak.

The remembrance would always light a fire deep down in his belly but at the same time, he wanted to curl up into a tight ball and sob, after tending to his wounds that is. He did his best to focus on the class, one reason for his grades is he uses school as an escape.


Posted 2023-03-18 18:28:21
Mr Gibbs continued his teaching, talking about the long march and how Mao wasn't as good as he claimed to be and slaughtered ducks and etc etc. Pierre continued to take notes, and focused solely on the class now. It was starting to reach the end of the period at last, and Pierre would wait patiently.
Night Crow the Bird Brain

Posted 2023-03-18 18:47:00


Greg knew it was nearing the end of the class and was eagerly awaiting for it to end, but at the same time he wasn't for it meant he'd be going home sooner. Regardless he took notes and did his best to keep his mind off of things by thinking of his next raid on the game he was playing.


Posted 2023-03-18 18:52:05
Only about 20 minutes later, the class was told to pack up, and Pierre packed up quickly before looking at the cloth at the front of the class until the bell rang. Then he would stand up and leave the class with everyone else. For the next, and last, class of the day, as the school had a A day and B day system, he would have Biology. His favorite class, as he could learn about animals and dissect some too. He walked to the class. This teacher was a playful kinda guy, always making jokes and having fun. He had dark skin and hair and was relatively tall, he wore glasses too. He was the friendliest and for the most part lenient about the rules. His name was Mr. Core.
Night Crow the Bird Brain

Posted 2023-03-18 19:10:38


Greg would pack his things up and head right out the door the moment the bell had rung, his next class was across campus which would take up the entire passing period just to get there. It's even worse when he needs to use the bathroom and of course the teacher was an older bitch.

He was making way and weaving in and out of the crowd until he saw a gathering in the distance near his class, he would make his way over and spotted Hurst who had his arms crossed and glared at those in front of him.
"What happened..?"
Greg asked in a concerned tone.
"Stupid drama shite, this bitch cheated on her boyfriend with some skinny boy and now this!"
The shorter male groaned, it seemed yet another fight had taken place.


Posted 2023-03-18 19:14:24
Pierre had to go in the same direction, and seeing the crowd kept his distance, he knew what crowds like that in the hallways meant, but he couldn't afford to be late to class and didn't want to get involved In it and was rather more of a pacifist in comparison to other guys
Night Crow the Bird Brain

Posted 2023-03-18 19:56:00
Bambina stayed as close as possible to her savior as they walked on the streets. She remained silent, well not that she spoke on the other times either, but she didn't try to get his attention by gesturing something with her hands. Instead she just walked wondering what was going to happen now. She had no idea where the hitman was taking her, but it seemed like he already had a place in mind.

As they walked the woman peered at the man trying to get a good look of him. She, however, tried to do that as unnoticed way as possible. What was his name? It was a good question, they hadn't been properly introduced to each other after all. However, Bambina didn't ask. Right now she didn't feel like she was in the position to ask questions.


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