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Darcer's Land flea market 🐌 DIRECT LINK TO SALE

Darcer's Land flea market 🐌 DIRECT LINK TO SALE
Posted 2020-10-29 04:47:45 (edited)

D A R C E R' S   L A N D   F L E A   M A R K E T

It is summer, hunting brings in a lot of food and resources are abundant. Your battle to survive was a success, but your pack is still stressed from many deaths during the winter and the lack of food. 

You decide to return to the pack of the massive wolf, to thank him for all his help, and to escape the spirit of the heavy atmosphere of the pack. After a day of traveling, you smell an scent, similar to that of him, but slightly sweet. Surprised, you try to pick up the scent, and find the wolf. You arrive on a cliff overlooking a wide meadow. You notice a wolf sitting on the edge, looking at the horizon. You try to be heard so that she knows you're there and doesn't get scared. She hears you and turns around, smiling. You greet her politely and she gets up happily to ask where you are from. She looks rather young, she may not have met you this winter. You introduce yourself and she introduces herself back; Her name is Aneamis. She begins to tell you that she will soon be a scout in her pack and that she tries often to venture out of her territory to get used to coming back. Mostly as not to lose her way. You chat a bit and tell her why you are going to the alpha's territory. She exclaims that she thinks that she has seen you before, but she was still a pup at the time. 

You walk together and you enter the leader's ditch and his wolves, smelling your scent, come to greet you. The leader arrives shortly after and you greet each other respectfully. You explain to him that that atmosphere is still heavy after the tragedies of the last months in your pack. He tries to be understanding and offers you to take a look at the games they have in their stockpiles, explaining that it might just relax them and bring back a lively vibe to your territory. You agree, and you go out of the ditch together. You walk through the forest for a few minutes and you arrive in front of a den. The Alpha passes in front of you and you follow him inside.

Aneamis is in the shop, stretched out on big leaves. The alpha, a little annoyed, wakes her up, and berates her for sleeping in the middle of the day. She looks at you and happily shows you what she has in store ...

D e t a i l s :

  • This is a flea market, so everything here is negociable.
  • 7sc/use
  • Click on the link below to find what i'm selling.

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