🔥 Dystopia: Onsite Dog RP [OPEN] 🔥
Posted 2023-04-21 11:13:49
Tulip grumbled to himself slightly. There was far too much noise for him to go back to sleep now. He reluctantly opened his eyes and gave a half-hearted stretch. He looked at the circle of dogs gathered around Sealgair and Vagari. They seemed to be discussing hunting. He yawned with his crooked jaw wide open and stood to approach Vagari. He kept his head down and made himself small as to not draw attention to himself. He stood closer to Vagari then the other dogs and he waited for the leader to notice him. Tulip knew how mornings went with Tulio. He had to stay silent until he was given a command. He kept his tail low and ears back in a sign of respect to the leader and the council members. He hoped he would find something good in the city to eat. |
prettybirdb0y #120495 |
Posted 2023-04-21 12:08:41
Vagari - Leader - Female - Location: The HallShe was not daunted by the councilman's intense yet curious gaze as he took note of her sighthound features, likely to compare them to his own personal traits. While the hybrid might intimidate most, Vagari was comfortable in his presence. He had the physicality of a brute and the resources to wreak havoc on the pack should he desire, or perhaps even attempt to overthrow the dainty sighthound from her position as leader. But while most might look at him and see a threat, Vagari aimed to look at him and see an asset. An advisor. Unbeknownst to the pack, the blonde canine (albeit excessively cautious in her methods) was capable of dealing with tyrants, should Sealgair elect to act out. She'd gotten rid of Tulio- she could easily deal with another menace should Sealgair not be reasonable. However, he appeared to respond well to respect. So long as he didn't create any problems for the pack, Vagari intended to keep him around. When his energy and attention were directed appropriately, he made for a valuable asset. The silky-furred dog thought for a moment as he spoke of small prey. Well...one racer had told her the story of their ancestors before. While rabbit or hare was common, there were some who whispered rumors of great sighthounds who would hunt gazelle- saluki included. But in her years on the track, they'd only ever chased down dummy rabbits. "I suppose 'small' would depend on the perspective or the situation. Rabbits are the priority of my kind. A rabbit is small in comparison to a deer, but large to a mouse." They were small compared to certain prey animals, but significantly larger than most "small mammals". The classification wasn't easy, but the size of the prey didn't really matter. "But everyone is created with a purpose. What use are my gangly legs in herding, or getting into burrows?" While sighthound kind was mighty, they (like all dogs) had some serious repercussions with their delicate build. Man had thrown muzzles on them while outside or on the track- not out of cruelness, but for safety. Their skin was like paper. One little bite could end a career. ...She took life in this new habitat with even greater caution with that thought in mind. All the more reason to rely on wit. To keep friends close, and the enemy even closer. How unfortunate for Tulio. It was all much more talking than she'd like, but she couldn't be rude. Her first few days spent on the island had resulted in a sore throat from all the conversation, something she hadn't been too adapted to. She did have chats with the dear old stray back at home, yet, it was more listening than speaking. A familiar white coat was next to catch her attention, earning a firm nod from the long-legged canine. "Good morrow, Keiko." While she wasn't keen on sending the entire pack out, there was no sense in keeping them boarded up inside if the Watchers had a clear report. The more hunters the had, the more patrols they could divvy up. That'd allow for more ground coverage. "If enough hunters attend, it's possible that you and Sealgair could lead two separate patrols. Should the both of you see that fitting, of course." Her attention flickered back to the cattle dog. Regardless of Rhett's stumbling, the sighthound remained attentive and patient as her companion searched for the appropriate words. "I'm sorry it cannot be as comforting as your previous bed." Vagari could not relate to the comforts of human affection and their material goods. Her life had been spent on the track, in metal cages, and on the relief pad. "But I believe it is nostalgia that makes it most pleasant. Perhaps...even if our time here is riddled with apprehension and longing, you can find a way to make more warm memories." Vagari did have the desire to be reunited with the old stray, yes, but otherwise... Was it wrong that she couldn't quite relate to the others? She had no people to go home to. In fact, she had no real "home" to begin with. Indeed, Vagari did enjoy the thrill of running and making others eat her dust, but she could do that anywhere. The track was still a deplorable place, even if it was less so for a decorated runner like herself. "I slept well, thank you for asking. Somehow, with these long legs...I still manage to find a comfortable spot." A flicker of movement caught the attention of her keen eyes, detecting a smaller form approaching. All instincts encouraged Vagari to lunge if it ran, but she recognized it as one of their own: Tulip, one of the few scavengers remaining. She was grateful that he decided to stick around, despite the cruelness Tulio directed at all the smaller dogs. She hoped to make herself a better successor in their eyes. "Good morning, Tulip. Did you rest well?" While others might not see it, Vagari understood the importance smaller dogs played in their world. They, too, were hunters, herders, trackers, companions...the only difference was their length of legs. ((If our Watcher doesn't post soon, I'll just have Vagari interact with an NPC)) |
20mia08 #18414 |
Posted 2023-04-21 12:32:44
Tulip perked his ears at his name being said. Vagari sweet voice had a soothing aspet to it that calmed Tulip. "That's right. I'm not with Tulio anymore," He thought. He lifted his head and responded. "I had a nice rest," He said with politeness in his tone." I had the most wonderful dream too." While it was true he wasn't the best a conversating. He liked to chat with someone once and a while. "If you would like, I could search The Ruins for some smaller prey to eat." He knew Vagari was not like Tulio. He relaxed his muscles and waged his tail at the thought of catching a bird."I'd love to get some kind of bird too." He licked his lips when he thought of how good a bird would be right now. |
prettybirdb0y #120495 |
Posted 2023-07-10 13:00:28
Rain • Watcher • Female • the Hall (Sorry for never replying 💀, wasn't aware that it started)  The White German Shepard had gotten up earlier than most of the pack. She enjoyed the misty air this morning had had to offer, and was taking advantage of it now, letting the quiet sounds of the morning engulf her.  Sitting down, she watched as the pack around her began to stir, and one by one slowly get up for the day. Eyeing the clouds once more, as was her job, she concluded that the mere drizzle would let up in some hours time.   Satisfied with her prediction, she stood up, and in her limping gait, headed off to see Vagari with her report. Seeing that the Leader was currently discussing other matters with the pack, she cleared her throat quietly and waited to be addressed,   Once she was certain she had the sighthound's full attention, she began. "This drizzle is the worst we will face" she started, pausing for a second, "the rain will let up soon, and then we should be able to see the sun once more, which will allow things to dry." |
North #110449 |