Wolf Lore Generators
Wolf Lore Generators
Posted 2023-03-17 16:04:10
I'm soon going to be resetting my lore with NBWs, so I decided to make some randomizers to speed up and diversify their origins - and having done the work, I figured I may as well share them. Spreadsheet Trait Generator Lore Generator - Wild Born Lore Generator - Out of Place Lore Generator - Man's Cradle Lore Generator - Supernatural Ancestry There's a total of five different sets of tables - a basic traits table for things like physical appearance and personality, and four background tables for different origins (wild raised, human raised, raised by a different species, and supernatural). All of the tables can be found on the spreadsheet - these offer both flat odds and weighted odds for rolls. I've also put all of this data into text generators so you don't have to roll each item yourself. The generators use weighted rolls, and each bolded element can be re-rolled by clicking on it. There's some goofiness in these generators - rolls which won't always make sense or work with other rolls. I couldn't figure out how to make this work in every instance, and I've decided we're just going to have to live with that. I didn't bother creating any generators for names, as it would be far too much work. I just recommend using Behind the Name for this. Feel free to use these however you'd like. I'll include a couple of examples from my own wolves below :] |
![]() Srinyx #244 |
Posted 2023-03-17 16:04:26 (edited)
Lore ExamplesThese are examples made for my own wolves using results given by the generators - while I've written them out properly and elaborated on them, the skeletons for them were randomized. Lore is contained within the spoilers. There's one wolf for each origin type. ---------- Blueberry PieWild Born![]() She was raised by her birth parents, alongside her two littermates. Neither of them had particularly wanted pups, but it was expected and somewhat enforced by the pack's leadership. Despite this, they were supportive of Blueberry and did their best to care for her. Her mother was a herbalist, and her father was a chaser. She struggled to make friends throughout her childhood - many wolves in the pack discouraged their pups from interacting with her. A bad influence, they'd say. This never bothered her much. Those stuck-up know-it-alls were no fun anyways. She'd spend her days making trouble around the den sites, pestering sitters and picking fights. It wasn't uncommon for her to be banished to her mother's direct supervision, wherein she'd be resigned to long days out on the marsh, uprooting herbs. She never really absorbed any of the thoughts or values that her mother tried to instil in her on those trips, but she did see the care and effort she was putting forward to Blueberry. She was, at the very least, appreciative of that; and she vowed that she'd always show her own pups the same care. As she reached adolescence, her pack became embroiled in a war with a neighbouring pack. This somewhat expedited her studies - while the pack pups typically wouldn't take up roles until near adulthood, they were pushed forward to support the cause. Uninvested in warfare and completely disengaged with the more intellectual pursuits the pack offered, she chose to take up hunting as a chaser alongside her father. A good, practical skill. She proved to be excellent at it, readily taking on her father's guidance and advice. Before even reaching maturity, she was assisting the chasers on their regular hunts. As per tradition, she left the pack as a yearling to find her own path in life. Blueberry is slightly smaller than most, with an angular build and mid-length fur. She has numerous scars, first from her days of troublemaking and then from her career as a hunter. She speaks with a raspy voice, which is always succinct and to the point. She's only ever interested in securing her own survival - and that of her pups. She does have a taste for the finer things in life though - many would call her decked out hillside den exceedingly luxurious. She takes great pride in her skills as a chaser, and takes care to stretch her muscles accordingly. Some consider it excessive, though. Perhaps as a holdover from her erudite origins, her memory is exceptional - though of course, she doesn't use it for much good. It is, however, excellent for recalling those who have 'wronged' her. She doesn't need to tell you what you did. You know. She hates traditional pack structures with a passion, and she refuses to partake. Though she wasn't raised under any particular faith, she found the Blaenori of Pont-y-Rhedyn to be particularly compelling. There wasn't any structure to this faith - hell, she likely wouldn't have been interested if there was - but she always held them in high regard. She is straight and cisgender ---------- SariahOut of Place![]() The old ocelot thought of Sariah as more of a pet, than a child - nonetheless, she treated her very well. She raised her alone, in an abandoned truck deep in the jungle. It was a quiet upbringing. The ocelot had some odd ideas but the world and their place in it, and treated the old truck with the same reverence one may offer to a temple. She even insisted that Sariah wear a vine around her neck. Despite the oddities, Sariah didn't take much issue with it and was happy with her life for the most part. Growing up as she did, she developed a rather whimsical nature. Unluckily for the neighbours, she decided to be loud about it. The ocelot was unconcerned for her - few in the jungle wanted to risk the ire of the crazy old bat - so she allowed her to wander as she pleased. She was always driven to adventure, so adventure she would. She'd spend long days - sometimes several days - exploring the thickets and accosting the locals. Sometimes she'd even be able to drag the odd unsuspecting critter along with her. As a fresh yearling, she met with a grizzled old wolf. He seemed so kind, so charming, and Sariah was instantly smitten. He claimed to have been kicked out of his pack, for something that was totally not his fault, so Sariah took him back to the truck. He was pleasant, for a while, but soon changed his tune to be more lazy. Critical. Hostile. He started to demand more from Sariah and the ocelot. Both seemed oblivious to his intentions though, which were ultimately at odds with the bizarre energy that the pair were fostering in the homebrew temple. The unsettling energy of the truck seemed to be more than it was worth. After only a few short months he lost it, tearing up much of the truck interior and taking off into the jungle. As betrayed as she felt by this, Sariah claims to still be committed to him. Despite everything. Even if she never saw him again. One day her wandering took her a little too far from home. She attempted to traverse into the swamp but got stuck, wandering further in in her attempt to escape. By the time she was in relative safety, she had absolutely no idea where she was or how to get back home. She wasn't about to let a little misadventure get her down though! So she pushed further north, on to new ventures. Sariah is very typical for a southern wolf, with a usual build and short fur. She's intersex, but seemingly doesn't have much issue bearing pups. Her voice often sounds breathless - to be fair, with her rambling it usually is - and she speaks in a very witty manner, even if she does often misuse words. She's incredibly hardworking, it's just unfortunate that she's only interested in working on her next great adventure. She's generally good-natured though, and for those who can get past the erratic merrymaking, they find a reliable friend. She is a staunch believer in having whimsy, and doesn't have much regard for those who have none. Despite her whimsy, she doesn't have much patience for younger folk and greatly prefers the company of elders. She takes no issue in taking credit for the work of others, and she sweats a lot. She doesn't follow any faith. She is genderqueer and bisexual. ---------- BarleyMan's Cradle![]() [The owners of the facility came from old money, who decided to throw about their cash on a vanity project 'saving' wildlife. They thought of themselves as one big family, but provided very poor care to their charges. They remained aloof in regards to outsiders and their opinions. The facility was located in the riparian woodland, on the outskirts of a large town.] Barley was reared by a surrogate - an old wolfdog who had been at the facility their whole life. They were incredibly kind to Barley when few were, and she grew very attached to them. Their calm and hearty demeanour was something she'd go on to try and emulate for the rest of her life. She was rather resentful of her life here, and mourned the loss of a wild upbringing - not helped by the tales told by the older rescues in the facility. Though she was thrown into a small pen with many strange wolves, she managed to become friends with many of them. There was no clear leader in the group, and severe power struggles were common. Eventually the facility was shut down, and in line with their distasteful track record, much of their 'stock' was discarded. While her more domestic brethren remained in the town in hopes of being picked up, Barley decided to break away and return to the wild. Barley is typical for a wolf, but she does have particularly silky fur. She has an angelic voice and speaks in a concise manner. She often repeats the same handful of odd phrases that she picked up in the facility, and often mispronounces wild wolf names. She's upbeat and jovial, and is generally quite lively - though she also has somewhat of a short fuse. She's rather judgemental - both of herself and others. She's quick to suss out faults and flaws, and while she's forgiving of them in others, she treats herself rather harshly for them. She struggles to see her positives and successes through her own self-doubt. For a while, she contemplated pursuing revenge against her owners, but was discouraged by her wolfdog guardian. Taking their words to heart, Barley turned her attention to personal development - she now takes up every possible opportunity to push herself further and self-improve. She is agender and straight. ---------- HalukSupernatural Ancestry![]() [Both his mother and father were from the presentworld. She moved to the dreamlands to give birth to and raise them] Though his siblings would take their leave as soon as they were able, Haluk remained. Despite his sheltered upbringing and his mother's prodding, Haluk largely enjoyed his childhood and looks back on it fondly. It was uneventful for the most part. Much like his mother, he preferred his own company and had a thirst for knowledge. He even started to actively assist her research. His own goals were rather ambitious however, and he soon turned his attention to artefacts. A particular one, in fact - a strange quartz necklace which a local chieftain proudly wore. They wouldn't let Haluk study it, of course, but he wouldn't let that stop him - and in a daring heist, he managed to steal it away. Naturally they weren't too pleased about this. He fled to the presentworld, hiding away in a quaint valley where he could study his prize in peace. Much of what he knows of the dreamlands is information that even many natives aren't privy to, let alone the regular wolves of the presentworld. This turned out to be somewhat valuable, and many were willing to trade resources for the intel. Which was lucky, as Haluk didn't have much else to offer. Between this and his naturally charming disposition, he didn't have much trouble getting around. Haluk is larger than average, with typical build and mid-length fur. As a result of his dreamlands heritage, his claw tips spark with purple electricity - this is largely harmless, and barely gives a mild shock. His voice is sonorous, and despite his educated background, he speaks in a very chatty manner. He's incredibly neat and is always well-presented. Sentimentality is something that does not concern him - he has no issue with discarding items, people, or ideas if they no longer serve a purpose to him. He can be rather deceitful when pursuing something that he wants. He has something of a physic talent - he can hear the thoughts of others like whispers. He doesn't acknowledge it as such though, and believes it to simply be particularly reliable intuition. He's very committed to his objective worldview, and does not care for those who see it otherwise. Despite his commitment to the scientific method, he always tries to look on the bright side. He does not follow any faith. He's a big fan of wrestling, and has no trouble accosting passing scouts for a match. He is non-binary and queer. |
![]() Srinyx #244 |
Posted 2023-03-17 16:04:36 (edited)
![]() Srinyx #244 |