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Does the Wolfy Odour talent mean you find more rechased wolves proportionally?

Does the Wolfy Odour talent mean you find more rechased wolves proportionally?
Posted 2023-03-27 10:10:17 (edited)
I recently came back after a long hiatus and discovered the talent section. One of the talents I picked was wolfy odour, which raises the chances of finding a special or chased NBW in explore by 5%. However, I have discovered that — while I do encounter much more special and chased NBWs — a massive percentage of the chased wolves I encounter are rechased.

Before, I have never experienced this. If I had to make an estimate, I would say that 90% of more of the chased wolves I find now are rechased, where the percentage was more like 20% before. Does this have something to do with the way the talent works, and have other people been experiencing this, or is it just bad luck on my end?


Posted 2023-03-27 10:57:23
I don't believe the "Chased" label is capable of differentiating between wolves who were bred and wolves who were found, so it's most likely just luck :( They're all put into the same pool that's drawn from, which doesn't look at markings, bases, etc. The only recent addition tracking chased wolves deletes them if they're chased more than once, so wolves who were "rechased" in the literal sense also wouldn't be showing up more often.
Mel 🏜️

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