Posted 2023-03-29 03:28:04 (edited)
I came over from lioden where there's an option to just Play with your pride members without using an item. It doesn't always fill their bar up all the way but it's something at least! There don't seem to be that option here and I've run out of items. The only way I've found so far to get items is exploring or purchasing them from the racoons or trading center. Because I work a full time job, I don't have time to explore all day for only 0-3 items per explore (for example I just used 100% of my energy and found nothing...) And for that reason and also my newness I'm not rolling in SC to buy them with. Is there any kind of quest coming up that will let me send wolves out to look for amusement the way they hunt? Because I AM rolling in meat. I have more meat than I know what to do with. That's easy enough even while working to every hour or so take 5 minutes to send off my hunters and then get back to being a responsible adult. I've already gotten way too attached to these little pixel creatures and don't want to lose them because my gameplay style isn't conducive to what the game allows. |
ShadesofSable #118851 |
Posted 2023-03-29 03:38:16
Fulli #46162 |
Posted 2023-03-29 04:38:49
I do have scouting unlocked, but only have one scout and she's nested, so I haven't scouted her in a while and I didn't know that recounting could be valuable so I hadn't done it! As soon as she pops I'll be sending her out and training up some of my adolescents to go too. |
ShadesofSable #118851 |