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ZyFang wares| Open 🍀

ZyFang wares| Open 🍀
Posted 2023-04-05 11:08:47 (edited)
Greetins, we tend to ave things to sell an so we figure, why not make thread? Please post in this thread or pm me an we will talk shop ^^


Note: the bundles will contain random items, such as: if you buy a food bundle it will include random carcasses and, or, food scraps. We are also a barter system in which we change prices upon the trade market

-🥩Per Food use: 2sc
-🥩Food Bundle :45sc each 
Note: each food bundle is worth 15 food uses

-🦴Per Amusement use: 2sc
-🦴Amusement Bundle: 45sc each
Note: each amusement bundle is worth 15 amusement uses

-🌿Herb Bundle: 15sc each
Note: each herb bundle contains 5 random herbs

-🪹Nesting: 25sc each [SOLD OUT]

-Base Applicator [Badger]
-Cold Cave
-Deer Ear Accessory
-Eye Applicator [Fox]
-Den of Pelts
-Elk Ear Accessory
-Green Meadow
-Lunar Fur Dust
-Lynx Mask
-Moose Ear Accessory
-Wolf Trophy Tail Band [White]

We may also sell Herbs, Carcasses and Medicine individually


Posted 2023-04-05 16:23:51

Customer wait list


Posted 2024-11-21 15:35:04
Hello, i am interested in some nesting material
Kyro Jay

Posted 2024-11-21 15:50:53
Greetings! How many nests would you like today? We currently have 34 in stock


Posted 2024-11-21 18:00:47
could i get about 20?
Kyro Jay

Posted 2024-11-21 19:30:20
Yes, I shall create a private trade between us, if you have an issues with the pricing please PM me and we can work something out ^^

The total cost will be 500sc


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