🌆 After Dusk 🌆 [Onsite Warriors RP][CLOSED]
Posted 2023-04-21 12:38:11
Swanstorm - She-cat - Medicine Cat - Location: Camp CentreSwanstorm nodded respectfully to Cherrystar. "Littlepaw and I are going to collect more herbs for her, I'll give her some when we return." She promised confidently, her gaze shifting to the Nursery. "How is she?" She asked, hoping Rosefrost was at least eating. The glimmers of worry on Cherrystar's face pretty much said otherwise, but it was worth a try. She let out a sigh of exasperation in the direction of where Littlepaw had run off to. She had given up trying to make him wait for her a long time ago, seeing as it was hopeless anyway. "I'll have to catch up to Littlepaw." She deadpanned, bidding farewell to Cherrystar and rushing after the apprentice. She sniffed the ground, catching Littlepaw's scent of excitement. "Littlepaw! You have to wait next time!" She called out. |
FoxyStorm #117822 |
Posted 2023-04-21 14:10:20
Feathertail || Warrior || She/Her || Location Camp Center A marble paw sat behind the she-cat's ear as she paused her cleaning, listening as Poppyeyes voice perk up. "Quite dangerous." Feathertail agreed, lowering her paw. "Maybe a little group of rogues?-" Before she could finish her thought, Tigermoth reappeared on the scene, frantic with worry about Sunpaw. The warrior leaped to her feet, ready to search for the apprentice until she heard the low, aggravated voice of Minkpelt. Had Feathertail ever heard the deputy use such a tone before? No, not that she could recall. Hence when Minkpelt barked out orders, Feathertail was more than ready to follow them to an exact T. "Yes, Minkpelt." Feathertail mewed out, nodding her head once as she sat back down. All she needed to do was wait for Cherrystar to make his return and she'd inform him of the... mess that had occurred. Deep down, she hoped the apprentice was close by. |
xXRiceCrispyTreatsXx #113101 |
Posted 2023-04-21 14:38:39 (edited)
Tigermoth relaxed onto Poppyeyes, she felt tired but also glad that help was going to reach Sunpaw. She felt guilt though that she was unable to catch up with the apprentice, if Sunpaw got hurt outside it would be completely her fault. She winced slightly as she felt Poppyeyes mover her in a way that would enable the tom to drag her to the medicine cat den. Tigermoth felt even more guilt that Swanstorm and Littlepaws precious time would be used up to treat any injury she had caused by her own failing. She tried insisting to Poppyeyes that she was fine but the barked command from Minkpelt frightened her into silence. She shivered slightly, praying to Starclan Poppyeyes would think it was from the pain and not from her fear of being banished. She hobbled onward, trying to stop Poppyeyes fretting by proving she felt better but the larger tom saw past her facade (mainly from her grimaces and gasps of pain). She finally gave in but promised herself that the second her wound was bandaged she would be back on the lookout for Sunpaw if the apprentice hadn't been found. Tigermoth growled at the thought of her injury preventing her from helping out, and she almost stopped, what if it meant bedrest? What if it took her moons to recover?! Tigermoth was brought back to reality by the site of the medicine cat den, she was tempted to play off her injury in the hopes of being allowed back on the hunting patrol. In fact, she felt better already!! She gently pushed off Poppyeyes before attempting to place her injured limb down.... She let out a muffled cry of pain before attempting to smile at Poppyeyes (which honestly looked more like a grimace) "S-see I'm fine, no need to bug Swanstorm and Littlepaw, lets go back to the hunting patrol" She meowed. |
⋆ ☾Shetan 🐌1#NevaneelFan #92708 |
Posted 2023-04-21 18:00:50 (edited)
Littlepaw - MCA - Tom - Location: KitchenThe chestnut tabby was already eagerly darting ahead, confidently testing out his "blinding speed". Wow- he was so fast! No wonder Swanstorm couldn't keep up! After a short chorus of little paws drumming on hollow boards, Littlepaw approached the counters and cabinets to see himself out. With how humongous his personality was, it was sometimes easy to forget that the apprentice was so physically small. In fact, it seemed that he frequently forgot about it himself. As he approached the kitchen area, the medicine cat apprentice slowed his pace to judge the distance he'd need to jump in order to get up on the counters. It was quite a stretch, which was very fortunate for the clan cats that wanted to keep little ones inside. He crouched down, his tongue peeping out of his mouth as he focused on the distance and mentally calculated his leap. He hesitated once, twice, thrice before he finally tensed his muscles and leaped. However, Littlepaw still wasn't used to making such grand leaps. His back legs splayed out awkwardly in the air as they slipped on the worn hardwood floors, causing him to miss his "perfectly calculated" distance. With a soft thonk, his little cream chin slammed against a counter before he awkwardly landed back on the ground. Yeeouch! Being the cool guy he was, Littlepaw quickly played it off as he rubbed at his chin. That'd be bruised in the morning... Hey, what was all that noise? The tabby thought he heard a commotion in the main area- maybe the warriors getting all riled up again. However, his attention span was fleeting as ever, and he'd already moved on to something else: his wonderful impatience. Littlepaw tip-tapped on the floor impatiently as his mentor was tied up with whatever Cherrystar was talking to her about. Ugh- he just wanted to get outside already, to be out of the stuffy twoleg nest!! He tossed his head back dramatically at Swanstorm's scolding with a pained "uuuuuuughhhh!". "C'mon, Swanstorm! I had to wait for six whole moons! Can we go now? Pleeeaaaaseee?" Rosefrost - Queen - Molly - Location: 2nd FloorMoving her body sent pain rippling down her sides, only making her outlook all the grimmer. Would there ever be any recovery from this? Diesel's betrayal, the loss of her litter...? She looked back to so few moons ago when she was a capable and providing warrior to her clan, but now...Rosefrost tightened her jaw as she quivered lightly, silently attempting to will the pain away. It was her job to comfort her brother- it wasn't meant to be vice versa. "...Thank you." The words came out in a soft wheeze. It was selfish of the queen to not want her brother to go, to have company, yet at the same time...she wanted to curl up in a dark hole, all by herself. Part of her long desired the companionship of her clanmates and families, yet it felt necessary to be solemnly independent to fully grieve and process what she'd lost. Rosefrost's navy eyes remained trained on the floor as her paws tensed, allowing her claws to grip the ground. Even breathing or speaking too loudly seemed to send waves of pain down her body. But none of the physical agonies could compare to the pain her heart had endured. She thought she'd found the one, and after he left, she felt empty. It was a hole that was quickly filled by the solace of her mother and the excitement that came along with expecting her litter. She could've raised great little warriors, kittens who were compassionate and loyal (much unlike their deadbeat father). Now in their absence, she was left with nothing. It felt like all the struggles she'd endured had all come crashing down together. Not to mention, Littlepaw had been so excited about the prospect of new friends, and assisting in the delivery. She was just grateful that he hadn't mentioned it. StarClan...with how all things had gone in the past few moons, Rosefrost found her faith in them to be fleeting. Was that so wrong? Her blue gaze flickered to the movement of her littermate, and her stomach twisted itself in knots at the almost daunting thought of being alone again. "I love you." It felt like it hadn't been said enough. Rosefrost had lost so much that it was cruel of her to not appreciate the family she'd already been given. She could only hope that he understood how much she cared for him, even now that they'd grown older, even now that she so foolishly fell for a selfish loner. Through the pain, she was tired. She felt so, so tired. |
![]() 20mia08 #18414 |
Posted 2023-04-23 16:35:27
Cherrystar - Leader - he/him - Location: Camp CenterHis face showed his emotions as he responded to Swanstorm, wishing to bring good news about Rosefrost. "She seemed to be in a lot of pain, unmoving. And she did not want to eat breakfast." And before the medicine cat could respond, the ball of energy that is Littlepaw darted towards the lower level, obviously excited for a day full of learning. "Of course," He chuckled in response as the medicine cat took her leave, and took off after her apprentice. Once she left, Cherrystar took a look around. Minkpelt wasn't in the area, but he noticed a group of cats chatting. They must all be waiting for him and the deputy to leave, and he scanned the area for signs of Berrypaw. The apprentice must be waking up soon. He sat, and kept his eyes sharp on the clan. Briarstorm - Warrior - they/them - Location: Camp CenterThey chuckled, tail twitching at the thoughts running through their head. "I have a... few ideas." Briarstorm looked up, shaping their face to look as if they were thinking hard. "Of course what the winner could get is always appealing; bragging rights, first pick of meals. But what if it's what the loser has to do?" There was a glint of amusement in their eye, and a smirk on their face. "Doing the winner's chores, or maybe picking the ticks off of the elders for a week straight?" They purred, kneading the ground as the idea of a challenge worked its way into their body. "What do you say, Silentflight?" |
![]() Mae #77151 |
Posted 2023-04-24 00:26:50
Fennelpurr - Warrior - He/They - Location: Camp Center (Warrior Den)The sun finally started to peek out. Drifting away from yesterday's night sky to greet a brand new day for Dewclan. Through an opening, the rays beamed onto the sleeping warrior's face, resulting in them slowly opening their eyes as they laid their long body sideways on the wooden floor. They scrunched their face and stretched out their limbs as far as those plush legs could extend. Fennelpurr loved waking up whenever the sun told him to, even if that meant waking up a little after the rest of his clanmates. Fortunately, these days they've been doing a lot better at getting himself off of the ground. Mornings used to be so tough especially when they were unforgivingly cold. This past leaf-bare hit Fennelpurr the hardest, the poor sun being kidnapped by an unsettling gray void felt like an eternity of sadness for him. However those days were gone, and new-leaf was here! Everything was starting to feel okay again. That was until they heard a commotion of yowls coming from the camp center. Something was definitely not okay. Anxiety quickly coursed through his body as they scurried out the den, absolutely worried for the safety of their dear clanmates. Berrypaw - Apprentice - She/Her - Location: Camp CenterThe young apprentice got up pretty early this morning but decided to seek comfort from her parents with the extra time she had. As early as Cherrystar was up, she stealthily snuck over to the den her parents were asleep at and curled up beside them. Berrypaw was just killing time until most of the clan was ready to start the day. If she could avoid socializing with others who aren't her family or actively contributing to her training, she was going to take that opportunity. After a couple attempts of moving around to get comfortable, her parents noticed their daughter snuggled up against them. They continued on resting, while Berrypaw closed her eyes but kept her ears alert. Soon enough there was a ruckus being made. She began listening intently hoping that she wouldn't hear the name she was anticipating to hear, but sure enough it was Sunpaw. "Why does Starclan ignore me when I simply ask them to keep my sister out of trouble for one day, ONE day." She thought as she buried her head into her paws After a couple seconds she brought her head back up and looked over at her peacefully sleeping parents. She contemplated letting them know that their other daughter was giving the warriors a hard time, but that was for sure going to guarantee a scolding for her sister. Berrypaw took a deep breath, sighed, and abandoned the warmth of Firestalk and Darkcloud to face the situation outside the den herself, for the sake of her sister. |
![]() edendeer #119261 |
Posted 2023-04-25 10:16:13
Sunpaw - She/Her - Apprentice - 1st FloorTigermoth's voice drifted down from above, but Sunpaw willfully chose to ignore the warrior. Instead, she took a running leap onto one of the twoleg soft contraptions that lay around the camps first floor ((couch)). It was fairly high, but with her running leap she made it onto the back with a bit of a mad scramble at the end. With a victorious hiss, the apprentice poofed her fluffy tail up and trotted from one side to the other. She had so much energy and waiting around was boring! Hopefully Minkpelt had them do some battle training! Still murmuring to herself and leaping around to battle invisible enemies, the ruddy she-cat didn't see her mentor enter the bottom floor until the gruff deputy spoke. Squeaking, Sunpaw missed her next jump and tumbled from her perch onto the ground in an ungraceful heap. "Oh, er morning Minkpelt." Embarrassed, Sunpaw sat up and flattened her ears. It wasn't that she didn't like Minkpelt, or think she wasn't a good mentor, but she was boring. She'd be just the type of mentor Berrypaw would love. One to always follow to rules, to do everything perfectly. Stuffy. Sunpaw wished she'd have gotten Feathertail for a mentor and Berrypaw could have Minkpelt. Shoulders drooping at the news they were going hunting, and with two of the other quiet cats of the clan to make it worse. "If I do good at hunting can we work on some fighting techniques later today?" She hoped there wasn't to much of a whine in her voice, but somehow doubted it. ****** Silentflight - He/Him - Warrior - Camp CenterBefore Briarstorm could give a reply, Tigermoth limped back in with a caterwaul about Sunpaw. Wincing at not only the volume, but also the sudden tenseness of the clan, Silentflight jerked into a stand. It would be Sunpaw, and the lanky tom again felt sorry for poor Minkpelt to have to try and wrangle the apprentice. He did not envy her that job. At Minkpelt's gruff orders, Silentflight nodded in acknowledgment. He'd give Cherrystar a few more minutes before he'd decide on whether or not to go ahead with the patrol. Tail tip twitching, he watched Tigermoth for a moment as she was lead away by Poppyeyes, trying to gauge how bad her injury was. "Starclan give us strength." He muttered sarcastically, tail tip twitching. It didn't seem things were to bad, at least not yet, since Cherrystar appears from the higher floor likely checking on Rosefrost. The leader seemed to be waiting instead of panicking, likely for Berrypaw and Sharppaw, so Silentflight settled back into a sitting position, attention once more on Briarstorm. "I'm always happy to take bragging rights." He sniffed, trying to sound haughty; but the small grin tugging at his mouth divulged his amusement. Of course the losers 'punishments' had his nose wrinkling. "Oof. Now that's just cruel. Who knew you had it in you Briarstorm," He mused with a chuckle. "Bragging rights versus smelling like mousebile for a quartermoon." Head tipping to the side in thought, he finally gave a put upon sigh. "You're on." |
![]() Alcarie #5393 |
Posted 2023-04-25 14:02:41 (edited)
Minkpelt let a soft chuckle slip out as Sunpaw got herself up, proud her apprentice was up and training early in the morning. In a way Sunpaw reminded herself as a young apprentice, and yet the cheerfulness exuding from her constantly was the exact opposite of what Minkpelt was like back then. Noting the ruddy apprentices' obvious desire to do some more battle training, Minkpelt didn't hesitate to respond in a much more positive tone. "That sounds like a plan, good job on practicing early by the way." Minkpelt took her time standing up and taking some deep breaths. Now their patrol of five was down to four because of Tigermoths' blunder. Hopefully no one told Cherrystar of the misinformation! Minkpelt shuddered at the idea of her clanmates thinking her incompetent. Turning away and towards the pathway to the second level, Minkpelt quietly added "You can wait with us upstairs or keep practicing. Either way is fine." With that the large deputy headed up the path to the second floor. Finally reaching the camp centre she sat down by Silentflight and the others. She let out an exasperated sigh. "Sunpaw is fine, didn't even leave camp. Patrols will proceed as planned." She settles a few feet away from the chittering cats, head pressed against the floorboards. At this point Minkpelt had already had her share of excitement. She just wanted the day to go on with no complications and do her duty to her clanmates, show them why Cherrystar was right in picking her. Show herself why Cherrystar was right in picking her. Poppyeyes- Warrior- He/Him- Camp Centre "We both know that's a mouse dung statement Tigermoth." Poppyeyes gently nudged his friend torwards a nest. "It'll just be worse if you use it more, and ya don't wanna risk missing any of that tasty tasty prey right?" He brushes his head up against her side. "Seriously, it'll be fine, Mothy. Swanstorm will fix you right up." Poppyeyes gently butts his head into the caliby warriors shoulder before slowly exiting the medicine den, glancing back to ensure Tigermoth was settling down. Worry filled his head, hopefully she was going to be okay. And hopefully Sunpaw was safe as well. Poppyeyes left the den just in time to overhear Minkpelts irritated announcement of Sunpaws safety. Hopefully his mentor would calm down a bit before hunting. Ever since she became deputy it seemed she was putting more pressure on herself to do even more. It worried her former apprentice a lot, but he knew better than anyone that she was too stubborn to allow herself a break. Poppyeyes contemplated approaching her and trying to cheer her up when….. "Ohhhhhh Fennelpurr!" Poppyeyes bound over to his sibling, rubbing his head against theirs in greeting. "A good morning to you!" Poppyeyes jaws were wide in a genuine grin. He loved his sibling, and he always did his best to make sure Fennelpurr was genuinely smiling as well. "Morning hunting patrols are going out, wanna come with me! Fight some rouges, kill some badgers, ya know. Totally normal patrol stuff!" Sharppaw- Apprentice- They/Them- Apprentices Den Sharppaw had been staring at the apprentices floor for the past few minutes. Their other trainees were up already, but that didn't mean Sharppaw felt the need to be awake and moving as well. They curl even more in on themself, eyes shutting tight as their face was buried in their tail. Maybe if they didn't leave, they could skip morning patrol. The sun was too bright in the mornings, and everything felt too….strong? It was hard to explain, but Sharppaw needed time to adjust in the mornings regardless. |
![]() ☀️🦦Mayfly🦦 ☀️ #94853 |
Posted 2023-04-25 14:36:14 (edited)
Tigermoth finally gave into Poppyeyes reason and fell into the ready made nest available in the medicine cat den. She did not know where Swanstorm and Littlepaw were but decided she had made enough fuss over herself and focused on trying to shift into a comfortable position for her injury. She hoped it could be fixed immediately, and as she continued that train of thought she heard Minkpelt bark out that Sunpaw was fine and flinched. "Oh Minkpelt and the others are gonna be so mad at me!" She meowed in distress, she truly hadn't meant to cause a fuss she was just so worried that the apprentice had run away as Palestar had or that a rogue would get them. And it was going to take alot of time and extra patrols before she would was willing to face her classmates.... and she didn't want to think about how much Minkpelt's opinion of her had gone down by. She groaned aloud, before burying her head in the moss of the nest. She knew how hard the deputy worked, and she had potentially jeopardised the deputy's standing with the clan with her own misunderstanding. The caliby started praying to Starclan for the ground to open up and swallow her whole, before her wound gave an uncomfortable twinge and forced her to focus on reality and the situation she had unfortunately caused. |
⋆ ☾Shetan 🐌1#NevaneelFan #92708 |
Posted 2023-04-25 17:26:20
Swanstorm - She-Cat - Medicine Cat - Location: Kitchen"Alright, alright, go on." She set off at a brisk pace in front of Littlepaw. "We'll look for some chamomile first, okay? It's small, white petals, yellow center." She recalled, then after a thoughtful hum, she added, "similar to a daisy, but not quite. I'll show you how it smells soon." The she-cat gave a little internal chuckle as she remembered how many times she mixed up the two flowers. They were similar in both looks and in some aspects of smell, too. But chamomile had a sweeter, fruit-like scent, while daisy was more earthy, in her opinion. Her ears flicked back as she caught muffled noises from the other warriors, but paid hem no mind. Perhaps some commotion earlier, but during medicine cat duties, it was not her problem. Shaking out her fur, Swanstorm headed to the exit. |
FoxyStorm #117822 |