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Clearfog Pack Lore

Clearfog Pack Lore
Posted 2023-04-17 11:29:04 (edited)
Clearfog Pack Lore


Credit for the banner goes to Draygirlx #57587

A place for those to belong, who have nowhere to belong.

Clearfog Pack has been founded as a place for misfits, outcasts and those, who are lost and seek guidance. The wolves believe in solidarity and acceptance no matter each other's differences. Over time as the wolves discovered the magic properties of their territory they have made it their mission to remember those, who have no one left to remember them. The pack tries to stay neutral in relation to other packs, but are happy to offer help. Even though they might not seem like it, they will defend themselves with everything they have, if necessary.

layout by #202


Posted 2023-04-18 13:08:08 (edited)
subtitle here

hello this is a header

Play Wolvden for free today! Sign up and create your very own wolf pack leader in a fun and challenging persistent browser-based game! Set in the various rich biomes of North America and Europe, encounter many different enemies and prey alike as you drive your wolf pack to victory in the rich world of Wolvden.

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woah these are

Play Wolvden for free today! Sign up and create your very own wolf pack leader in a fun and challenging persistent browser-based game! Set in the various rich biomes of North America and Europe, encounter many different enemies and prey alike as you drive your wolf pack to victory in the rich world of Wolvden.

two split sections

Play Wolvden for free today! Sign up and create your very own wolf pack leader in a fun and challenging persistent browser-based game! Set in the various rich biomes of North America and Europe, encounter many different enemies and prey alike as you drive your wolf pack to victory in the rich world of Wolvden.

layout by #202


Posted 2023-04-18 13:09:10 (edited)
Territory (old, mountains)
2 wip


here will eventually be a map

Special Places

  • Fireflycreek: Fireflycreek is a clearing located at the heart of the territory and is named after the stream that is flowing through the clearing. The clearing is mostly covered in soft Moos and mossy stones are scattered all over the clearing. Many herbs can be found between them. What gave the clearing and stream their name are the firefly's which have large population on the clearing. What can be also found there are the glowing, blue orbs, circling all around the clearing. The wolves believe they are a blessing from the gods which allows their ancestors to walk amongst them and guide those who are lost.
  • Foghill River: The River that flows through the valley. Fireflycreek and a few over creeks originate from here.
  • Clearfog Falls: Clearfog Falls is a waterfall at the northern end of the territory. The river begins here and the pack has built their camp there.


The camp has been built on a clearing directly next to Clearfog Falls, so the pack has always a source of fresh water. It consists of six caves, which are directly in the cliffs. A small path leads to each cave.

  • The highest cave is for the leadwolf and their family.
  • The nursery is one of the two lowest caves and can be accessed from the ground. This is because it is dangerous for the pups to climb the path. The pupsitters reside here. This cave has also a section for the herbalist. The herbalist sleeps and storms their herbs here. It has also room for wounded wolves. If in this cave is enough room, the apprentices reside also here. Otherwise they sleep in the caves of their future ranks
  • The cave for the hunters is the second highest.
  • The cave for the scouts lies in the middle on the left.
  • On the right in the middle is the cave for Mentors.
  • The second cave at the ground is on the right next to the nursery and reserved for visitors. Wolves, who are sick, are accommodated here, so they don't spread the illness. Should the pack have visitors at the same time, are the visitors placed on an other cave, in which is enough room.
layout by #202


Posted 2023-04-19 11:33:28 (edited)
Territory (current, tundra)


Play Wolvden for free today! Sign up and create your very own wolf pack leader in a fun and challenging persistent browser-based game! Set in the various rich biomes of North America and Europe, encounter many different enemies and prey alike as you drive your wolf pack to victory in the rich world of Wolvden.

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Special Places

  • Firefly Springs: Firefly Springs are a couple of hot springs near the camp entrance in the Highlands. Wolves often come here to bathe, especially in the colder season. What makes this place really special are the blue orbs one can find here. They were brought over from Foghill Valley and bring the same magic to the new territory, with exception of the fog. The place was named after Firefly Springs.
  • Moonlit Stream: The river that flows through the territory. There are also some underground rivers that originate from this river.
  • Moonlit Lake: The lake in which the river flows is only partially part of the pack's territory and is mostly outside of the borders. Right next to the lake, just outside of the pack's territory, is a human structure. It's purpose is unknown, but the wolves, especially young ones, are advised to avoid this place.
  • Underground Cave System: The camp is only a part of huge underground cave system. The full extent of the cave system is unknown as it could not be fully scouted due several tunnels being caved in. It is forbidden to enter the caves without permission from either the Leader, Second-in-Command or the Head Scout.


The camp is part of a cave system that stretches out beneath the pack's territory and the entrance is pretty much in the middle of it where the Highlands and Lowlands meet. The entrance is a tunnel, that goes down for a while until it opens up to a large cavern. Theis cavern is the main part of the camp. On the right side of the cavern is a ledge near the ground, on which the lead wolf holds meetings. Behind the ledge is a small-ish cave where the lead wolf and their family sleep. On the left side of the cavern is a pond,which is sourced by an underground river. Opposite of the entrance tunnel is a tunnel that leads to the caves for the rest of the pack.The first cave in the right side is for the hunters, the second for the herbalist and sick wolves and the third is the nursery. The first on the left side is for the scouts, the second for apprentices and the last for elders. This tunnel is sealed off by some rubble. The pack decided not to clear the rubble, so young wolves won't get lost in the vast cave system. The cave for visitors is located nearby the camp in a medium sized cave, which is outside of the cave system the camp is part of.

layout by #202


Posted 2023-04-19 11:34:35 (edited)


The main gods are Aodh, god of the sun, and his little sister Caillech, the moon goddess. Together they created the world and rule other the other gods. Cian, the spirit of life, breathed new life into the newly created world. Even though he appears as a pup he is the oldest of the gods. It is said that he was already there when there was nothing. The spirit of death and ruler of the spirit realm, also known as lunar realm or Dreamlands, is Aífe.The spirit realm is the place there she takes the souls of the dead. Along with the spirits live nativ species in the Dreamlands, among others a wolf one named Cnitharian wolves. During a special time once a month mortals are allowed to walk amongst the spirit realm. Her origin is unknown. Some say that she is as ancient as Cian, while others believe she simply started to exist, when it was time for the first wolf to die. Deirdre is the spirit of nature and the hunt. Legend has it that she was once a mortal wolf. She deeply loved nature and had many critter friends. Her hunting skills were so great that even the gods admired her. Then she died way too early during a hunt the gods decided to turn her into one them, instead of bringing her soul into the spirit realm. It is said that if you harm nature unnecessarily, you get to feel her wrath. The wolves believe that the gods blessed their territory and enchanted the blue orbs on Fireflycreek, allowing the spirit of their ancestors to walk amongst them.


Traditions wip

  • Funeral: The funeral is divided in two parts. The first part is the burial. Only family members and close friends are allowed to attend. They give the deceased the last honor by burying them and reciting a prayer to help their soul find its way to the sprit realm. The Druid may attend too, if the family of the deceased wishes them to recite the prayer instead of doing it themselves. The second part is a feast in the name of the deceased. The whole pack comes together to eat and share memories of the deceased.
  • Mating Ceremony: The mating ceremony can be as big or as small as the couple wishes. Some invite the whole, some only close family and friends and some wish to perform it alone. The wolves who wish to become mates exchange small gifts and pledge their loyalty to each other. Then the Druid blesses them in the name of the gods and pronounces them as mates. The ceremony is not required to be seen as official mates.
  • Memorial: Many ghosts come and go and the Druid collects every wolf's story who is willing to tell it. Every full moon the Druid selects one and narrates it to the pack. This is done so that every wolf who has passed on is remembered, even though they have no one else to remember them.
  • Imbolc: Imbolc is celebrated when the first snow melts. It marks the beginning of spring and serves to thank the gods that the pack survived winter. It is celebrated with a feast in the name of the gods. A part of the feast is sacrificed as a thanks to the gods for surviving the winter.
  • Samhain: Samhain is celebrated at the beginning of winter and marks the beginning of the darker half the year. The wolves believe that evil spirits have easy access to the mortal realm in this time of the year. Those evil spirits seek to harm the pack. In order to scare the spirits away the wolves dress up, gather around a bonfire at night and tell each other spooky stories. The celebrations last seven nights.
  • All Hallow's Eve: All Hallow's Eve is celebrated after Samhain and serves two purposes: to ask the gods that they may guide the safely through winter and to honor their ancestors. A feast in the name of the gods is held the first night. A part of that is sacrificed. Another feast to honor the ancestors is held the second night. Wolves may share memories of deceased family members and friends during the feast. After the feast wolves visit the graves of beloved family members or friends. There they bring them a flower as a sign that they remember them.

layout by #202


Posted 2023-04-19 11:34:50 (edited)
Pack Law

The Law of Clearfog Pack

  • All wolves are equal and we respect each other's differences. No wolf is to be treated differently simply for being different.
  • While all wolves are equal, the Lead Wolf is to be respected and obeyed unless their orders go against the law.
  • All wolves deserve a chance.
  • The pack is your your family and first priority, but that does not mean you cannot have friends outside the pack.
  • An opponent does not need to be killed to end a fight, unless your own life or pack member's is in danger.
  • Do not take more than you need to survive.
  • Every wolf may become part of the pack as long as they contribute. It does not matter how you contribute as long as you contribute.
  • Guests may stay on the territory for however long they please, as long as they are granted permission from the Lead Wolf and follow the law.
  • New members enter a trial period of three months. If they show that they can live after the pack's way, they may become full members.
  • You may not enter the cave system without permission from either the Lead Wolf, Second-in-Command or Head Scout. We only exception is the camp.

layout by #202


Posted 2023-04-19 11:35:09 (edited)
  • Lead Wolf:: The Lead wolf is the one leading the pack. They are also called Lead or Leader. They usually wear Wheel of Taranis Body Jewelry and Celtic Astrology [Carnalian] - Holly Tail Jewelry as a representation for their position.
  • Second-in-Command: The Second-in-Command is like the name suggests the second in command. They assist the Leader and substitute for them, when they are away. They usually wear Lunula [Gold] and Spiral Bracelet [Gold] to represent their position. (Note: The featured wolf is usually the second-in-command.)
  • Lead Apprentice: The Lead Apprenticeis a wolf chosen by the Lead to become the next Lead. They are usually chosen as a puppy when the current Lead six years old is. They learn how to lead a pack, but they learn another role as well. They take over then the current Lead dies or steps down. To represent their position they wear the Celtic Cloak.
  • Druid: The Druid is the spiritual leader of the pack. They have a special connection to the gods and can even work some magic. It is their function to perform certain ceremonies, e. g. the pairbond ceremony and funerals. They also gather the stories of all pack members and ghosts, who are willing to share their story. Then a druid grows old, they perform a special ceremony to reveal wich pup will be the next Druid. They pass all their knowledge to this pup. Then the old Druid dies the the young one takes over their position. Only after their mentor died, the apprentice becomes a fully-fledged druid. To represent their position they wear an ogham emblem headwear, an ogham emblem bodywear, an ogham trinket and have a glowing moon stripes body paint.
  • Herbalist: The Herbalist is responsible for gathering herbs and mixing medicines. Then a wolf is wounded or sick they are sent to the herbalist. To represent their position they wear a Celtic ruana wrap in green, a black leather sporan and a flower or herb adornment of their choice.
  • Hunters: The Hunters hunt the food for the pack. They are sorgtet into a hunting party by the Leader and Beta. The hunts are organized by the Lead Hunter.
  • Scouts: The scouts are responsible for guarding the borders and explore unknown territory. They also make sure that the hunting grounds are safe. The Head Scout manages the places there the scouts are sent.
  • Pupsitters:: The Pupsitters are responsible for the packs pups safety. They watch them then their mothers are away.
  • Apprentices: Apprentices are adolescents that learn their future role in the pack.
  • Pups: Pups don't have a responsibility and get to play most of the day. They are either with their parents or a pupsitter. They learn basic lessons.
  • Elders: Elders are wolves that can't perform their former role due to old age or an injury anymore. They don't have duties, but usually help the pupsitters with teaching the pups.

layout by #202


Posted 2023-04-19 11:35:26 (edited)

The Clearfog Pack was founded by Branwen Darkleaf and Rónan Oakspring in early fall. Branwen took the role of the Leader and chose Rónan as her Beta. The pack established their territory and life was is good. Since the pack is rather new they hadn't experienced struggles or major changes, besides that Rónan Oakspring recently decided to step down from his position as Beta. Murchad Wavebeam was chosen as his replacement.

07. 07. 23
The packs first Herbalist Bedwyr Lostclaw died due to old age.

17. 07. 23
The four puppies of Branwen Darkleaf and Murchad Wavebeam were born. They were named Cailean, Calum, Tearlach and Moira.

18. 07. 23
Today Sìne Darkleaf, the adopted pup of Branwen Darkleaf and Murchad Wavebeam, passed away due to an infected wound.

21. 07. 23
The former Lead Hunter Elen Starsong passed away due to old age.

23. 07. 23
Today the puppy of Carlyn Darkleaf and Dùghal Brokenice was born. His name is Kieran.

27. 07. 23
The puppies of Seren Lostclaw and Mairèad Lostclaw were born today. They were named Steffan and Elena.

28. 07. 23

- Branwen Darkleaf announced today that Moira Darkleaf is the Lead Apprentice.

layout by #202


Posted 2023-06-15 05:40:15 (edited)
Naming System

The wolves have two names. The first is an old Celtic name or has a Celtic origin. The second name acts as a family name and has two parts. This names can be compared to warriors names. They are inherited by the mother. It is not necessary for a pairbond that one of the two wolves takes the name of the other.

layout by #202


Posted 2023-10-18 09:53:57 (edited)
List of Current Pack Members

List of former Pack Members

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