AZ Cancri
Last Details | |
Death Age | 8 years 0 months (Elder) |
Sex | Female |
Personality | Sullen |
Breeding Records | |
Death Age in Rollovers | 192 |
Pups Bred | 16 pups bred |
Looks | |
Base | Iron (0.18%) |
Base Genetics | Monochrome Dark III |
Eyes | Saros |
Skin | Black |
Nose | Black |
Claws | Moonbow |
Mutation | None |
Secondary Mutation | None |
Carrier Status | Unknown |
Variant | Default |
Markings | |
Slot 1 | None |
Slot 2 | None |
Slot 3 | Airglow Ornate Waves (32%) |
Slot 4 | None |
Slot 5 | Nocturne Wraith (72%) |
Slot 6 | None |
Slot 7 | Selene Lupos (17%) |
Slot 8 | Black Rump Stripe (42%) |
Slot 9 | Black Undercoat (24%) |
Slot 10 | None |
Birth Stats | ||
Strength | Speed | Agility |
150 | 98 | 91 |
Wisdom | Smarts | Total |
90 | 85 | 514 |
Birth Information | |
Moon | ![]() |
Season | ![]() |
Biome | Grasslands |
Birth stats: 514
11 1/2 months: 528 (+ 36 puptraining)
Lvl 1 (Adult): 564
Lvl 5: 599
lvl 10: 688
AZ Cancri looks bothered by something, but when you ask them what's wrong they just grumble and refuse to answer.
AZ Cancri greets you cordially, but the tone and their body language show that they don't really care to hear an answer. Or anything at all, really.
With a sigh, AZ Cancri stares at you as if they are tired at the mere thought of having to interact with you. After a while of staring at you in silence, they give you something from their private stash.
AZ Cancri: Wandering Demigod
AZ or "Z", is a pup born to an immortal being and a mortal. She is one of the few middle childs of her family of halfbloods, and she is of course a half sister to all of her older and younger siblings. Most of their mortal fathers already being deceased by the time AZ was two years old. Having been born high up in the mountains in the fall, she was pretty isolated from other wolves and animals. Fortunately, the cave she was born in was behind a flowing waterfall that provided some protection from the chilly air. It was nicely decorated too, with wall candles that provided a little bit of heat.
When AZ was still very young, there was something unusual about her right after birth. Strange blue markings laced her fur. When her eyes first opened around three weeks after being born, they were like that of a serpent. Definitely not normal wolf eyes, and the colour was even more unusual- a mixture of colours that were hard to describe.
Year 0: 1 Month Old - October
At barely a month old, Z was able to drag around large sticks with minimal effort. Her littermates were also common victims. That is because she is the strongest of all her littermates/half siblings. The divine strength of her mother and the muscle of her mortal father granted her the ability to lift objects three times as heavy as her. But since she is barely 6lbs, what she can lift isn't really heavy.
Year 0: Three Months Old - December
At three months old, AZ began swimming in the river by her home. Under the watchful care of her mother, she proved herself to be an exceptional swimmer despite being so young. None of her littermates dared take a dip in the frigid waters. Could AZ possibly have the most powers out of all of her siblings? Only time will tell as she is still growing.
Year 0: Five Months Old - February
At five months old, AZ was already fully weaned of her mother and weighed in at 27lbs. With her mother and siblings, Z began her trek down the mountains. Spring was coming soon and the deer had begun their journey to the taiga below. AZ, with her incredible strength, was able to take down adult does all on her own while her other three litermattes had better success together. This made her mother proud. She was the strongest offspring yet of hers, and her divine strength wasn't being blocked by her mortal father unlike her older half siblings.
Year 0: Seven Months Old - April
Not too long after turning seven months old, AZ discovered another ability of hers that came from her mom. When she was out hunting, her eyes glowed a bright blue/red. Two, large blue claws emerged from her sides, allowing Z to grab the prey without using her teeth. They were at least four feet long, and they disappeared once she was able to bring down the doe. Amazed by her new talent, she began to practice controlling these crab claws and how to use them. Her mother was there to guide her through it all. Indeed, AZ had the most divine power out of all twenty-one of her siblings.
Year 0: Ten Months Old - July
AZ spent most of her time at the base of the mountain. She fought all sorts of dangerous animals, usually by herself. She took on bull moose and bears. Whenever she got too cocky, her mother was there to step in and drag her out of there, usually after she finishes off the pursuer herself. After lots of scolding from her mother, AZ eventually mellowed out. Her mother had taught her respect and wolfy manners while also warning her not to use her powers for show. Z disliked the schooling a lot, but she listened to her mother's words and grew to be more polite and reserved. Almost nothing like the loud and combative pup she used to be. However, this was a change for the better.
Traveling Wolf Rules:
1. Always keep her mood/hunger above 30. If I see she is close to leaving from low mood/hunger, I will recall her.
2. DO NOT chase her please! (Only do so if you need the space badly and she will appear as a chased wolf for me to claim.)
3. You are NOT allowed to breed her (people have neglected her pups and purposefully let them die 3 times now and I will not let that happen again).
4. Do not pairbond her or make her your leader. You are 100% allowed to breed her. If you breed her to my stud, I will give you a 100% refund.
5. Don't remove any of her decor OR backgrounds (but you are free to add decor!)
6. Only keep her for up to 2 rollovers (1 ingame month). I will recall her before RO if you can't get her to move on. ^^
Traveling Wolf Format
Year/Age/Month: (If you're confused, every September is 1 year and every 2 rollovers is 1 month.)
Pack Name/ID:
Decor Added:
Lore: (Preferably a minimum of one sentence but not required ^^)

Year 1: 1 Year old - September
Pack Name/ID: The Galactic Ones #26993
Decor Added: [Middle America] Nicaragua - Lake Nicaragua
Lore: On her journey to explore the world, AZ was told by her mother to go to the cedar tree forest of the grasslands. Listening to her mother's words, AZ found her way to a pack living in the forest. The pack pupsitters were first to greet her, welcoming her to the Galactic Ones pack. There, Cancri met her older half sister, Epsilon. One of three to get godly abilities like her. She even got to play with her five nieces.

Year/Age/Month: Year 1 October - 1 Year, 1 Month Old
Pack Name/ID:
Decor Added:

Year/Age/Month: Year 1 November - 1year 2.5months old
Pack Name/ID: Crescent #50283Echoes of the Lost
Decor Added: Acorn Bundle Decor

Year/Age/Month: Year 2 November - 2 years 2 months
Pack Name/ID: Sock Paw Pack #120989
Decor Added: Mouthful of Feathers
Lore: As AZ walked through the crunchy leaves on an autumn evening, she started to pick up the scent of a nearby pack, which was only a few miles away. She was already tired, but the determination to be somewhere safe to sleep tonight overpowered her sleepiness. Seeing as how the clouds looked gray and stormy, she rushed to the nearest pack. That was the moment when she ran to the nearest cave in Sock Paw Pack, revealing a snoring lead wolf. She panicked as the wolf had woken up, mumbling inaudible words under her breath. The wolf sheepishly opened her eyes, then after a few seconds, barked as much as she could. AZ decided it would be a great time to calm the aloof leader and to explain why she was there. They talked for a while, finding out they had a lot in common. It was 4:50 AM when their conversation ended, so in the morning, AZ was introduced to the rest of the pack. The puppies seemed to like her a lot, and to grow attached pretty quickly. AZ spent a lot of her time there, after setting off to find a new pack after a few weeks.

Year/Age/Month: Year 2 February - 2 years 5 months
Pack Name/ID: Destiny Sanctum #86816
Decor Added: Blue Eye Discharge
Lore: N/A
Year/Age/Month: Year 2/3 years 8.5 months/ July
Pack Name/ID: Nardondra #8673
Decor Added: Red Oak Branch
Lore: The wolves of this pack were strange. They certainly stood out with their abundance of merle marks, hard enough to find on a singular wold, much less an entire pack. By far the strangest wolves in the pack were the lead pair. Galadriel and Caerwyn, they called themselves. There was something off about the pair of them. She had sensed it the day they had invited her to their den to welcome her to their pack.
"Welcome." Caerwyn had said. His there was an accent in his voice that she could not quite place. The way he spoke, the way he pronounced his words sent shivers through her body. It didn't help that his eyes were a bright unsettling, almost otherworldly green. "I am called Caerwyn. This is my mate, Galadriel, alpha of this pack. It pleases us that you have chosen to settle here for the time being."
"The pleasure is mine, I assure you." It certainly was not. This pack and its wolves gave AZ the heebie-jeebies. But perhaps it was just first day jitters. In time she might come to find herself at home here. These wolves were strange but by no means unfriendly.
"Please," Galadriel stepped forward. "Remain with us for as long as you please. You are more than welcome here."
"Thank you." AZ gave a grateful dip of her head and turned to leave.
Suddenly the air grew cold. Wind whipped at her fur. AZ's blood ran cold. They were too far into the cave for any wind to reach them.Outside, there was no indication of blowing wind. Little yellow balls of light began to float in the air. The air was filled with a faint humming sound, like whispers on the wind. Whispers that seemed to be coming from the glowing orbs.
AZ turned back to Caerwyn and Galadriel. Their eyes now glowed. Brightly. Unnaturally. When they spoke their voices sounded distorted. Like multiple versions of themselves were speaking at once.
"We sincerely hope you enjoy your time with us, AZ Cancri. It would be a shame if you didn't. Like recognizes like."
AZ blinked. Everything was back to normal. It was like the last minute had not happened at all. Galadriel and Caerwyn were looking at her curiously.
AZ blinked again. Now she understood. Now she knew what they were. Faelcu. Immortal beings much like herself, but oh so different. Dangerous different. She hoped it was just the two of them. This land could not deal with an entire pack of Faelcu running around.
"Is something the matter?"
"No." AZ shook her head with a smile. "Nothing at all."

11 1/2 months: 528 (+ 36 puptraining)
Lvl 1 (Adult): 564
Lvl 5: 599
lvl 10: 688
AZ Cancri looks bothered by something, but when you ask them what's wrong they just grumble and refuse to answer.
AZ Cancri greets you cordially, but the tone and their body language show that they don't really care to hear an answer. Or anything at all, really.
With a sigh, AZ Cancri stares at you as if they are tired at the mere thought of having to interact with you. After a while of staring at you in silence, they give you something from their private stash.
AZ Cancri: Wandering Demigod
AZ or "Z", is a pup born to an immortal being and a mortal. She is one of the few middle childs of her family of halfbloods, and she is of course a half sister to all of her older and younger siblings. Most of their mortal fathers already being deceased by the time AZ was two years old. Having been born high up in the mountains in the fall, she was pretty isolated from other wolves and animals. Fortunately, the cave she was born in was behind a flowing waterfall that provided some protection from the chilly air. It was nicely decorated too, with wall candles that provided a little bit of heat.
When AZ was still very young, there was something unusual about her right after birth. Strange blue markings laced her fur. When her eyes first opened around three weeks after being born, they were like that of a serpent. Definitely not normal wolf eyes, and the colour was even more unusual- a mixture of colours that were hard to describe.
Year 0: 1 Month Old - October
Year 0: Three Months Old - December
Year 0: Five Months Old - February
Year 0: Seven Months Old - April
Year 0: Ten Months Old - July
Traveling Wolf Rules:
1. Always keep her mood/hunger above 30. If I see she is close to leaving from low mood/hunger, I will recall her.
2. DO NOT chase her please! (Only do so if you need the space badly and she will appear as a chased wolf for me to claim.)
3. You are NOT allowed to breed her (people have neglected her pups and purposefully let them die 3 times now and I will not let that happen again).
4. Do not pairbond her or make her your leader. You are 100% allowed to breed her. If you breed her to my stud, I will give you a 100% refund.
5. Don't remove any of her decor OR backgrounds (but you are free to add decor!)
6. Only keep her for up to 2 rollovers (1 ingame month). I will recall her before RO if you can't get her to move on. ^^
Traveling Wolf Format
Year/Age/Month: (If you're confused, every September is 1 year and every 2 rollovers is 1 month.)
Pack Name/ID:
Decor Added:
Lore: (Preferably a minimum of one sentence but not required ^^)

Year 1: 1 Year old - September
Pack Name/ID: The Galactic Ones #26993
Decor Added: [Middle America] Nicaragua - Lake Nicaragua
Lore: On her journey to explore the world, AZ was told by her mother to go to the cedar tree forest of the grasslands. Listening to her mother's words, AZ found her way to a pack living in the forest. The pack pupsitters were first to greet her, welcoming her to the Galactic Ones pack. There, Cancri met her older half sister, Epsilon. One of three to get godly abilities like her. She even got to play with her five nieces.

Year/Age/Month: Year 1 October - 1 Year, 1 Month Old
Pack Name/ID:
Decor Added:

Year/Age/Month: Year 1 November - 1year 2.5months old
Pack Name/ID: Crescent #50283Echoes of the Lost
Decor Added: Acorn Bundle Decor

Year/Age/Month: Year 2 November - 2 years 2 months
Pack Name/ID: Sock Paw Pack #120989
Decor Added: Mouthful of Feathers
Lore: As AZ walked through the crunchy leaves on an autumn evening, she started to pick up the scent of a nearby pack, which was only a few miles away. She was already tired, but the determination to be somewhere safe to sleep tonight overpowered her sleepiness. Seeing as how the clouds looked gray and stormy, she rushed to the nearest pack. That was the moment when she ran to the nearest cave in Sock Paw Pack, revealing a snoring lead wolf. She panicked as the wolf had woken up, mumbling inaudible words under her breath. The wolf sheepishly opened her eyes, then after a few seconds, barked as much as she could. AZ decided it would be a great time to calm the aloof leader and to explain why she was there. They talked for a while, finding out they had a lot in common. It was 4:50 AM when their conversation ended, so in the morning, AZ was introduced to the rest of the pack. The puppies seemed to like her a lot, and to grow attached pretty quickly. AZ spent a lot of her time there, after setting off to find a new pack after a few weeks.

Year/Age/Month: Year 2 February - 2 years 5 months
Pack Name/ID: Destiny Sanctum #86816
Decor Added: Blue Eye Discharge
Lore: N/A
Year/Age/Month: Year 2/3 years 8.5 months/ July
Pack Name/ID: Nardondra #8673
Decor Added: Red Oak Branch
Lore: The wolves of this pack were strange. They certainly stood out with their abundance of merle marks, hard enough to find on a singular wold, much less an entire pack. By far the strangest wolves in the pack were the lead pair. Galadriel and Caerwyn, they called themselves. There was something off about the pair of them. She had sensed it the day they had invited her to their den to welcome her to their pack.
"Welcome." Caerwyn had said. His there was an accent in his voice that she could not quite place. The way he spoke, the way he pronounced his words sent shivers through her body. It didn't help that his eyes were a bright unsettling, almost otherworldly green. "I am called Caerwyn. This is my mate, Galadriel, alpha of this pack. It pleases us that you have chosen to settle here for the time being."
"The pleasure is mine, I assure you." It certainly was not. This pack and its wolves gave AZ the heebie-jeebies. But perhaps it was just first day jitters. In time she might come to find herself at home here. These wolves were strange but by no means unfriendly.
"Please," Galadriel stepped forward. "Remain with us for as long as you please. You are more than welcome here."
"Thank you." AZ gave a grateful dip of her head and turned to leave.
Suddenly the air grew cold. Wind whipped at her fur. AZ's blood ran cold. They were too far into the cave for any wind to reach them.Outside, there was no indication of blowing wind. Little yellow balls of light began to float in the air. The air was filled with a faint humming sound, like whispers on the wind. Whispers that seemed to be coming from the glowing orbs.
AZ turned back to Caerwyn and Galadriel. Their eyes now glowed. Brightly. Unnaturally. When they spoke their voices sounded distorted. Like multiple versions of themselves were speaking at once.
"We sincerely hope you enjoy your time with us, AZ Cancri. It would be a shame if you didn't. Like recognizes like."
AZ blinked. Everything was back to normal. It was like the last minute had not happened at all. Galadriel and Caerwyn were looking at her curiously.
AZ blinked again. Now she understood. Now she knew what they were. Faelcu. Immortal beings much like herself, but oh so different. Dangerous different. She hoped it was just the two of them. This land could not deal with an entire pack of Faelcu running around.
"Is something the matter?"
"No." AZ shook her head with a smile. "Nothing at all."