Ivané, Goddess of Greenery, was born in a thicket of lush greens. Her mother, MoonBeam, died during birth and left her daughter all alone. Her father carried her to a nearby pack when he came looking for the mother and found a little newborn pup all alone, and the mother....lifeless just inches away. He had been way to busy to care for a pup all on his own, so he had given her to the Effortless Charm pack. There, amidst an abundance of caring pupsitters and mentors, she grew into a fine goddess. She wanted to explore the land and would often use her powers to heal grass and trees that were dead and broken down, but even though she would travel, she would always come back to the place that had raised her. She grew up to be very kind and amiable, always looking out for others.
You see a wolf standing in front of a patch of dead grass. She's crying...but then she smiles as the tears fall down her cheeks and raises a paw just above the patch, swirling it around in a circular motion. The dead grass grows in height and saturation, and suddenly, it's a patch of the most vibrant, lush-looking grass you've ever seen. She wipes her tears and looks at you with a smile. What an amazing wolf...