This wolf has been with the pack since the beginning. Hidden Shade was born in a pack of assassin wolves who pride themselves on being sneaky and swift. One night, their caves that were hidden deep in the forest were attacked. Only a few survived and they scattered. Hidden Shade was alone in the forest when she heard a howl. Hoping it was one of her friends from the assassin pack, or at least someone who would welcome her, she followed the sound. She eventually came to an unnamed black wolf standing by a white wolf who she eventually learned was Ice Runner. Hidden Shade swore her loyalty to Ice Runner and promised to give all her strength to the pack now known as the Shrouded Pack. She is very suspicious of any wolf on their territory and as new wolves joined, she hated how Ice Runner was not careful, how she just accepted anyone who asked. Besides this negative, she is still very loyal to the Shrouded Pack and still greatly respects Ice Runner, even if she thinks there are some things that should be changed.
When Quiet Paws joined the pack, she was filled with rage. No test? Not even waiting a couple sunrises to see if the wolf could prover herself? Hidden Shade knew Ice Runner's kindness would one day destroy the pack. That's why she needed to stay, to try changing Ice Runner's quick acceptance of others. It continued like this, accepting any wolf that claimed they needed help. Then, one day, Ice Runner let in the worst wolf she could, a light brown wolf who claimed to be Cali. She did not recognize him at first, but the more he stayed, the more similarities she found to a different wolf of many stories…. Safety Breaker. Not only a wolf of many stories, but a former ally to her. When she was still with the assassin's group, Safety Breaker would help them in return for their assistance in one of his many schemes. When she told Ice Runner this and insisted on chasing away this "Cali", Ice Runner accused HER of having too little trust in wolves. Ice Runner listened to Cali's suggestion and took away her place as a scout. She was furious. Then, in a surprising turn of events, Quiet Paws confronted Ice Runner and refused to do her scouting duties until Hidden Shade was allowed to scout with her. This was very admirable in the eyes of Hidden Shade, and after this lasted a few days, they both were returned to scouting. This opened up a path of trust that got deeper and deeper as time went on. She even started to believe that she developed feelings for Quiet Paws. So when Quiet Paws led her into the forest and started talking about how she hoped to one day find the right wolf, Hidden Shade suggested herself. Quiet Paws immediately stopped, the silence that continued was agonizing. "W-what?" The yellow wolf spoke. "Oh! Uh, nevermind, silly joke, haha!" She continued walking faster than before, should have been more slow. "Wait! I was just very… surprised… I… didn't know you felt the same." Quiet Paws everted her gaze, she obviously also felt this was awkward. "Oh." This was great. The wolf felt the same way. She stopped and rested her chin on the wolf's back. Quiet Paws did the same. Hidden Shade backed away "Sorry, I, uh…." Why was this so hard to figure out? It's not like she hasn't had a positive interaction at all in the past…. well, kinda. "It's okay… I understand." Quiet Paws flicked Hidden Shade's ear and Hidden Shade turned to touch noses.
When Quiet Paws died, that was the lowest Hidden Shade had been. She cried for days, unable to perform duties. For that time, she resigned from scout and stayed in the dens. She knew Quiet Paws would always be looking after her, would always be with her, but it still hurt to know that she could never see her in her life again.
Both her and Ice Runner were getting old. They knew this and made sure to announce the heir to lead the pack. When the day was done and the moon rose, they fell asleep together, curled up. Side by side, like they had always been, and always will be , they died.