A third generation descendent of the spirits of Order and Entropy, Dima reminds everyone of the importance of balance. Mother Qaf taught her how to listen for the ancestor's advice, which is foretold by the presence of glowing lights. She acts as caregiver for mate Yossele, who was born with an odd tilt to his head and reacts little to the world until spoken to directly.
Third generation Ghul lines. No recessive genes.
Parents: Erbium and Qaf.
Mate: Yossele.
Siblings: Chip, Citrine, Iibso.
Half-siblings: Awendela, Topaz.
Aunts and Uncles: Sevyn (grandpups), Flora, Biotite (grandpups), Cream, Zelda (grandpups), Lunabell (grandpups), Uriel, Ginger Snaps, Haliastur, Cream, Spottedpelt, Cream, Atlas, Janice, Pistachio,Sandy, 2 x Storm Marks, Kage, Misty (grandpups), Gina, Aspen (grandpups), Tinysoul, Katrina, Sturgeon Shipyard, Sky, New Puppy, New Puppy, New Puppy, Anquila, Teli, Gen2 Storm Male Pup, Paparazzi Murder Party (grandpups), Casper, Chara, Moonflower, Kore, Half Moon, Stormrise (grandpups).
Cougar lines: Valentino.
Birth stats better parent's: Dad's. Death stats better than parent's: . Death level better than parent's: .