Daughter of Mozi and Kayleen. Artemis is the Dark Wolf of the pack, a title she inherited from her mother, Kayleen. Just like Mozi's other offspring (most of them), she was born out of necessity after the pack was struck with a terrible illness. She looked up to her father, despite not always receiving his fatherly love. She was in fact a princess and wasn't scared to present herself as such (despite being a Halfblood). She didn't always see her mother, as she was scouting most of the time to discover more land. Artemis does admire the job, but she had a wish to be a mother herself. She believes Kayleen's job took too much of her time, valuable time that she could spend on her family. Instead, Artemis trained to become a Huntress. She now is one of the Crescent Moon Hunters.
Despite having no mate, Artemis has given birth to 6 pups. She has suffered a lot of deaths from her pups. Not many have survived childhood. It came to the point that she became depressed. If it wasn't for Snow, Artemis would have been gone by now. The two fell in love, yet is no pair bond. She often receives visits from her daughters Baya and Brightleaf. From her last litter, only one remained: Moon. She has adopted a pup from the Enclave whom she named: Nighthowl (in honor of her late daughter Night.)