Rose Finisher🐺
Each time Texel tells you about their day or describes anything that happened among pack members, you're amazed that they can turn even the blandest and most casual event into a breathtaking story. *27
When you see a gift placed in your favourite spot, you immediately know it's from Texel. They know you so well! This is a truly thoughtful gesture. 2x Opossum Carcass, 1x Gull Carcass, 1x Stoat Carcass, 1x Grouse Feather, 4x Weasel Carcass, 1x Toucan Feather, 1x Muskrat Carcass, 2x Swan Feather, 2x Grouse Carcass, 1x Agouti Carcass, 1x Rat Carcass, 3x Pheasant Rooster Carcass, 1x Roadrunner Feather, 1x Owl Feather!
Pups crowd around Texel, eagerly awaiting their newest story. *27
Texel and Fight spent time trading stories about the adventures of the elders and the mischief of the pups.
Texel and Fight decided to enjoy time swimming together.
Texel and Samuel refused to walk near each other. They didn't say one word to each other the entire time.
Texel and Fight have perfectly matched singing voices—you could hear it from far away!
Texel and Liver return separately, both looking disgusted with one another.
Texel and Solar flare return deep in conversation about their preferred pupsitting techniques. *2
Texel and Casmire return deep in conversation about their preferred pupsitting techniques. *3
Texel and Raine return deep in conversation about their preferred stalking techniques. *2
Texel and Violin return deep in conversation about their preferred stalking techniques. *4
Texel and Lily return deep in conversation about their preferred pupsitting techniques.
Texel and Padano return deep in conversation about their preferred chasing techniques. *2
Texel and Fight return deep in conversation about their preferred finishing techniques. *2
Texel and Apex return deep in conversation about their preferred chasing techniques.
Texel and Talia return deep in conversation about their preferred pupsitting techniques. *2
Texel and Albert return deep in conversation about their preferred chasing techniques. *2
Texel and Sandgrouse return deep in conversation about their preferred chasing techniques. *2
Texel and Macaw return deep in conversation about their preferred finishing techniques. *3
Texel and Lily return deep in conversation about their preferred chasing techniques.
Texel and Awassi return deep in conversation about their preferred pupsitting techniques.
Texel and Silkmoth return deep in conversation about their preferred chasing techniques.
Best Friends - Raine, Padano, Fight, Violin, Lily
Very Liked - Sandgrouse
Liked - Macaw, Silkmoth