Sandreas and Lyrian came to the pack as two. For as long as anywolf knew; Lyrian and Sandreas were together. Two lovers entwined, who seemed to be the only wolves who willingly were pupsitters. He'd treat anypup as if they were his own. Sandreas had only three pups of his own, his twins, Dustdevil and Sandstorm, and a singular daughter who'd resembled him, Sandrea. He held them to the same standard he held any of the other pups he watched over. Sandreas, as far as he knew, was living the dream. He had his mate, and all the pups he'd ever want to keep him young and happy.
After Lyrians passing at six years, Sandreas got noticeably thinner, and less happier. He got snappier at the puppies he watched, and colder to anywolf with green eyes because they'd always reminded him of his late mate that he couldn't save. Sandrea passed away almost a full year after Lyrian, some wolves say he'd scarcely eat and passed of malnutrition, other say he died of heartbreak.