Retired Hooligan Stalker
First litter - 3
Second - 5
Third - 3
Quail brings you a gift with a soft smile, saying that they hope that you'll think of them when using it. 1x Bone, 2x Owl Feather, 2x Peregrine Falcon Feather, 1x Duck Feather, 1x Grouse Carcass, 2x Opossum Carcass, 2x Acorn, 4x Skua Feather, 2x Swan Feather, 2x Stoat Carcass, 3x Hare Carcass, 1x Pheasant Rooster Carcass, 1x Quail Carcass, 1x Rabbit Carcass, 1x Rat Carcass, 1x Weasel Carcass, 1x Puffin Feather, 1x Grouse Feather, 1x Owl Talon!
Quail flashes you a cheesy grin, asking if you like their smoulder. Sure… *34
As you approach, Quail makes sure that you are able to see their graceful body language whenever you look at them. *25
Quail and Albert spent time trading stories about the adventures of the elders and the mischief of the pups.
Quail and Sandgrouse took time to look for useful things to bring back to the pack.
Quail and Samuel refused to walk near each other. They didn't say one word to each other the entire time.
Quail and Violin took time to look for useful things to bring back to the pack.
Quail and Irk took time to look for useful things to bring back to the pack.
Quail and Sail both proclaim that the other is horrid and they had an awful time. Well then…
Quail and Irk return deep in conversation about their preferred stalking techniques. *2
Quail and Silkmoth return deep in conversation about their preferred chasing techniques. *7
Quail and Albert return deep in conversation about their preferred chasing techniques. *2
Quail and Lily return deep in conversation about their preferred chasing techniques.
Quail and Apex return deep in conversation about their preferred chasing techniques.
Quail and Padano return deep in conversation about their preferred chasing techniques. *3
Quail and Zinc return deep in conversation about their preferred chasing techniques. *2
Quail and Sandgrouse return deep in conversation about their preferred chasing techniques. *2
Quail and Volcano return deep in conversation about their preferred pupsitting techniques.
Best Friends - Albert, Awassi, Sandgrouse, Silkmoth, Hellebore
Friends - Zinc