Despite her calm look she is highly protective of her pack. Rain was adopted by the past leader Timber where she learned not to be to trusting after watching all the fights Timber got into because she allowed strange travelers into the pack who ended up killing all of the pups Timber had just had. Rain met Haruka a few months before becoming the Alpha of the pack and they ended up becoming mates and adopting other pup like Frost Covered Ice while still having pups of their own. Rain came up with a trial for all travelers to prevent the same attacks that happened in Timber's time as Alpha. Though Haruka passed due to a hunt gone sour while he was gathering herbs, years had gone by and Rain soon found herself fond of the new stud Moss Forest. Soon after becoming mates with Moss Forest, she adopted Burned Oaks training him to take over as the future of the pack just as Timber did for her