Kestrel that Sings of Joy
Last Details | |
Death Age | 7 years 8 months (Elder) |
Sex | Male |
Personality | Humble |
Breeding Records | |
Death Age in Rollovers | 184 |
Pups Bred | 4 pups bred |
Looks | |
Base | Antler (0.27%) |
Base Genetics | Muted Medium II |
Eyes | Green |
Skin | Black |
Nose | Wild |
Claws | Root |
Mutation | None |
Secondary Mutation | None |
Carrier Status | Unknown |
Variant | Default |
Markings | |
Slot 1 | White Dilution (18%) |
Slot 2 | Black Merle Patches (78%) |
Slot 3 | White Undercoat (30%) |
Slot 4 | Black Wraith (60%) |
Slot 5 | Black Panda (40%) |
Slot 6 | Black Panda (58%) |
Slot 7 | None |
Slot 8 | None |
Slot 9 | None |
Slot 10 | Clover Ornate Spots (48%) |
Birth Stats | ||
Strength | Speed | Agility |
87 | 75 | 88 |
Wisdom | Smarts | Total |
91 | 54 | 395 |
Birth Information | |
Moon | ![]() |
Season | ![]() |
Biome | Prairie |
-Please keep him played with and fed. If you are a new player and you are struggling with this, tell me, I can send some food for him (and extra for other wolves in your pack, as a gift for being responsible with him!)
-Do not keep him for longer than 7 rollovers. After 7 rollovers, you must at least actively try to pass him on.
-You may breed with him! If he is in a pairbond, you may keep him for longer than 7 rollovers (still, pass him on fairly soon)
-You can assign him any role.
-You may add decor.
-Please add lore if you want! This is not mandatory.
Thank you for reading! Sorry it was long.
Follow/copypaste this template when adding lore:
Username (with ID):
Pack name:
Length of Stay (in rollovers):
Kestrel was born in Alsace, a pack of thick-furred, coniferous forest wolves. He was loved dearly for his charming but dedicated passion; and so, when he decided to become a traveller, his brother Pirate in particular was heartbroken to lose him. Kestrel promised to his supportive but concerned family and leader, Fenris, that he would return often to reconcile with old friends, and his loyalties would never sway. He had far too much passion and dedication to accept the simplistic life of a regular pack-wolf, and so, he embarked on his travels.
Username (with ID): ᴇʜ? ᴍᴇ ᴀ ꜰᴏx? ɴᴀʜ! #127699
Pack name: Angel Warriors
Length of Stay (in rollovers): 1
LORE: In the heart of the rugged mountains, where the winds whispered secrets and the towering peaks stood like silent sentinels, there roamed a lone wolf named Kestrel. Kestrel was a seasoned traveler, his fur a blend of beige and gray, a testament to the countless landscapes he had traversed. His eyes held the wisdom of the wild, and his every step echoed the untamed spirit of the mountains.
One day, as Kestrel trekked through a dense thicket, he heard a desperate whimper. Following the sound, he emerged into a small clearing to witness a heart-wrenching sight: a wolf pup, was desperately trying to outrun a massive grizzly bear. The puppy stumbled and fell, giving up on escape as the grizzly bear closed in.
Without hesitation, Kestrel lunged at the bear, his powerful jaws clamping onto its fur. The forest echoed with growls and the clash of teeth and claws. It was a fierce battle, blood staining the ground, but Kestrel's determination prevailed. The grizzly bear, defeated and wounded, retreated into the shadows.
With the danger averted, the wolf pup, panting and shaken, approached Kestrel with gratitude gleaming in its mismatched eyes. Just then, an elegant herbalist she-wolf burst onto the scene, relief washing over her as she saw the rescued pup.
The herbalist wolf, named Seraphina, looked at Kestrel with a mixture of gratitude and concern. Seeing the deep wounds on Kestrel, she invited him to join her pack to rest and heal. Kestrel, appreciative of the offer, accepted and walked alongside the wolves towards the hidden pack territory.
The pack welcomed Kestrel with wagging tails and friendly howls, each member skilled in their unique expertise. Seraphina led Kestrel to her den, where she carefully tended to his wounds with her knowledge of herbalism. As she worked, a connection formed between them, a bond deeper than the mountains themselves.
As the days passed, Kestrel became an integral part of the pack, contributing with his hunting prowess and wisdom. The bond between Kestrel and Seraphina grew stronger, and a subtle, unspoken love blossomed.
However, the call of adventure tugged at Kestrel's heart. The time came for him to set off on new journeys, but not without a promise. With a gentle kiss, Kestrel assured Seraphina that he would return. Though he ventured into the wild once more, the love between the wolf traveler and the herbalist she-wolf endured, echoing through the mountains like a timeless melody.
Username (with ID): blacklight #131787
Pack name: Fenrir's Fallen
Length of Stay (in rollovers): 14 rollovers
LORE: Kestrel could barely remember when he got here; it was a sort of haze, with a smiling wolf and a not-so-smiley wolf and a pelt of a white lion. After he saw the alpha, he was handed off to 3 senior members of the pack. That was more memorable. Despite their positions, they were all relatively yonug, and they were completely at odds with each other.
A plump vanilla female sniffed at him before turning her head. She smelled of milk and young pups. "Well, he can't come with me. He'd scare the puppies with those green eyes of his."
The second wolf, a skinny, solid black with piercing white eyes, simply looked to the third and shook his head, pawing the ground curiously.
"Well, Melchior doesn't want him either," the third wolf said, his voice gruff. This sepia male was covered in scars, and seemed cold and distant. He was packed with muscle, power radiating from every part of his body. He could instantly be identified as a hunter. The muscles gave the impression of a finisher, but Kestrel figured this male was a chaser; his chest was broad and deep, and his leg muscles corded to perfection. Kestrel couldn't help but notice how the female kept stealing glances at him with an almost hungry look in her eyes.
"Looks like you're coming with me," he said after glancing over Kestrel's form. "You've got a good set of legs on you. You'd do well as a chaser."
He was taken by the male, who later introduced himself as Kaden, to a resting hunting party. With few words and less care, he dumped him with the strangers. Luckily, these wolves were a little more friendly, and happily instructed him in the art of chasing. He became a valuable asset to the pack, and he began to feel quite useful. Wolves praised him on his speed, his agility, his laser focus on his prey. Kestrel brushed it all off, mumbling about good teachers.
But soon, his wanderlust called to him again. He couldn't help but move on, despite enjoying the time he had spent in this strange pack. One day, the alpha, Aarmal, thanked him for his service before the whole pack, and wished him well on his travels. In the back, Kestrel noticed a scarred sepia male watching from the shadows, unmoving and unblinking. He thought that maybe he'd see him as he was escorted out the territory. Then he thought he'd catch up to him on the beaten path. Then he hoped he was already waiting at the border.
Kaden didn't bother to say goodbye.
Username (with ID): P.K God #122059
Pack name: ` Lucifer's Descendants `
Length of Stay (in rollovers): Less Than 1 RO ( Came And Left The Same Day )
Kestrel Walked Through The Glacier, His Paws Numb And His Pretty Coat Covered With Heavy Snow. No Sane Wolf Would've Thought To Walk In Glacier During Winter. Yet Here He Was, With Possible Frost-Bite, Kestrel Possibly Out Of His Mind, Was Led By His Instincts, Until Even His Body Couldn't Take No More. He Fell Over, His Paws Bruised And Bleeding Heavily. Kestrel Was Sure To Die On This Winter Night. Where A Long Distant Howl Rose, No Strong Wind Could Cover The Sound Of That Howl.
Kestrel's Eyes Closed, His Feet Were Warm, He Felt Nothing But Peace.
Kestrel Jerked Awake, Pups Around Him Lifted Their Heads, But Tiredly Laid Back Down.
`` He's Awake...Oh Gosh! `` The Eldest Pup Raced Out Of The Small Cave. With A Dizzy Head, Kestrel Looked Around. His Eyes Adjusted To The Darkness As A Small And Lean Male Came In.
`` Hello There, You Had A Pretty Rough Night `` The Herbalist Whispered.
Kestrel Tried To Get Up, But His Paws Screamed With Pain.
`` Oh Please Stay Laying, Your Paws Aren't Ready For Your Weight Just Yet `` The Herbalist, With A Small And Gentle Voice, Put His Paw On His Shoulder, Guiding Him To Lay Back Down.
Kestrel Did Not Refuse And Let Himself Be Put Back Down.
`` Now, I'm Fallen Angel, But Please Just Angel, I'm The Tribes Herbalist, Your Kestral I Presume? `` Angel Asked
`` Its Kestrel`` A Harsh Voice Spoke As Another Wolf Entered The Small Cave.
Kestrel Confused On How They Could Know His Name, Said Nothing
`` Mere Apologies Kestrel `` Angel Dipped His Head Ever So Slightly.
`` I'm Shadow ` Iris Kestrel, And You Won't Be Staying Here Any Longer Than You Have Too `` Shadow ` Iris Spoke Softly.
`` He Hasn't Healed Yet Shadow, Please Excuse Yourself From This Cave, You'll Get Those Two Angry `` Angel Stood In Front Of Kestrel, Angel Pointed To The Two Females Sleeping Quitely, Pups Surrounded Them.
`` Heal Him Quickly, He Cannot Stay Long `` Shadow ` Iris Growled Softly, Before Leaving.
Something Was Going On, Something Very Bad. Kestrel Knew It.
Angel Covered Kestrels Paws, And Quickly Left.
Kestrel Laid In The Nursing Den, The Only Thing Hearing, The Gentle Snores Of The Pups And His Own Breathing.
`` The Alpha's Gonna Die Soon `` A Voice Spoke
Kestrel Lifted His Head, Ears Turned To Where The Voice Had Spoken
`` The Brothers Will Fight, They Don't Want Outsiders Here For That Moment ``
Ammit Got Up. Kestrel Looked Into Her Eyes, But Quickly Averted His Attention.
`` My Name Is Ammit, Ammit The Soul Eater, And You My Fellow Friend, Will Not Want To Be Here For When The Day Comes. That Day Will Be Any Time Now `` Ammit Explained. She Laid Back Down, Next To The Current Alpha's Mate. Kestrel Took Ammits Words To Heart.
Kestrel's Paws Felt Better, He Left The Den And Was Surprised To Find It Still Dark. Kestrel Looked For A Way Out
`` This Way `` A Black Wolf With A Star Shaped Mark On His Forehead Pointed A Way Out
`` Follow The Renturius Path, Its The Safest Way `` The Black Wolf Pointed Out.
`` May The Stars Guide Your Way `` He Said As He Turned To Leave Back To His Tribe.
Aqualia (ID: #132012)
Somewhat solemnly, Kestrel picked his way back home for now. The unforgiving wind nipped and jeered at him for many weeks, and hunting was pitiful under the winter's wrath. By the time he was escorted the last few steps to his pack's camp by Geneva's hunting patrol that luckily found him on the border of their territory, he was juxtaposed cruelly by his packmates' gleeful excitement at his sight, and his own clouds of stinging hunger. Anyways, Geneva was a scout. What was she doing now, leading a hunting party?
Answers were provided and worries dispersed, as he set foot in Alsace's camp. Pirate, his mourning brother, was drunk in ecstasy when he saw Kestrel. Bouding forward carelessly, absent to his packmates, he pushed through and nearly tripped several times as he greeted Kestrel with licks and snuffles, a result of pure separation for so long.
The rest of the day passed like a festivity. Of course, Kestrel rested for the majority of this time, but the whole pack was renewed in spirit. He was gifted with a flowercrown and bracelets, and rested, before continuing on with his journey.
Username (with ID): 💉 ↙P.K G0d↘🔪 #122059
Pack name: ` Lucifer's Descendants `
Length of Stay (in rollovers): 7 RO

Kestrel Came Back The Same Path He Had Left. The Same Path The Tribe's Scout Had Shown Him Out.
`` Welcome Back Kestrel `` The Scout Approached Him. The Scout And Kestrel Walked Back To The Tribe's Heart. There, Kestrel's Eyed Fell On The Alpha. His Decor Was As Unique As Ever But....It Was Purple.
`` Did He Change His Decor? `` Kestrel Asked The Scout.
The Scout Took A Second To Understand..
`` Oh, That's Not Iris, Thats Iris ll, The Former Alpha's Son `` The Scout Looked Down.
`` Lucifer Took Him From Us `` The Scout Smiled Sadly.
Kestrel Loved Actually Spending Time In The Tribe. Since His Last Visit He Had To Leave So Very Quickly. He Spent His (7RO) In The Tribe Happily Playing With Pups
Username (with ID): Starsight/ #130366
Pack name: FireShadow Pack
Length of Stay (in rollovers): 5 rollovers
Username (with ID): AcaciaSight #135087
Pack name: Solarspiral
Length of Stay (in rollovers): 8 due to trying to pass him on
Username (with ID): Noctis
Pack name: Kingdom of Valisthea
Length of Stay (in rollovers): 8ro
LORE: As Kestrel walks into the wastelands he notices a white wolf fighting with a weird looking fox. Kestrel jumps in to help the white wolf but gets pushed away "I dont need your help stranger,move!". Kestrel backs away "My name is Kestrel,and I thought you need help". The white wolf ignores what Kestrel says and continues fighting.
After the bloody fight with the fox ,the white wolf walks to Kestrel and smirks "Call me Yorune,stranger" he raises his tail to show off who is the leader between the two. Kestrel smiles and both of them are walking away telling stories from their lifes.
Username (with ID): ℂ𝕒𝕝𝕪𝕡𝕤𝕠 #125808
Pack name: The New Eclipse
Length of stay (in rollovers): 20 RO (trying to pass him on)
Username (with ID): AntoineDythe #94807
Pack name: Silent fang
Length of Stay (in rollovers): 0
Username (with ID): Forest Storm #139508
Pack name: NightBlack Pack
Length of Stay (in rollovers): unknown
Aqualia (ID: #132012)
Kestrel was soon to die. That much was certain; he knew of his age. Whilst staying with The New Eclipse pack, he had encountered the she-wolf Eclipse and the two had briefly become mates- of course Eclipse was fully aware their pair's bond could not last beyond the confines of her pack's territory, and the two had parted ways not long before two pups were born to them, Grouse and Candy Beans. In truth, he had no idea of this, otherwise he would have waited until the birth of his puppise to leave, and he had only heard the news whilst on one occasion- staying very briefly in his home pack, which he had happened to be passing through in order to get to his next stop at a pack further west. Nonetheless, he felt elated, and wished he could return, however he was too far along on his journey to turn back.
The New Eclipse pack admittedly could not provide a taskful future for Kestrel's pups, and so to avoid the issue of the youngsters trying to find their purpose rather pointlessly as they were to grow up, their mother Eclipse brought them to live with Alsace, Kestrel's pack. Kestrel was away at this point still, but an Alsacian messenger, Omen, was able to deliver the message, and bid for his quick return.
And so Kestrel arrived at his pack from his final venture- for he was aware now that his limbs would not carry him much further- in time to see his puppies in the prime of their adolescence and progress into adults. Their birthnight was the night on which Grouse expressed his wishes to become an Alsacian traveller and continue his father's legacy. Pirate, who was 2 summers younger and was content to see many more dawns than his older sibling, was ecstatic at the prospect of guiding the two young wolves as his kin, for he had no offspring of his own.
Kestrel died at a pebbled brook located not far from the mountain residence of Alsace at the time. in a true cyclical fashion of nature, he departed where he had been born, the only place of true identity he had ever visited but never mentioned. He had drawled hsi life out long enough to witness the birth of his first two grandsons, however the news only reached Grouse several moons later as the traveller was unable to be traced in his journey. Alsacd, it seemed, had been entranced in a grief too pawerful to alert the wolf of his late father any sooner. Upon recieveing a messenger, Grouse denied the request to return home.
Found by Beryl a few sunwalks later at sundown, he as graced with the burial by a soft corner where land had licked its pelt down to a recess, thus dipped welcomingly for his old bones to nestle behind a small stream of mist that would join a larger waterfall below. Nestled under a blanket of grit and unforgiving nurture, Kestrel rested his spark.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Present day- year 7, midwinter
"Buttercups were his favourite, yes?"
Jay was sprawled out under a feasably-large boxwood bush, a distance away from Kestrels' Waterfall, the fine mist only just reahcing to cool her already-chilled fur. her mate, Nazir, her mate, sat a few lengths away on a rise, pawing distractedly at an equally-perplexed seed start. He opened hsi jaws, half to reply to Jay, half to ask the accompanying herbalist, Catmint, what of the current floral mission he had been burdened with.
Catmint sneezed. Then, "Yellow monkshood," he corrected, nudging a preoccupied but sincere apology in Nazir's direction for having sneezed in his open mouth. Nazir clacked his teeth in forgiving, a well-meaning indignance as he glanced pointedly away.
"Anyways," Catmint continued, "Yellow monkshood is a close relative of the buttercup, Jay," Catmint fell into a content recital of his herbal studies, a warmth entering his tone that was only ever there when talking about his true love-- no, not his mate.
"Sage said they were the closest plant comparable to Kestrel's eyes, out of all that grew in the mountains. 'The only thing her little gem was interested in playing with.' Her love of the plants rubbed off on him. Not this white mildewy stuff, though." he nosed his nasal assailant, then scratched one up. "Why do they smell so strong in winter?
Tsk, she really reffered to the vibrant green stuff."
Jay dropped her muzzle into the turf, welcoming the pained stings that came with frozen land. "I missed him dearly," Nazir turned to her, "When he was gone. Nobody truly knew him personally, and yet, we were all too familiar with him. Only he didn't understand himself. He only served his heart in his adventures, and yet, helped Alsace unimaginably.
"But he understood all else. The connections he built between packs lived in him, yet now he's dead, they're not gone. Surely he's not truly dead.
"Creatures don't leave by death, they move on." Catmint sniffed.
Decorations and Background |

4 uses left