Last Details | |
Death Age | 7 years 6½ months (Elder) |
Sex | Female |
Personality | Sarcastic |
Breeding Records | |
Death Age in Rollovers | 181 |
Pups Bred | 14 pups bred |
Looks | |
Base | Pale (0.37%) |
Base Genetics | Cool Light II |
Eyes | Black |
Skin | Lusxnei |
Nose | Conflux |
Claws | Black |
Mutation | None |
Secondary Mutation | None |
Carrier Status | Unknown |
Variant | Default |
Markings | |
Slot 1 | None |
Slot 2 | Cream Underfur (1%) |
Slot 3 | Beige Unders (3%) |
Slot 4 | None |
Slot 5 | None |
Slot 6 | None |
Slot 7 | Honey Light Husky (16%) |
Slot 8 | None |
Slot 9 | None |
Slot 10 | Silver Undercoat (56%) |
Birth Stats | ||
Strength | Speed | Agility |
46 | 51 | 50 |
Wisdom | Smarts | Total |
48 | 41 | 236 |
Birth Information | |
Moon | ![]() |
Season | ![]() |
Biome | Swamp |
daughter of strangers
Born with 236 stats
tii pale
Lived in the swamp and tundra.
She is the daughter of a traveller, a wolf named Glitch. However, she can't remember her.
The adopted older sister of Arianwen. She's around 4 and a half years older.
Took Jacana for her mate. She's used some of his treatments on hurting pups before.
Seren is the mother of Kalika, Hazela, and Shearwater.
She is unaware that Lennox is her father.
Her name, Seren, means "star" in Welsh.
Seren was born into the Kohana Pack on a bitter winter night. She recalled snuggling up to her mother's side, sharing the warmth with all three of her siblings. Her mother's worried gaze fell upon her pups, and to this day, the red eyes are all that stay in Seren's memory of her real mother.
She couldn't even remember her siblings. Seren grieved for them, all three, and wished desperately that maybe one of them could have survived. But alas, there wasn't enough food to go around... and the winter was bitterly cold.
Who Seren could remember with perfect clarity, however, was Kua. Kua was the closest thing she had to a mother. She brought them whatever food she could, raising them to the best of her ability. Only Seren survived the winter, and once spring came around, Kua took her out of the den to see the stars above. Kua wasn't the most motherly, but she was the reason Seren survived, and so Seren felt indebted to her.
Seren got to meet the other pack members, who seemed hesitant to interact with her, as if they might tell her too much. Hardly anyone was mean to her, but nobody wanted to care for the parentless pup, Lennox especially. Kua and Lennox argued a lot; Seren wasn't sure why. She assumed that it must have been the fact they both liked to argue.
She often asked Kua about her heritage, who told her stories of her mother. Her mother had been a traveller named Glitch, and she had a feline companion named River. Seren couldn't decide whether she hated her mother or wanted to be with her. Glitch had left her behind, but why? Why didn't she stay? Seren did her best to keep her mother from her mind.
Whenever she asked about her father, Kua always said he was a selfish, heartless shell of a man, and that was that. Seren never got to know more; what he looked like, what pack he hailed from, whether he was a traveller too or not... it was all a mystery.
Seren was often lonely, left to be by herself, as if she had been forgotten by all but Kua. She tried to reach out, but many of the other wolves were too busy or simply made up excuses out of fear for being seen with Lennox's accidental daughter. He was held in high regard within the pack, and with his temper, many feared what he might do. Seren's spiky, sarcastic behavior certainly didn't help her make friends.
The only wolf who seemed to care was the herbalist, Saira. Seren was grateful for her company, even if it was just Saira talking near-constantly while working in the herbalist's den. She could tell that the herbalist felt pity for her, but was she just that pathetic, or was it something more?
As an adolescent Seren spent more time with Kua, trying to learn how to hunt. It was incredibly difficult. She couldn't run like Kua, or take things down with her nonexistent brawn, or even trail a scent without getting overwhelmed by all the scents. Kua sympathized with her and told her that maybe she could be Saira's herbalist assistant instead.
No, no she could not.
A few days earlier, Jacana took the position of herbalist's assistant, much to Seren's dismay. Jacana was someone Seren envied. He was related to the alphess, Delayne, and beloved by almost everyone. Though young, he was held in high regard. He was never short on friends, and his mother and father always came to take him back to the den when he was done for the day.
With not much to do, she hung around the herbalist's den, watching Jacana and Saira treat injured pack members. Even though she wasn't the herbalist's apprentice, Jacana often invited her on his herb-seeking trips. Seren was pleasantly surprised, and while still envious of him, grew to become his friend.
"Why did you invite me?" She had asked once.
The amber-coated wolf simply beamed her an eager smile, his tail and trot bursting with energy. "Well, adventures are more fun with company!" He replied in a matter-of-factly voice.
Seren soon found out when he wasn't collecting herbs for Saira, he was still exploring the swamp for new plants. Jacana loved to research them extensively, which was apparently why Saira had offered him the job of herbalist's assistant in the first place. Seren wasn't exactly excited about the plants like he was, but she didn't hate it either and still retains much of the knowledge that she learned.
Time passed and so did the days, until eventually, Seren had become an adult. She didn't really have a designated position in the pack, and it seemed she was just another random pupsitter. Still, she sometimes joined Kua on hunts or offered to help Jacana gather herbs.
Jacana had become the full-fledged herbalist by now, Saira having become old and now-retired. As a pupsitter, Jacana was instant she know basic first aid and so many afternoons were spent watching him wrapping, dressing, and tending to pups she had found injured, until she herself learned how to do it.
"You know, I never thought you'd be a pupsitter." Jacana stated one day, "But then again, I used to want to be a traveler when I was little."
Seren was surprised when he had confessed that he used to want to be a traveler, as he loved to explore, and so she told him the stories of her mother that Kua had recited to her many times before.
"Woah, that's so cool!" Jacana exclaimed, tail wagging. "Don't you want to be one, too? You can be like your mother!"
"I hate travelers. They're heartless." Seren huffed angrily. "My mother left me, and who even knows who my father even is. I'm the daughter of foreigners in a pack. It's not easy to deal with."
"You know what? You're right. Maybe it's for the better I'm not a traveler." He stated, pawing shyly at an unknown herb. "Then I'd have to leave my friends and family behind. But as selfish as it sounds, I'm glad your mother left you behind. You're a great friend, Seren."
His final sentence tugged on her heart strings. Seren felt wanted. Loved. Perhaps there was someone who cared about her that didn't feel bad for her or do it out of pity... and it was the person she had envied for so long, Jacana.
Seren felt her envy melt away. Maybe he did have it better than her, but it wasn't his fault. She dedicated more time to hanging out with the chipper little guy, and soon got news from a surprisingly eager Kua that Seren was going to be an older sister.
At first, Seren was uncertain. Kua had her though, so why did she need her own pups? She confessed her frustrations to Jacana, who calmly listened to them before offering Seren some encouragement. He was a younger brother himself, his older sister being Leiana, one of the resident scouts. He explained that although she acted somewhat differently than himself, the two got along well-- so certainly, Seren and her new little sister would as well.
Kua soon gave birth to a single pup, Arianwen. The pack fawned over the little one, admiring her soft pinkish features among a silvery coat. Much of Kua's time was spent with the pup. Seren was unspeakably jealous, making snarky and sarcastic remarks. Kua grew frustrated at Seren and told her to be kind to her little sister, yet Seren ignored her.
"You're as stubborn as your father!" Kua had snapped angrily, tears falling down her snout, Arianwen fast asleep against her mother's side. Seren froze. That was the first time Kua had cried in front of her.
"My... father?" Seren's brown eyes widened, and the conflicting emotions of frustration and guilt clawed at her mind.
"Leaving those who have done nothing but loved you because you're too stubborn to try and live a different way!" Her adoptive mother snarled. "Sounds a lot like you, doesn't it?"
Wordlessly, she left the den. Fine then, perhaps she would be like her father. Selfish and stubborn. If that was what it took to be given attention again, then so be it. Seren began living like this, and any pack members who were on neutral terms with her slowly began to loathe her. Even Saira began steering clear of the unpleasant wolf. Seren got into a lot of scraps, often losing due to the fact she was scrawny.
Limping back to the herbalist's den one day after a fierce, Seren saw Jacana and Leiana. She was three years older than him, but having recently retired from her job as a scout, was helping him sort the herbs. There was no hostility, and even the normally professional sister was giggling. Seren felt her eyes well with tears. That could have been her and Arianwen. Sisters, four years apart yet inseperable. But it was too late now, she reasoned.
Jacana tended her wounds, and he gave her a strange look. Asking her where the wounds had come from, and if she had gotten into another fight. Seren tried to dismiss it, but it was evident he was not going to relent with the questions-- so when she was all patched up, she got up to leave the herbalist's den wordlessly.
"Hey, give my brother the time of day." Leiana stated firmly, her voice edging on a snarl. "He's the only one in this pack who still cares about you, so treat him with some respect."
She hadn't raised her voice, but she spoke with such an authority that Seren almost felt compelled to listen. But Seren shook her head, and merely left the den. She spared one last glance, and the hurt in Jacana's eyes was almost impossible to bear. She rushed off into the swamp, getting her fur covered in mud and tainted with twigs and leaves.
Seren stopped for a few moments, feeling conflicted and angry. She got lost in her thoughts until a few moments later, she heard a twig snap. Seren wheeled around, to find her wolf-dog friend looking frustrated.
"Why are you being like this?" He demanded. Jacana's eyes were still filled with so much hurt that she felt her heart shatter.
"Kua said I'm like my father." Seren snapped back, clawing at some mud under her footpaws. She couldn't bring herself to look at him. "I may as well embrace it then, since it can't be helped."
"You can help it though." Jacana huffed, closing the distance between the two. "You weren't like this when we were pups. You're sarcastic and blunt, sure, but not selfish. This isn't like you. You've done nothing but get into fights and push everyone away. I thought you wanted to be loved by the pack, Seren. Not hated!"
"Nobody loves me anyways!" Seren cried out loudly, as the only noise that could be heard. Jacana's eyes widened, shocked. She was surprised at herself too, and fell quiet. Silence hung in the air like a heavy blanket.
"You were loved." Jacana stated softly, his gaze remaining steady. "I know Kua loved you. Saira loved you. Arianwen tried to love you..."
Seren felt her facade begin to break, and couldn't stop the tears from flowing down her muzzle. Jacana shook his head, and twined his tail with hers.
"Don't say nobody loves you." He stated fiercely, his eyes shining sadly. "I loved you, Seren. And I want to love you still. But I can't love whoever you have become, because she isn't Seren."
She finally lifted her gaze. Seren had no words. She knew he had loved her, but never for more than anything as a friend. Guilt clung to her, and she began sobbing into his fur.
"I'll.. make it right!" Seren choked out. Jacana embraced her in a warm nuzzle, and for a few moments, she recalled her puphood. Clinging to her mother's warm side as she mewled for comfort. The silence returned, but this time, more comforting.
And thus began her attempt to fix things. She apologized to each individual profusely, began to aid her pack members whenever she could, and even tried to amend things with her little sister-- although it was far too late, and her relationship with Ariawen still remains rather strained. Seren doesn't fault her though.
The pack slowly began to tolerate her again, and eventually, she spoke with Jacana about her feelings. She felt safe with him and loved. She wanted to be his one and only. So the two became mates, and Kalika was born a few months later. She had her mother's fiestiness, but Jacana loved her nonetheless. A year later Hazela was born, and while she took after her father's appearance more, she still seemed to lean more towards her mother's side of things.
The year after that, not long after the pack's move to the tundra, the final addition to their family was Shearwater, who looked a bit like them both but favored his father's personality.
Now, Seren spends most of her days watching pups-- be it her own or others-- and ensuring they do not hurt themselves. If they do, she knows how to tend to the light injuries, which has caused many of her fellow pupsitters to come to aid. Seren also is aware of which plants are safe and unsafe, steering the little ones clear of toxic or harmful plants. While many of the pups think she's strict, their parents certainly appreciate the care she takes of them.