As long as he could remember, Wilbur was a puppy dog owned by two kindly humans. He always had food, and toys to play with, even a garden where he often met up with his best friend Dandelion; a dog who looked like she was a dandelion, as her fur stuck out on all sides and it shed quite often. She was great fun. Despite having all these things, he always felt weird...Like something was missing. One day, in his late puppyhood, two wolves kidnapped him! One carried him in his jaws by the scruff, which made it hard to fight back. He was too paralyzed with fear to say anything, he'd heard stories of how scary wolves where...One of them must've noticed his fear. Because he told the one holding him to stop for a moment. Then, Inky as he called himself, explained that Wilbur was a wolf and that he and his mate were saving him..? Wilbur simply couldn't believe it at first, but they soon convinced him with some tests. So...this was why he was different? A wolf? That wouldn't stop him from still being a loyal companion! He explained this and they both nodded. The big brown one, Maple, put him down and they both began to lead him back home. Something was still wrong though...the forest they've taken him to was so wide and varied and interesting. He just knew his home would always stay the same, and that his food would always be dry pellets. Wilbur wanted to try out this 'wolf' thing, at least for a bit. So he stopped and discussed with Inky and Maple. They all decided that he can train for two moons and then return. Once those two moons were up however...Wilbur felt like he couldnt return. He wanted to stay, with them. They've become like a family. And henceforth, he'd kept on exploring until he found Skies Beyond and dedicated himself to being a scout.
Nowadays, he occasionally takes pup-sitting detours, as he considers watching puppies to be an adventure in of itself! He's very good with them and likes telling them of his adventures.