She was bought (for quite a hefty sum in total) when she still had her two children from her previous herd in her care. I renamed her Frosty (idk where that idea came from, I just loved her eyes, which give me a frosty vibe), and named her babies Alder and Oak
Frosty roamed the glades with her two clumsy children. She wasn't quite sure where she was going, she wanted to find a better world, a better future. Her old pack, from which she had come... It's safe to say that her children had rather no future there. So she left for them.
She joined the Warriors of the Night by chance. She was encountered by Lord himself, the pack leader, during one of his expeditions into the mountains through no-man's territory. She wasn't sure why, but Lord immediately when he learned of her story (and perhaps her experience as well) offered her a place in his pack. He assured that he would not banish her children and would provide them with training. What more could Frosty have wanted?
It quickly became clear that she was the best caretaker in the herd. She was as effective as the leader of the Puppsiters, Mary. In addition, the puppies loved her (I'm not going to lie, Mary didn't like anyone, with much reciprocation). So Frosty quickly took her position as the best caretaker.
One day, Frosty was reporting on the puppies to Lord and asked him why he accepted her with such warmth at the time (after all, he also accepted others but then acted very coolly)
You reminded me of my friend Raven who died years ago. I wanted to give you a home like I used to give her. You came to me when as a pack we had a slight crisis, just like her. And thanks to you, we got out of that crisis. Your wisdom in life, your love for puppies. Even it was your disjointedness that made my pack knit together again.