Last Details | |
Death Age | 7 years 9 months (Elder) |
Sex | Female |
Personality | Dishonest |
Breeding Records | |
Death Age in Rollovers | 186 |
Pups Bred | 28 pups bred |
Looks | |
Base | Black (5.94%) |
Base Genetics | Monochrome Dark I |
Eyes | Yellow |
Skin | Lusxnei |
Nose | Black |
Claws | Moonbow |
Mutation | None |
Secondary Mutation | None |
Carrier Status | View Report |
Variant | Default |
Markings | |
Slot 1 | None |
Slot 2 | Luna Ornate Blotches (35%) |
Slot 3 | Merged Veneer (19%) |
Slot 4 | None |
Slot 5 | White Wraith (4%) |
Slot 6 | Losna Cross (47%) |
Slot 7 | Hydrangea Cougar (15%) |
Slot 8 | None |
Slot 9 | Black Rump Patch (16%) |
Slot 10 | White Trim (49%) |
Birth Stats | ||
Strength | Speed | Agility |
85 | 100 | 90 |
Wisdom | Smarts | Total |
50 | 59 | 384 |
Birth Information | |
Moon | ![]() |
Season | ![]() |
Biome | Swamp |
A bit about (oxide)
the daughter of Venus and Mel, a mirical in itself, born on a new moon in the mid of winter with bright yellow eyes, and a dishonest personality. she is quite kind to many but doesn't know when to tell the truth. she is faster than her siblings but gets into a lot of trouble. she's growing fast with curiosity to explore more land outside of her home pack. (age 3½ months)
she soon found herself exploring a lot more and even finding trinkets such as feathers and owl talons and soon made herself a necklace. (age 6½ months)
she finally decided to take her fist steps out side of the territory. she found herself at ease. she went back to the leader Ace, to ask if she could wander. she said she'd be back once she's older. Ace agreed and guided her to the edge of the territory to say their goodbyes. (age 7½ months)
From: the vanguard pack
would like her to move on between 5-6 rollovers after you get her
If you have any questions then feel free to pm me and I'll reply as soon as I see it.
if she has pups dm me i will pick one of them
Train her
Breed her
(Id love to see the pups she has! Any you don't want to keep send my way!)
Switch roles
Add decor
(Optional but much encouraged)
Add markings
(but please do not remove markings unless you ask)
Add lore/stories but optional
(Very encouraged. I would love to read what you come up with)
Heir/pair bond her
Delete/chase her
Remove decor thats not yours
Sex change her
Change the name or bio unless adding to the forums
feed/amuse her
Give her a role
Return her to me or someone else any time before 8 rollovers
Return her to me once she turns 6!
Add your details to the lists below
Not remove her bio, as it's there so no one uses this wolf as their own.
If you can't take care of her, send her back to me!
I reserve the right to recall her if she isn't taken care of or rules are violated
if you don't roll over for two days, she will be recalled!! (You are free to request her back if I have her and you are going to be more active
(Your form. Copy and paste this )
Current Owner: (Your ID)
(Log #)
your pack name:
Arriving Date:
Arriving stats:
Departure stats:
Decor added:
Lore: (Optional)
Current Owner: Chelsea #68977
(Log 1)
your pack name: Spirit Dwellers
Arriving Date: 3/8/24
Arriving stats: 397
Departure stats: 408
Decor added: Acorn Bundle Decor
Lore:Finally free to explore Oxide travels far from her home in the swamp. She ends up in the deciduous forest before she stops from shear exhaustion. Oxide had traveled through the night to get as far as possible, but she couldn't go any farther. Finding a rock in the sun, near a stream, she lays down promising she'll move on soon. She ends up falling into a deep slumber on the rock. She's so deep in sleep that she doesn't hear the hoof beats of an elk, with a full hunting party right on its heels, come charging through the stream. The finisher took down the prey quickly, and that's when another member of her party noticed Oxide sleeping on the rock.
Unsure if this wolf was safe, the party surrounded the rock. Arvaker took the lead, beginning to step closer to the rock. Noticing the wolf was barely more than a pup, Arvaker made sure his steps were loud enough to be heard, not wanting to startle the young wolf. The young wolf still didn't stir. He got all the way to her and tapped her with a paw. Oxide leapt up from her resting place, immediately noticing that she was surrounded by wolves. Arvaker introduced himself and asked for her name. Deciding this was a time to be honest (she might not survive if she wasn't), she told him. Arvaker sternly told her that this was Spirit Dwellers territory and it was bad form to enter without first presenting yourself to the alpha. Not giving her a choice, the party gathered their kill and took her back to the dens.
Oxide decided this place was as good as any to stay for a while, and so she asked for permission to stay from the alpha. Oxide spent her time hanging out with the adols in the pack, Hecate and Thanatos, sibling both training to be stalkers. Hecate was very fond of collecting acorns, and being the friendly wolf she was, did not suspect any dishonesty from Oxide. Everyday Oxide would steal a few of Hecate's acorns and then lie to the young wolf about where they went. One day Thanatos found Oxide's stash of stolen acorns. Angered by Oxide's lies Thanatos snarled and barked at Oxide, causing her to need to flee. Before she left, she made sure to grab the collection of acorns out of spite. She then high tailed it out of the pack's territory before Thanatos told his mother about what happened.
Current Owner: Skyllish #135345
(Log 2)
your pack name: Loving Earth
Arriving Date: Mar 15, 2024
Arriving stats: 408
Departure stats: 436
Decor added:
Lore: (Optional)
Oxide set off again, journeying further into the unfamiliar wood. Everything looked so different coated in white, cold permeated everything sapping the warmth from her and making her sluggish. She walked and walked, for the longest time never seeing another of her kind. Oxide started to wonder if she was going to ever see another wolf again. She had apprenticed as a scout before, but in snow it was almost as if she was just an inexperienced pup again.
Eventually she happened upon stream, Oxide quickly rushed to it, relishing the thought of a refreshing drink. She padded over to the edge of the stream, shifting her weight to lower her head- and the world violently spun as she fell into the freezing cold water below.
Oxide thrashed violently to keep her head above water, but the stream was so, so cold, sapping the heat out of her body. She whimpered and barked, but she was all alone. All at once, she became oddly drowsy. She thought to herself that this was a horrible place to take a nap but she couldn't push away the sleep overtaking her. As she fell into a deep sleep, Oxide thought about her travels and her home. She always thought she would return someday.
When Oxide awoke her mind was muddied. Thoughts trickled in slowly, one at a time. Where was she? Was she dead? It took her some time to gather the energy to open her eyes. A warm glow instantly filled her vision. It was… fire! She struggled to her feet, her sore muscles protesting at the slightest movement. As Oxide rose, fur and skins that had been laid onto her fell off. She pulled herself to the small fire and savored the warmth returning to her body.
As Oxide settled herself down, she caught notice of a pair of eyes watching her from across the cave. His shaggy gray coat stood out against the dark cave walls. He regarded her silently with calm green eyes, assessing her. Oxide squirmed under his gaze. Was he the one who brought her here, or was he someone else looking for trouble? Oxide was in no shape to fight, that much was obvious. Suddenly he rose, padding over to her and just stopping short in front of her. Oxide growled, trying in vain to scare him off.
"No need to be so on edge, I am a friend." The wolf's voice was gentle and calming. "In fact, I'm the reason you're still alive!"
Oxide shifted anxiously, never taking her eyes off of him.
"Where am I?" She questioned." and who are you?"
"Within the Loving Earth's territory, in the forest. And I am Sleet, Loving Earth's herbalist. What's your name?" Sleet tilted his head to the side inquisitively.
Oxide frowned, his cheerfulness catching her off guard. "Why are you doing this for me?"
"Does kindness need a motive?" Sleet offered with a chuckle.
Her answer came almost instantly, "Yes."
The smile fell off of his face within seconds."Look. If you want, you can just leave." Sleet gestured to someplace behind her.
Oxide followed his gaze, it was the cave entrance. It was night and snowing hard. The landscape outside was nothing but white. Oxide shivered at the thought of going back out there. For a moment she considered her odds out in the blizzard but a second later Oxide came to her senses; she wasn't foolish enough to waltz straight into certain death.
Oxide sighed, "Where's the clan alpha?"
Sleet smiled again, "I'll show you! Can you walk?"
For the second time since she woke up Oxide felt pinned under an unfamiliar wolf's gaze. This time, however, it wasn't broken by a smile.
The Alpha couldn't have been much older than her yet he had a look in eyes that was beyond his years. He sat across from her, his blue eyes boring into her. Oxide found Sleet quite annoying but now she wished he hadn't left her alone with-
"Loam. Yours?" His voice was deep and rugged, sending an uncomfortable chill through her body.
"What?" Oxide startled at his sudden interruption of her thoughts.
"My name. Yours?" Loam was almost motionless as he spoke, save for the steady rise and fall of his chest as he took deep and steady breaths.
"Uh- Oxide."
Loam nodded knowingly, "Are you staying?"
Oxide paused, "I- Staying where?"
"With us."
Was this a trick question? She panted nervously before speaking, "Should I?"
Loam suddenly rose to his feet, causing Oxide to recoil, tucking her tail between her legs and lowering her head.
He regarded her with a hard scrutiny, "You're…odd. You can stay." and with that he turned and left.
Current Owner: (mudclover 19247)
(Log #3)
your pack name: Blu moon pack
Arriving Date: 3/28/24
Arriving stats:436
Departure stats:
Decor added: Heather Bundle
Lore: (Optional)
Current Owner: (Jay 🌈 (#136784))
(Log 4)
your pack name: Bento
Arriving Date: 4/16/24
Arriving stats: 466
Departure stats:
Decor added:
Lore: (Optional)
Oxide found herself in a new territory unknown to her, as she explored this unknown land, she found herself nose to nose with a Brown wolf with vibrant blue eyes and markings. He seemed a bit scatterbrained and somewhat stumbled over his words but otherwise very friendly. She had come to find out this silly wolf was the alpha of the pack named Bento, Jay Light. He welcomed her in to the pack where she met his mate and right hand wolf, TJ Light, who welcomed her warmly into the pack dens. With the warm welcomes Oxide decided to stay a while and do some pupsitting duties. She settled on a young pup named Minty Chip, who looked like a chocolate bar with mint chips sprinkled on her.
Current Owner: (🥓nostalgia #74699)
(Log 5)
Your pack name: Daiko Pack
Arriving Date: 5/10/24
Arriving stats: 456
Departure stats: 456
Decor added: Pasadena Oak Branch
Lore: Oxide sighed as she swayed along in the prairie's thick grass, exhausted from all the walking she'd done. She plopped down in the warm grass, her fur scratching dry dirt. She groaned, stretching her long body, claws digging into the dirt below. She cuddled up into a fetal position, getting ready to nap.
"Hey there!" a voice boomed, barely contained. "I'm Loki, and this here is Buudah!" Loki grinned at Oxide's frightened look. "You look like you could use some cheering up!"
Oxide raised a brow. "Just passing through," she mumbled, her voice as flat as the prairie.
Buddha wagged his tail so hard his entire rear end seemed to wiggle. "Suit yourself, but if you change your mind, we're heading east to our pack."
A large dark grey wolf emerged from the brush with a low growl. He wasn't a fan of strangers, and Oxide was practically reeking of strange, unwanted, and trespassing. "Enough yapping," he rumbled. "State your business and move on." He stood tall, his appearance intimidating, along with his voice.
Loki nudged his brother with a snort. "Easy there," Loki said with a hint of submission. "We were just welcoming the new arrival." He turned back to Oxide, a cheerful glint in his eye. "Cmon Arostique, moooove." he urged.
Before Arostique could make up a comeback, a flash of cream fur hopped into the clearing. "Hi hi hi!" chirped a pup, barely more than a ball of fluff, her tail wagging like a turtle spinning on its shell. "You must be a traveler," the little wolf grinned. "I'm Frosty!"
Oxide, used to boisterous greetings, simply nodded. "Mhm."
Frosty, not accepting defeat, continued to push on. "Well, what's your name?" She grinned.
Oxide huffed. "It's Oxide."
Frosty shot a playful glare at her. "Lovely to meet you, Oxide! Are you lost? Bisanuu's den is this way!" Frosty hopped a few steps in the direction she pointed with her nose, then back to Oxide. "Unless you're not looking for our leader, of course. No pressure!"
Oxide couldn't help but offer a kind smile at the pup's enthusiasm. "Lead the way, Frosty."
The journey to Bisannu's den was punctuated only by Frosty's endless chatter about the perks of the pack and the kindness of their leader. When they finally arrived, two imposing figures blocked their path. Arostique, the wolf they had met a mile or two back, his dark grey fur bristling, let out a low growl. Beside him stood an unusual pink and purple wolf with a touch of white.
"Why are you here?" Arostique snarled. "What brings you to our territory?"
Oxide raised an eyebrow. "Just looking for a place to rest my tired bones for a night or two," she said, holding back her laughter. "Heard your pack leader's a real softie for travelers," a slight smirk plastered on her face.
Arostique's fur bristled even more. He opened his mouth to retort, but a deep huff cut him off. Bisannu emerged from her den, her pregnant stomach swaying gently with each step. Her white undercoat, covered with black fur, added a touch of elegance to her imposing figure.
"Arostique, calm down please," Bisannu said softly, her voice firm but laced with exhaustion. Arostique whined and lowered his head, nuzzling Bisannu's muzzle apologetically.
Bisannu turned to Oxide, sending a sweet smile toward her. "Traveler, is it?" Bisannu sat beside Arostique. "You seem to have quite a way with words!" She giggled, glancing at Arostique's obviously annoyed face. "Welcome to our pack, for now." Arostique scoffed. "Ozark, Arostique, show her to the traveler's den."
Ozark puffed out his chest, clearly pleased with the attention, and spoke with a condescending tone. "Just follow me," he winked at Oxide. Arostique, still disgruntled but clearly respecting his partner's judgment, mumbled something about being discouraged. Bisannu gave him a gentle nudge. "Just be nice," she whispered.
Ozark was the one who kept conversation with Oxide; Arostique simply ignored her, probably for the best though. "Here we are!" Ozark said enthusiastically.
"Thank you," Oxide replied.
"Well, we better let you get some rest," Bisannu had said you can stay for one day." Arostique and Ozark made their way out, leaning on each other as Ozark laughed loudly.
Oxide sighed. "This is more tiring than I thought it would be," she yawned, snuggling up into a corner of the den. She couldn't sleep though; her thoughts were racing. The sound of little paws tapping the floor interrupted her thoughts. Oxide lay still, awaiting the little pup. Surprisingly, all the pup did was lay down. Oxide drifted off not long after.
Use your imagination, she woke up, gained a role, met a few more pack members, then left!
Current Owner: Resse #62154
(Log #6)
your pack name: Mishka okami pack
Arriving Date: 12/6/24
Arriving stats: 456
Departure stats:25/5/24
Decor added:
Lore: (Optional) bleh
Current Owner: AsclepiusorAcekhaos #139354
(Log #)
your pack name: Khaos Omens
Arriving Date: 5/27/24
Arriving stats: STR: 126, SPD: 125, AGI: 97, WIS: 51, SMR: 69(hehe, nice), TOTAL: 468
Departure stats: N/A
Decor added: Elbow Tufts [Tyrian Purple], Scattered Bones, Northern Red Oak Sapling
Lore: (Optional)
Yeahhhhhh, noooo, sorryyyyyyy. You know your wolf? yeeeaahhhhhh, i didn't do her lore. soooorrrrrryyyyyyyyyy. yeaahhhhhhh. sozzzzzzzzzz ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
she soon found herself exploring a lot more and even finding trinkets such as feathers and owl talons and soon made herself a necklace. (age 6½ months)
she finally decided to take her fist steps out side of the territory. she found herself at ease. she went back to the leader Ace, to ask if she could wander. she said she'd be back once she's older. Ace agreed and guided her to the edge of the territory to say their goodbyes. (age 7½ months)
From: the vanguard pack
would like her to move on between 5-6 rollovers after you get her
If you have any questions then feel free to pm me and I'll reply as soon as I see it.
if she has pups dm me i will pick one of them
Train her
Breed her
(Id love to see the pups she has! Any you don't want to keep send my way!)
Switch roles
Add decor
(Optional but much encouraged)
Add markings
(but please do not remove markings unless you ask)
Add lore/stories but optional
(Very encouraged. I would love to read what you come up with)
Heir/pair bond her
Delete/chase her
Remove decor thats not yours
Sex change her
Change the name or bio unless adding to the forums
feed/amuse her
Give her a role
Return her to me or someone else any time before 8 rollovers
Return her to me once she turns 6!
Add your details to the lists below
Not remove her bio, as it's there so no one uses this wolf as their own.
If you can't take care of her, send her back to me!
I reserve the right to recall her if she isn't taken care of or rules are violated
if you don't roll over for two days, she will be recalled!! (You are free to request her back if I have her and you are going to be more active
(Your form. Copy and paste this )
Current Owner: (Your ID)
(Log #)
your pack name:
Arriving Date:
Arriving stats:
Departure stats:
Decor added:
Lore: (Optional)
Current Owner: Chelsea #68977
(Log 1)
your pack name: Spirit Dwellers
Arriving Date: 3/8/24
Arriving stats: 397
Departure stats: 408
Decor added: Acorn Bundle Decor
Unsure if this wolf was safe, the party surrounded the rock. Arvaker took the lead, beginning to step closer to the rock. Noticing the wolf was barely more than a pup, Arvaker made sure his steps were loud enough to be heard, not wanting to startle the young wolf. The young wolf still didn't stir. He got all the way to her and tapped her with a paw. Oxide leapt up from her resting place, immediately noticing that she was surrounded by wolves. Arvaker introduced himself and asked for her name. Deciding this was a time to be honest (she might not survive if she wasn't), she told him. Arvaker sternly told her that this was Spirit Dwellers territory and it was bad form to enter without first presenting yourself to the alpha. Not giving her a choice, the party gathered their kill and took her back to the dens.
Oxide decided this place was as good as any to stay for a while, and so she asked for permission to stay from the alpha. Oxide spent her time hanging out with the adols in the pack, Hecate and Thanatos, sibling both training to be stalkers. Hecate was very fond of collecting acorns, and being the friendly wolf she was, did not suspect any dishonesty from Oxide. Everyday Oxide would steal a few of Hecate's acorns and then lie to the young wolf about where they went. One day Thanatos found Oxide's stash of stolen acorns. Angered by Oxide's lies Thanatos snarled and barked at Oxide, causing her to need to flee. Before she left, she made sure to grab the collection of acorns out of spite. She then high tailed it out of the pack's territory before Thanatos told his mother about what happened.
Current Owner: Skyllish #135345
(Log 2)
your pack name: Loving Earth
Arriving Date: Mar 15, 2024
Arriving stats: 408
Departure stats: 436
Decor added:
Lore: (Optional)
Eventually she happened upon stream, Oxide quickly rushed to it, relishing the thought of a refreshing drink. She padded over to the edge of the stream, shifting her weight to lower her head- and the world violently spun as she fell into the freezing cold water below.
Oxide thrashed violently to keep her head above water, but the stream was so, so cold, sapping the heat out of her body. She whimpered and barked, but she was all alone. All at once, she became oddly drowsy. She thought to herself that this was a horrible place to take a nap but she couldn't push away the sleep overtaking her. As she fell into a deep sleep, Oxide thought about her travels and her home. She always thought she would return someday.
When Oxide awoke her mind was muddied. Thoughts trickled in slowly, one at a time. Where was she? Was she dead? It took her some time to gather the energy to open her eyes. A warm glow instantly filled her vision. It was… fire! She struggled to her feet, her sore muscles protesting at the slightest movement. As Oxide rose, fur and skins that had been laid onto her fell off. She pulled herself to the small fire and savored the warmth returning to her body.
As Oxide settled herself down, she caught notice of a pair of eyes watching her from across the cave. His shaggy gray coat stood out against the dark cave walls. He regarded her silently with calm green eyes, assessing her. Oxide squirmed under his gaze. Was he the one who brought her here, or was he someone else looking for trouble? Oxide was in no shape to fight, that much was obvious. Suddenly he rose, padding over to her and just stopping short in front of her. Oxide growled, trying in vain to scare him off.
"No need to be so on edge, I am a friend." The wolf's voice was gentle and calming. "In fact, I'm the reason you're still alive!"
Oxide shifted anxiously, never taking her eyes off of him.
"Where am I?" She questioned." and who are you?"
"Within the Loving Earth's territory, in the forest. And I am Sleet, Loving Earth's herbalist. What's your name?" Sleet tilted his head to the side inquisitively.
Oxide frowned, his cheerfulness catching her off guard. "Why are you doing this for me?"
"Does kindness need a motive?" Sleet offered with a chuckle.
Her answer came almost instantly, "Yes."
The smile fell off of his face within seconds."Look. If you want, you can just leave." Sleet gestured to someplace behind her.
Oxide followed his gaze, it was the cave entrance. It was night and snowing hard. The landscape outside was nothing but white. Oxide shivered at the thought of going back out there. For a moment she considered her odds out in the blizzard but a second later Oxide came to her senses; she wasn't foolish enough to waltz straight into certain death.
Oxide sighed, "Where's the clan alpha?"
Sleet smiled again, "I'll show you! Can you walk?"
For the second time since she woke up Oxide felt pinned under an unfamiliar wolf's gaze. This time, however, it wasn't broken by a smile.
The Alpha couldn't have been much older than her yet he had a look in eyes that was beyond his years. He sat across from her, his blue eyes boring into her. Oxide found Sleet quite annoying but now she wished he hadn't left her alone with-
"Loam. Yours?" His voice was deep and rugged, sending an uncomfortable chill through her body.
"What?" Oxide startled at his sudden interruption of her thoughts.
"My name. Yours?" Loam was almost motionless as he spoke, save for the steady rise and fall of his chest as he took deep and steady breaths.
"Uh- Oxide."
Loam nodded knowingly, "Are you staying?"
Oxide paused, "I- Staying where?"
"With us."
Was this a trick question? She panted nervously before speaking, "Should I?"
Loam suddenly rose to his feet, causing Oxide to recoil, tucking her tail between her legs and lowering her head.
He regarded her with a hard scrutiny, "You're…odd. You can stay." and with that he turned and left.
Current Owner: (mudclover 19247)
(Log #3)
your pack name: Blu moon pack
Arriving Date: 3/28/24
Arriving stats:436
Departure stats:
Decor added: Heather Bundle
Lore: (Optional)
Current Owner: (Jay 🌈 (#136784))
(Log 4)
your pack name: Bento
Arriving Date: 4/16/24
Arriving stats: 466
Departure stats:
Decor added:
Lore: (Optional)
Current Owner: (🥓nostalgia #74699)
(Log 5)
Your pack name: Daiko Pack
Arriving Date: 5/10/24
Arriving stats: 456
Departure stats: 456
Decor added: Pasadena Oak Branch
"Hey there!" a voice boomed, barely contained. "I'm Loki, and this here is Buudah!" Loki grinned at Oxide's frightened look. "You look like you could use some cheering up!"
Oxide raised a brow. "Just passing through," she mumbled, her voice as flat as the prairie.
Buddha wagged his tail so hard his entire rear end seemed to wiggle. "Suit yourself, but if you change your mind, we're heading east to our pack."
A large dark grey wolf emerged from the brush with a low growl. He wasn't a fan of strangers, and Oxide was practically reeking of strange, unwanted, and trespassing. "Enough yapping," he rumbled. "State your business and move on." He stood tall, his appearance intimidating, along with his voice.
Loki nudged his brother with a snort. "Easy there," Loki said with a hint of submission. "We were just welcoming the new arrival." He turned back to Oxide, a cheerful glint in his eye. "Cmon Arostique, moooove." he urged.
Before Arostique could make up a comeback, a flash of cream fur hopped into the clearing. "Hi hi hi!" chirped a pup, barely more than a ball of fluff, her tail wagging like a turtle spinning on its shell. "You must be a traveler," the little wolf grinned. "I'm Frosty!"
Oxide, used to boisterous greetings, simply nodded. "Mhm."
Frosty, not accepting defeat, continued to push on. "Well, what's your name?" She grinned.
Oxide huffed. "It's Oxide."
Frosty shot a playful glare at her. "Lovely to meet you, Oxide! Are you lost? Bisanuu's den is this way!" Frosty hopped a few steps in the direction she pointed with her nose, then back to Oxide. "Unless you're not looking for our leader, of course. No pressure!"
Oxide couldn't help but offer a kind smile at the pup's enthusiasm. "Lead the way, Frosty."
The journey to Bisannu's den was punctuated only by Frosty's endless chatter about the perks of the pack and the kindness of their leader. When they finally arrived, two imposing figures blocked their path. Arostique, the wolf they had met a mile or two back, his dark grey fur bristling, let out a low growl. Beside him stood an unusual pink and purple wolf with a touch of white.
"Why are you here?" Arostique snarled. "What brings you to our territory?"
Oxide raised an eyebrow. "Just looking for a place to rest my tired bones for a night or two," she said, holding back her laughter. "Heard your pack leader's a real softie for travelers," a slight smirk plastered on her face.
Arostique's fur bristled even more. He opened his mouth to retort, but a deep huff cut him off. Bisannu emerged from her den, her pregnant stomach swaying gently with each step. Her white undercoat, covered with black fur, added a touch of elegance to her imposing figure.
"Arostique, calm down please," Bisannu said softly, her voice firm but laced with exhaustion. Arostique whined and lowered his head, nuzzling Bisannu's muzzle apologetically.
Bisannu turned to Oxide, sending a sweet smile toward her. "Traveler, is it?" Bisannu sat beside Arostique. "You seem to have quite a way with words!" She giggled, glancing at Arostique's obviously annoyed face. "Welcome to our pack, for now." Arostique scoffed. "Ozark, Arostique, show her to the traveler's den."
Ozark puffed out his chest, clearly pleased with the attention, and spoke with a condescending tone. "Just follow me," he winked at Oxide. Arostique, still disgruntled but clearly respecting his partner's judgment, mumbled something about being discouraged. Bisannu gave him a gentle nudge. "Just be nice," she whispered.
Ozark was the one who kept conversation with Oxide; Arostique simply ignored her, probably for the best though. "Here we are!" Ozark said enthusiastically.
"Thank you," Oxide replied.
"Well, we better let you get some rest," Bisannu had said you can stay for one day." Arostique and Ozark made their way out, leaning on each other as Ozark laughed loudly.
Oxide sighed. "This is more tiring than I thought it would be," she yawned, snuggling up into a corner of the den. She couldn't sleep though; her thoughts were racing. The sound of little paws tapping the floor interrupted her thoughts. Oxide lay still, awaiting the little pup. Surprisingly, all the pup did was lay down. Oxide drifted off not long after.
Use your imagination, she woke up, gained a role, met a few more pack members, then left!

Current Owner: Resse #62154
(Log #6)
your pack name: Mishka okami pack
Arriving Date: 12/6/24
Arriving stats: 456
Departure stats:25/5/24
Decor added:
Lore: (Optional)
Current Owner: AsclepiusorAcekhaos #139354
(Log #)
your pack name: Khaos Omens
Arriving Date: 5/27/24
Arriving stats: STR: 126, SPD: 125, AGI: 97, WIS: 51, SMR: 69(hehe, nice), TOTAL: 468
Departure stats: N/A
Decor added: Elbow Tufts [Tyrian Purple], Scattered Bones, Northern Red Oak Sapling
Lore: (Optional)
Decorations and Background |
None equippedDecorations
None equipped!
None equipped!