Frostbite is a killer. Born and raised deep in the forest, her pack was similar to a cult; they worshipped their founder, tried to recruit others and no-one questioned their leadership. Utter loyalty was expected on pain of death, and when their leader picked Frostbite as an assassin her parents did nothing to protect her, celebrating her fate.
She trained well, but she hated it. Her teachers were cruel, and going on missions was scarring. Frostbite started questioning the truth of her pack and found it wanting. One night she snapped at her worst teacher and tore out her throat; this is the only kill she actually made, though she assisted in the deaths of others. She fled and found the Snow Sparks, and ever since she has stayed there with no desire to leave their boundaries. She has ventured out a bit over the years as her fears faded, but at her age aching joints and tiredness have made her uninterested in exploring. For the most part she's content to track prey for the stronger, younger hunters while she chats with Palefire. Tragically, she was too weak to fight off a cough from winter's chill and died within a week.