Glacial remembers their father, uncle, and mother. Those wolves are long gone now, but Glacial remembers so clearly. Coldsnap could create ice out of thin air, and so could Inferno, but with fire. Fritillary appeared amid a blizzard with no recollection of anything, as if emerging from the blinding snow itself. Even Glacial's grandmother, Niveous, could sense the aura and power of every living creature. What an odd family to be born into. Glacial pondered what they had at their disposal. It seemed to be nothing. That was until a cryptid threatened the Snowfall Sett. Glacial remembers it, lunging for them. Teeth and claws. They had braced to greet the Sun until a grotesque snap was heard. Twisting vines of sharp thorns had the thing bound and broken. Dying. The terrified looks of the wolves around them still burn in Glacial's mind. But hey, at least Glacial finally had the answer they wanted.