Gentle Fiadh was destined for a life of suffering.
Born to royal-blooded Queen Vistula Ava'al and wildkyn father Áḳï the Ancestor, Fiadh was an instant favourite, and the strongest of the queen's last litter. Everything indicated that the next era of peace and prosperity will continue to reign through her in Yliaster. Then one night in mid-spring, when Fiadh had barely learned to walk on her four paws, her father Áḳï was murdered by a gang of co-conspirators - enemies of the Ava'al clan and the recently condemned General Eydís of Varngaard. Yliaster was now without a King, and little Fiadh without a father. Following this tragedy, an uprising among the wildkyn faction occured in reaction to their leader's murder. Chaos ensued. Fiadh and her siblings were brought by the Queen and her close family to Lyfjaberg, to be under the care and protection of the Lyfja wolves while the Ava'al clan and their allies went off to wage war... Fiadh's future as the heir to Yliaster was now uncertain. Will the Stellan bloodline survive the war, or will the dynasty come to a brutal end?
Adulthood: As soon as Fiadh reached maturity, the new wildkyn leader, Loker, took his chance and snatched the princess away to Storm's Nest. He had been watching over her during her adolescence, and the two had gone on scouting expeditions quite a few times, but no one was sure about the nature of their relationship. After the sudden death of her father, and the war that ravaged her home, Fiadh became quiet and withdrawn. Rumours began to spread - and her mother, Queen Vistula, was not comfortable with how much time her daughter spent with Loker. The wildkyn had by then remained neutral, however, soon a new deal was presented to Vistula. Should she agree to give her daughter away to become Loker's bride, the wildkyn would help defeat the Oathbreakers. Until then, Fiadh would remain in Storm's Nest, never to see her family again... And thus unable to become the next Queen of Yliaster.
Two years later, Fiadh would attempt to begin peace talks between the wildkyn and Yliastrians. Accompanied by her bodyguard (and secret lover) Sage, the princess made her way south, where her childhood friends and blood relatives had migrated to since the Wildkyn War began.
She was met with mixed reactions. Some wept at the sight of her and welcomed her with kisses and hugs, reminiscing over memories and updating on subsequent life changes... Others greeted her with suspicion and doubt, cold gazes and even bared teeth. The king himself was of the latter persuasion, and during Fiadh's year-long stay, the rest of the pack - including former friends and family - conformed. They began to avoid her, or if they could not avoid her, spoke little. Fiadh was grateful for Sage, without whom she would have felt very lonely and hurt. Sage was treated differently than her, having the top-secret role of an Yliastrian spy, his position was seen as a "job" and a "necessary evil", easier to understand than Fiadh's reluctance to denounce the wildkyn, permanently return home or even overthrow King Tingstad who had claimed the right to rule Yliaster in her abscence. So it came to be that Fiadh, unable to reach common ground with the Clans herself, charged her bodyguard to act on her behalf. However, Sage was better equipped as a spy - an unassuming, peaceful wolf who had a knack for blending in and avoiding attention. He was no public speaker, fighter or leader.
Thus, the two wolves headed back home to Storm's Nest. Their diplomatic mission was declared a failure, as no real progress was made, but Fiadh would not give up so easily. She would think of something, she vowed.
Inherited her mother's mud skin & nose, white butcher marking.
Inherited most of her father's markings.
During the lesson: Fiadh waited patiently for the right moment while observing a mouse, and she caught it in one smooth movement. With her skills improving that quickly, Étgudach Ava'al could already see Fiadh's future as a mighty hunter.
During the lesson: Relying on smell won't always help you find your way, and Fiadh listened to Mínscoth Mhór's lecture about using the position of the sun and the moon when scouting. Fiadh couldn't wait to test her skills.