~Story of Sequoia~
Sequoia was watching her father, Sycamore, as he spoke to the returning hunters. "This is all the prey you found?! We have pups and pregnant she-wolves to feed." The young hunter looked down at the rabbit he caught "I understand alpha..." The hunter spoke in a submissive tone while lowering his head. Sycamore growls and leaps on the large boulder in the center of camp. "Due to our prey shortage and winter approaching, only pups, mothers, and myself can eat. Perhaps this will teach you hunters to get more skill and hunt better if you want to eat too." Sequoia sighs and walks toward where two other pups were playing.
Nighthawk pins Caribou "Ha! Got you!" Caribou "Oof... Nighthawk... We were racing not playing hunter and prey." Both look as Sequoia walks over. "My father is a stubborn old loner! Why should he be even considered a leader?! Nothing he does is fair!" Sequoia said in an annoyed tone. "Easy Sequoia. Remember Sycamore said you'll take his place when you come of age. We can change things then. Together." Caribou said in a reassuring tone. Nighthawk nodded and spoke in a sharp yet calm tone "We will lead and make this clearing a camp for our pack. All three of us leading as one." Sequoia sighs "Your right. But we have a lot of growing up to do first."