Empire Chaser (Orignally precise)
First litter - 3 (unnested, 2 died)
Second - 4
Severina notices you and starts some small talk. They don't seem to care about your responses, instead preferring to hear themselves talk. As they ramble on, they pass something your way without pausing. 1x Quail Carcass, 1x Gull Carcass, 1x Stoat Carcass!
Severina responds to your questions in a friendly manner, but it's clear that they enjoy their time alone. *2
Severina is stretched out in the shade, enjoying some time to themselves. They greet you cordially.
Severina and Karmen decided to enjoy time swimming together.
Severina and Phomialva took time to look for useful things to bring back to the pack. *2
Severina and Seltzer return deep in conversation about their preferred chasing techniques. *2
You're surprised that Severina remembers each tiny detail and time of various events. You never focus on those things, but at least someone does!