Revukan does not speak about what he was running from when Tala found him, looking lost in the middle of the woods. What he will however gladly talk about are all the plans he has for the pack he ended up founding in the Mountains, with Ynoth.
Revukan is an ambitious dreamer. He wants to build out a strong, legendary pack, or at least the foundations for one, and he has various opinions on how this should be done. He ventures out of Fen’s home territory a lot, to explore other regions and talk to other wolves and packs, forging bonds and sharing wisdom.
The pack knows their alpha by his boundless energy and his never-ending list of tasks to be done. He sometimes seems a bit aloof to them, not really being on their level and sometimes coming off as overly controlling. Deep down, he’s not always sure he’s being a good leader and likes to consult wise wolves from within and without Fen, to ask about leading methods. He also sometimes forgets that his packmates aren’t just mindless muscle to be commandeered, and luckily he has Ynoth to remind him that independence is a great trait in a wolf, whether they’re doing jobs for their own or for a pack.

(art by Liz #16243)