Autumn was part of an unwanted litter of pups that the pack herbalist had, the leader of her pack decided that once the pups became a year old they'll have to leave because they didn't have room for them, so Autumn and her siblings grew up knowing that they will leave at a year old, and they were all okay with it, some of them were excited, Autumn was okay with it, there was no point to be sad because it was inevitable, the only thing she was worried about was that she would have to cross the desert to get to proper land to live in, and finding a new pack to live in, but soon the time came, she was a year old, so she set off on her own, and she crossed the desert stopping to drink out of any puddle she could find until she reached the Prairie, she was excited, she was prancing around in the long grass, and then someone called out to her, she stopped immediately and looked over to who called to her, a gray wolf came runing and hopping over to her, "Hey! let me join you!" said the gray wolf, thay started jumping around together, intel thay got tired and Autumn asked "who are you?" the gray wolf then introduced herself as Blackfang and the leader of a pack, "oh, well you know, im actually in the market for a pack right now" Autumn said, Blackfang then perked up and offered for her to join, and Autumn did.
Autumn is now a pupsitter, and is happily settled in.